Derailed Train Carrying Many Carloads Of Poly Vinyl Chloride Was Detonated On Purpose In Palestine Ohio

Henry Makow
Jim Stone
Environmental disaster intentionally caused by federal government - a derailed train carrying many carloads of Poly vinyl chloride was detonated on purpose in Palestine Ohio.
That's the last thing you'd ever want to do, that substance, when not cured (as was the case) is probably the worst carcinogen known to man. I think "they" wanted to cause a huge disaster so they derailed the train on purpose, and then for no conceivable reason put explosives on the tanks and blew them up on purpose.
Right in the middle of the most prime farm land in the country.. That's a clear and obvious act of war waged on the United states by the government.
obviously, the worst enemy of the United States is it's own government, stolen elections have consequences, and this is proof.
This "weather system" is in fact the worst toxic waste known to man, put into the sky by the government of the United States. The environmental destruction will be incalculable. And this is not even being picked up by the MSM.
The reason given for blowing the train cars up was because they were afraid they might explode.

Here is what it looks like in a neighboring town

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