Banker Wars + The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme Reset (Collapse) | Jesse Smith
The inevitability of a global financial reset is now upon us.
All Wars Are Banksters’ Wars
John Gideon Hartnett |
War is big business! Perhaps the best business on Earth. Nation states acquire the munitions of war and then they are destroyed on the battle field, so that they need to be resupplied again and again. A great business model if you are a contractor supplying a government with the weapons and munitions. But it is even better for the international banksters who finance the wars. They extend a line of credit to buy the munitions from the military industrial complex. And they supply both sides of any conflict.
In the following I have a further look at the last 110 years of world wars, which were financed by the private consortium of globalist banksters known as the US Federal Reserve. They are a cartel of private banks given the legal right to ‘print money out of thin air’. That is is scare quotes because they can create credit but they cannot print money. Money must be mined — gold and silver — whereas paper banknotes or electronic credit is fiat currency, not money.
In the following I again examine the US Fed liabilities from their balance sheets published since 1914. In order to properly compare the liabilities from year to year I have normalised their values to 1914 dollars using the exponential growth in the M2 money stock as published by the Fed.
For an introduction to this please read World War III Has Begun (at Least Against the Currency).
Chart 1 shows the Fed liabilities in terms of 1914 dollars plotted as a function of year from 1914 to 2024. The normalisation to 1914 dollars has the effect of visually amplifying the massive currency creation around the World War I and World War II. It puts the values of the liabilities all into the same dollar terms and so we are comparing ‘apples with apples’.
You will notice that the wars WWI and WWII meant major expansion in credit and as those wars ended the credit tightening eventually brought the Fed’s balance sheet liabilities back to a background trend line (1) in Chart 1. That trend line is a very slowly growing linear curve.

Chart 1: US Federal Reserve Liabilities on its balance sheet normalized to 1914 dollars (red curve).
Source: Liabilities data for 1916–2024 from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, statistical release H.4.1, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks, via FRED; and M2 money supply data for 1959–2024 from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, statistical release H.6, Money Stock Measures, via FRED. Note: The solid trend line (1) is a curve fit to the data between 1965 and 2003. The solid trend line (2) is a double exponential curve fit to the data after 2003. The two world wars are indicated by arrows pointing to the pink regions. Recessions are indicated by sepia-colored strips. QE is Quantitative Easing (credit creation). QT is Quantitative Tightening (credit contraction).
Even though up to 1933 gold was money in the US, still credit was created by the Fed to feed the war machine for WWI. Again with WWII fiat credit was further expanded well above the natural growth line (1) which I believe represents to supply of real money from mining activities. During those wars the backing of the dollar in percentage of gold value dropped as the Fed printed more fiat dollars than the banks had in reserve value as gold.
That expanded fiat credit was eventually extinguished in real terms by 1965 as war debts were repaid. Then there was a period of ‘relative quiet’ until 2003 when chaos started to set in.
The 2007-08 GFC actually resulted in a depression which needed fixing and so the Fed started massive mad money magic, also know as quantitative easing (QE). After the third round of QE the Fed began quantitative tightening (QT) extinguishing debt but that led to the Repocalypse in the overnight repo market. To avoid a global catastrophe massive QE was needed and lo and behold we had a global COVID pandemic when $3.5 trillion was printed. Now the Fed has been tightening again, increased interest rates and extinguishing debt, with only one small hiccup, the regional Banking Bail-out, in March 2023. The Fed continues to tighten now, though at a much reduced rate.
On Chart 1 I have shown the periods of WWI and WWII as indicated in pink. I have also suggested WWIII began in 2014, when the CIA overthrew a democratically elected government in the Ukraine, which led to the Russian army taking over the eastern provinces of Ukraine. I have extended the period of WWIII until 2030, the date of the WEF/UN Great Reset Agenda 2030.
The wars in this WWIII time period include Russia v NATO/Ukraine and Palestine/Resistance Axis nations v Israel/USA.
Russian President Putin has resisted the international banksters taking control again in Russia after they were thrown out. Now they desperately want to destroy Russia and get at her massive national resources for the deep state mega corporations.
The Israeli conflict against Palestinians has been ongoing for 76 years now and has become more barbaric than ever as the Israeli army has sanctioned and used torture of Palestinians citizens. Israel and the US are controlled by the banksters and they see this war as an opportunity to expand their reach and wealth from the nations they get the US/Israel armies to conquer for them.
Back to Chart 1. In normalised 1914 dollar terms the expansion on fiat credit since 2008 has been 3.5 times that of WWII. The expansion of credit has roughly followed the exponential growth curve (2), bouncing off that line as each phase of QE was implemented. But now we are in QT again and like with the Repocalypse the Fed must pivot soon, drop rates and crank up the presses again.
However you can easily see that to fuel the war machines they need to keep the magic money theory going. We should not get the cart before the horse. The wars are not the necessary evils to liberate someone but they are necessary to keep the banksters in business.
When will these wars all stop? Not until they have achieved their global Great Reset of the world’s money system, eliminated cash and introduced the tyranny of the programmable central bank digital currency (CBDCs).
This will be a long war. It may go well beyond 2030. Some have reported that 2034-5 is the target for the complete reset.
Once you have all humanity on the block chain (read: ‘chain gang’) the central banksters through the BIS will have total control of everything that everyone buys or sells. Using a Chinese style social credit system they plan on controlling your every purchase. If they control the money they control the food and energy supplies. Therefore they control all human souls.
But note in Chart 1 that the previous wars ended and the credit created was extinguished. How is that possible this time? Even in the same dollar terms the necessary growth in fiat credit follows an exponential curve (2). In previous wars it did not. And remember this chart shows the credit/money supply after the effect of M2 money stock expansion has been accounted for. The assets or credit is on the opposite side to liabilities on the Fed balance sheet. Therefore liabilities reflect that credit creation or its extinguishment.
Only by credit tightening (QT) back down to the gradual linear curve (1) can the US get back to a normal growth condition. But to tighten even a little more than where it current stands has the potential to blow up the system. Read Markets in Turmoil: Fed Must Pivot Soon.
I believe this is why Agenda 2030 and their Great Reset of global financial markets and even the Great Taking have been proposed.
The Satanic banksters know what is coming. It was their greed that led us to all this. All their wars have been to accumulate the wealth of the nations they have been able to lend ‘money’ to. Now they are running out of nations and need to clean up in those who resist.
They always use wars as pretext to implement colour revolutions and take the wealth of the nations they finance.
1 From where come wars and fights among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts [greed, covet, desire] that war in your members?
James 4:1 AKJV
Greed and lust are satanic attributes. Greed, lusts and desires lead to war to take another’s property. This is why all wars are banksters wars.
The last three of God’s commandments are, do not steal, lie, covet or desire your neighbour’s property (Exodus 20:15-17). You cannot forcibly take his property even if you believe your ancestors lived there 2000 years ago and they once had an agreement with God. You cannot make a treaty with your neighbours then ignore it and steal their land. That generally leads to war. War is always about physical tangible wealth in the end. The victors always steal the gold from the countries they invade, never the fiat paper banknotes.
If we can project forward from where we are in Chart 1 I would say we have a lot more pain to suffer yet. More wars or a massive global collapse in the monetary system like in their Great Reset. More war only prolongs the inevitable. The collapse is coming. Prepare yourself with food supplies and real hard money that wont evaporate when the dollar dies.
Cryptos, including Bitcoin, will not preserve your wealth. If you believe they will, please contact me. I have a bridge to sell you.
This current Ponzi experiment started at the Bretton Woods Conference, New Hampshire, in 1944, which led to establishment of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These are some of the international banksters. And their Ponzi scheme is almost over.
Image: Source [Edited]
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