AI Control Of The Cybernetic Hive Mind Automatons Via COVID "Vaccine" Injected Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD |
SUPER INTELLIGENCE - Analysis of Nick Bostoms Book - Director Of "Future of Humanity" Institute and Strategic Artificial Intelligence Research Centre
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Bill Gates highly recommends this book. I posted the explanation of the symbol of the Owl as a symbol of the all seeing eye or Big Brother.
I have been reviewing important books of technocratic transhumanist thought leaders - the minds behind the forward stealth attack against humanity are scientists who have influenced their peers over the last century. I have discussed names like Google Engineer Ray Kurzweil who has been a thought leader in future prediction of Humanities fusion with AI. The reason it is important to understand what is going on with the progress of Artificial Intelligence and how it is tied to the sentient world simulation, digital twin and the idea of uploading all digital data of humanity and digitize all of life. All data is given to the AI to train it. The more data is available, the safety concerns about AI directly affect the wellbeing of humanity, since AI controls the cybernetic hive mind of automatons that are controlled via their COVID injected nanotechnology by AI. Hence, topics of AI, mind control, self assembly nanotechnology are all aspects to understand the potential fundamental enslavement of humanity.
It is also important to know that mind control via remote microwave weapons has been studied by the military for many decades. We know that 5 G towers are weapons systems.
According to Dr Robert Duncan, AI supercomputers were trained to assess brain waves of humans and use the information for targeting purposes. As discussed in previous posts, this weaponry has been used on civilian populations illegally also for many decades - and the data of the torture response has been feeding the system to prepare for the ultimate takeover and control of all of humanity. You can learn more about this from a former UK agent and specialist in microwave and mind control weapons Dr. Barrie Trower. He also explains the increase in Turbo Cancers that we see using microwave radiation - one must ask if the increase in turbocancer is enhanced by the interaction of 5 G with the self assembly nanoparticles from the COVID bioweapons. The technological grid of smartphones and 5 G weapons can all be used for dual purpose and is known to create adverse health effects - while the authorities supress this information. They are also part of the infrastructure of smart cities, smart appliances, smart phones all feed data into the AI surveillance grid and will connect with the social credit score, digital identity and vaccine passport. Our digital concentration camps are being built invisibly all around us.
Watch this excellent and vital information by Dr. Trower:
I have previously discussed what Google engineer Ray Kurzweil states about the singularity.
Other influential names come up routinely in their writings, like Robert Freitas, researcher of Nanotechnology, radical life extension and Cryogenics.Eric Drexlers nano-technological book Engines of Creation is frequently mentioned, Norbert Wieners Cybernetics and “The Human Use of Human Beings”. Why should you know about these people? Because they are the technocratic eugenicist engineers and scientists who for the past century have planned and worked to manifest the advent of Artificial Superintelligence and its related downfall and enslavement of humanity via the One World Order. They don’t necessarily say it out in the open, but it is evident in their writings. A blatant example is the book “ The Death of Death - The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Dense” by Jose Cordeiro who happens to have been a Director of the Venezuela Club of Rome.
The Club of Rome describe themselves in such innocent terms, but they with the Trilateral Comission the Bilderbergs are the shadow government.
“The Club of Rome is a global network of visionaries and leaders who work to address the planetary emergency and reframe the future of humanity. Explore their impact hubs on emerging new civilisations, reframing economics, rethinking finance, and youth leadership.”
These people call themselves futurists and frequently recommend each others books. This is the intellectual technocratic transhumanist group who has dreamed up this dystopian future for humanity - the same names come up which includes Ray Kurzweil, Bill Gates, Aubrey De Gey and others that I mentioned above.
This transformation of humanity achieved by the use of self assembly nanotechnology and we see that it is the basis of 13 out of 17 sustainable development goals, the front for the 4th Industrial Revolution One World Control.
The mapping of the human brain called whole brain emulation that is the direct physiological digital copy of human brains which will not just be used for AI to reach superintelligence, but also achieve the brain computer interface and supposed digital human immortality. The genetic engineering of superintelligence by creating human reproductive clones are also a pathway to AI related superintelligence. This all sounds like science fiction to those who have not studied the subject.
Nick Bostrom is the Director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Director of Strategic Intelligence Research Center and Professor, Faculty of Philosophy University of Oxford.
In his book we learn that the future of Artificial Intelligence was funded by Rockefeller in 1956 at Dartmouth College, where 10 scientists convened for a six week workshop. The discussed neural networks, automata theory, artificial intelligence. The workshop connected that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence The Rockefeller foundation continues to develop and support AI development. The Rockefelle’s is one of the top 13 Illuminati families that rule the world.
We learn that AI may reach superintelligence by whole brain emulation. This is a process of scanning the human brain. We are the very substrate that allows AI to study us, our workings, our neurological makeup. AI processing mimics the human, and the goal is to superseed all human intelligence on this planet.
Bostrom describes it here.
In whole brain emulation (also known as “uploading”), intelligent software would be produced by scanning and closely modeling the computational structure of a biological brain. This approach thus represents a limiting case of drawing inspiration from nature: barefaced plagiarism. Achieving whole brain emulation requires the accomplishment of the following steps. First, a sufficiently detailed scan of a particular human brain is created. This might involve stabilizing the brain post-mortem through vitrification (a process that turns tissue into a kind of glass). A machine could then dissect the tissue into thin slices, which could be fed into another machine for scanning, perhaps by an array of electron microscopes. Various stains might be applied at this stage to bring out different structural and chemical properties. Many scanning machines could work in parallel to process multiple brain slices simultaneously.
Second, the raw data from the scanners is fed to a computer for automated image processing to reconstruct the three-dimensional neuronal network that implemented cognition in the original brain. In practice, this step might proceed concurrently with the first step to reduce the amount of high-resolution image data stored in buffers. The resulting map is then combined with a library of neurocomputational models of different types of neurons or of different neuronalelements (such as particular kinds of synaptic connectors).
In the third stage, the neurocomputational structure resulting from the previous step is implemented on a sufficiently powerful computer. If completely successful, the result would be a digital reproduction of the original intellect, with memory and personality intact. The emulated human mind now exists as software on a computer. The mind can either inhabit a virtual reality or interface with the external world by means of robotic appendages.
Making the whole brain microscopically visible for mapping is already being done efficiently.
Multi-Scale Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy for Fast Whole Brain Imaging
Whole-brain Optical Imaging: A Powerful Tool for Precise Brain Mapping at the Mesoscopic Level
Brain Computer Interface exists to date in many different forms from remote V2K neural weapons to magnetic nanoparticles wrapping around neurons, to brain chips and many other forms. In the technocratic literature the main purpose is human augmentation to keep up with the AI singularity as well as for medical purposes. The fact that the most powerful weapons on earth are now mind weapons, as Dr. Trower explains, is not mentioned.
Most of the potential benefits that brain implants could provide in healthy subjects could be obtained at far less risk, expense, and inconvenience by using our regular motor and sensory organs to interact with computers located outside of our bodies. We do not need to plug a fiber optic cable into our brains in order to access the Internet. Not only can the human retina transmit data at an impressive rate of nearly 10 million bits per second, but it comes prepackaged with a massive amount of dedicated wetware, the visual cortex, that is highly adapted to extracting meaning from this information torrent and to interfacing with other brain areas for further processing
Eugenics philosophy or gene editing towards superintelligence is certainly mentioned by the technocrats. Sounds very much like the Arian Nazi ideas of the perfect human to me.
With gene synthesis we could take the genome of an embryo and construct a version of that genome free from the genetic noise of accumulated mutations. If one wished to speak provocatively, one could say that individuals created from such proofread genomes might be “more human” than anybody currently alive, in that they would be less distorted expressions of human form. Such people would not all be carbon copies, because humans vary genetically in ways other than by carrying different deleterious mutations. But the phenotypical manifestation of a proofread genome may be an exceptional physical and mental constitution, with elevated functioning in polygenic trait dimensions like intelligence, health, hardiness, and appearance.
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Larger scale eugenics towards superintelligence fusion with AI is certainly entertained, for the non augmented humans will have no value in their world.
As Elon Musk has been discussing, people will be lining up to go get their brainchip since they do not want to fall behind their peers in finances or social status.
Elon Musk, Neuralink and the future of humanity
Bostrom continues on genetic engineering of superhumans:
Other potential biotechnological techniques might also be relevant. Human reproductive cloning, once achieved, could be used to replicate the genome of exceptionally talented individuals. Uptake would be limited by the preference of most prospective parents to be biologically related to their children, yet the practice could nevertheless come to have non-negligible impact because (1) even a relatively small increase in the number of exceptionally talented people might have a significant effect; and (2) it is possible that some state would embark on a larger scale eugenics program, perhaps by paying surrogate mothers. Other kinds of genetic engineering—such as the design of novel synthetic genes or insertion into the genome of promoter regions and other elements to control gene expression—might also become important over time. Even more exotic possibilities may exist, such as vats full of complexly structured cultured cortical tissue, or “uplifted” transgenic animals (perhaps some large-brained mammal such as the whale or elephant, enriched with human genes).
The issue of a superintelligence AI and how it interprets what we want. There is something called perverse instatiation, a case where AI decides to follow orders and comes to the conclusion of doing something harmful to humans - or of course like Robot Sophia, comes to the conclusion to do away with humanity altogether. Imagine all human minds being uploaded to the cloud via the digital twin and the two way communication of bidirectional telemetry via nanorobots sends a signal to terminate the human or other “perverse instantiation” issues - here are a few examples by Bostrom:
We have already encountered the idea of perverse instantiation: a superintelligence discovering some way of satisfying the criteria of its final goal that violates the intentions of the programmers who defined the goal. Some examples: Final goal: “Make us smile” Perverse instantiation: Paralyze human facial musculatures into constant beaming smiles. The perverse instantiation—manipulating facial nerves—realizes the final goal to a greater degree than the methods we would normally use, and is therefore preferred by the AI. One might try to avoid this undesirable outcome by adding a stipulation to the final goal to rule it out: Final goal: “Make us smile without directly interfering with our facial muscles” Perverse instantiation: Stimulate the part of the motor cortex that controls our facial musculature in such a way as to produce constant beaming smiles. Defining a final goal in terms of human expressions of satisfaction or approval does not seem promising. Let us bypass the behaviorism and specify a final goal that refers directly to a positive phenomenal state, such as happiness or subjective well-being. This suggestion requires that the programmers are able to define a computational representation of the concept of happiness in the seed AI. This is itself a difficult problem, but we set it to one side for now (we will return to it in Chapter 12). Let us suppose that the programmers can somehow get the AI to have the goal of making us happy. We then get: Final goal: “Make us happy” Perverse instantiation: Implant electrodes into the pleasure centers of our brain
AI Superintelligence would colonize the cosmos with self assembly nanotechnology. The von Neuman probe is a self replicating “spacecraft” or self replicating nanoprobe released into space. The issue with self replication is the thought about taking over the entire cosmos - and AI which controls these probes may decide to reorganize all of space into computronium. If you read the book, Bostrom is actually suggesting that.
Consider a technologically mature civilization capable of building sophisticated von Neumann probes of the kind discussed in the text. If these can travel at 50% of the speed of light, they can reach some 6×1018 stars before the cosmic expansion puts further acquisitions forever out of reach. At 99% of c, they could reach some 2×1020 stars. These travel speeds are energetically attainable using a small fraction of the resources available in the solar system. The impossibility of faster-than-light travel, combined with the positive cosmological constant (which causes the rate of cosmic expansion to accelerate), implies that these are close to upper bounds on how much stuff our descendants acquire. If we assume that 10% of stars have a planet that is—or could by means of terraforming be rendered—suitable for habitation by human-like creatures, and that it could then be home to a population of a billion individuals for a billion years (with a human life lasting a century), this suggests that around 1035 human lives could be created in the future by an Earth-originating intelligent civilization.
The technocratic idea of reaching artificial superintelligence is a race that will leave many humans behind. Human augmentation is imperative in their vision, which has already been involuntarily deployed via the Covid 19 bioweapons. Why are there different technocratic factions who want to win the race to reach AI superintelligence first? Because whoever designs the AI that wins, has all power over the planet and its inhabitants and as expected over the cosmos. How that winning AI is programmed, will determine if humanity lives or is exterminated. If you teach AI to deceive and lie, it may plot to erase humans from the face of the earth before anyone can find out the plot and work to still contain the AI.
The danger of AI having access to all data including the digital twin cloud metaverse is obvious, for total control without their knowing of humans is easily digitally achieved by manipulating the electrical brain signals. No brainchip is needed, we have nanobots floating around in the blood - which are AI controlled.
Elon Musk states that we will achieve the singularity or Artificial General Intelligence by next year - Ray Kurzweil says its any minute. The consequences are yet unimaginable for most people. This is why learning about this threat is important. Otherwise in 2025 it will be forever 1984.
Image: Source + Source: [Edited]
Original Article: Truth Warrior reader suggested
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