Damaged People, Rotten Standards: Anatomy of Decline

The “new normal” has snuck up on us; people and standards have declined.
The Expose | Rhoda Wilson
If we look around, we’ll see many working-age people struggling with basic tasks, and a great decline in standards.
The corporate media is suggesting that one in every ten people who’s had “omicron” [no such thing] ends up with “long covid,” which nowadays seems to be the establishment term to describe all chronic illnesses, as well as injury from “vaccines.”
The official rates of autism and dementia are also growing at a pace that is incompatible with a functioning society, and so the “great resetters” are in a great hurry to replace us with bots and “save the day.”
The suffering and the decline in health are very real and heartbreaking.
Mainstream medicine, on the other hand, is in decline – preoccupied mostly with selling establishment talking points and Pharma drugs.
Tessa Lena | Mercola.com
Defining the Problem
The “new normal” has snuck up on us. No, there are no big screens broadcasting the babble of Klaus Schwab, dressed up as Ze Big Bro. There is no CBDC for the peasants and no climate lockdowns – not yet. But the “new normal” is here because the people have been eaten into. You can see it in their faces.
Many of the less resilient ones have checked out. The so-called “new normal” is, in fact, a lack of any kind of a rational or honourable baseline in people’s heads. There are no standards, no accountability, just a Kafkaesque free fall, wrapped in politically correct words.
After a very long time of physical poisoning, soul stomping, social decline, and erosion of standards – followed by three years of deliberate torment – many people have just shut down. Gone inside. Brought their baseline to a very low level so as to feel “normal” in a world that is anything but.
On my end, I’ve been noticing signs of decline and Soviet-like absurdity in the US ever since 2001. But before 2020 it was subtler: TSA (okay, maybe not so subtle when it comes to the TSA), a rude customer service representative here and there, dirty public bathrooms, paranoia-installing announcements on the train to “see something, say something,” and so on. But today, the “glitter curtain” is off, and the subtlety is all but gone!
Social engineering takes time. It takes at least a full generation to create a solid shift toward a new psychological mode. And that is what happened. Today, the people who were born after 2001 are no longer kids but young adults. The aspirating masters have been working on shifting people’s values from “proud consumer individualism” to “fear-driven subservience” for at least two decades – and the result of their trickery is here.
Not Being Able to Work
In addition to the psychological shift, there is also a visible shift in people’s ability to work:
I see it everywhere. The standards are in the toilet. Nobody has the energy to care. The delivery people don’t look you in the eye, they just throw the stuff on the floor and hurry off. Younger cashiers also often don’t look you in the eye and don’t respond to greetings. Packages get destroyed, stolen, and lost. Tracking doesn’t work. Censorship algorithms are a black box that you can’t argue with.
Asking people to think is perceived as an arrogant insult or a personal attack. Thinking is, in fact, “snotty.” And have you seen those “stay away” damaged teens on the train with empty, mentally challenged eyes? They have been damaged perhaps irreparably; they are not there. Can’t reach. So many people you just can’t reach.
They don’t feel well and they can’t think. Asking them to act alive is asking them for too much. It is pushing the envelope. Their bodies are dragging, their brains aren’t working, and all they want is a metaphorical lollypop.When No One Can Work, What Will We Do? Tessa Lena, 31 May 2023
Speaking of brains not working, please take a look at this tweet by a – yes, lying and treacherous but nonetheless – “reputable” magazine:

And perhaps it is petty of me to say this but the featured “reader response” here is worse than the headline. The headline could be due to a lack of knowledge of basic geography, which is nothing new – but the response is just odd due to its machine-like structure and its robotic feel. It is as if a soul thief has stolen aliveness out of everybody. Seriously, who talks like this? ChatGPT? Oh, wait …
Redefining Chronic Disease
Here’s a preview of what’s to come.
The mainstream media talks about “long covid,” and how “1 in every 10 people who got Omicron ends up with long covid,” etc. What I think we are really witnessing is the “long prep” work to set up a “long golden goose” for pretending to treat chronic illness – a goose that can be goosed and milked by Mr. Big Investor for a very long time! (Can you milk a goose? If it’s a GMO goose, then yes.)
Chronic illness is the real elephant in the room. What’s actually happening, in my opinion, is that the people can no longer handle the toxic load. The poison is too much. The overabundant poisons are spilling over and triggering all sorts of persistent imbalances that a healthy body can ordinarily handle and regulate – but not when it’s under a perpetual toxic attack.
We are looking at a combination of massive physical and spiritual toxicity. People are spiritually abused, physically harmed, psychologically corrupted, brainwashed into adopting very low standards of personal responsibility (either in the form of entitlement and selfishness or in the form of resentful apathy), and super-squeezed to the point where they just don’t care.
The toxicity also makes people vulnerable to various pathogens (of which they are many, and yes, contagion is a real thing – but a healthy body can mostly handle pathogens just fine while an overly-stretched body cannot. (This is why the war on supplements and working medicines is a part of the effort to maintain the “long golden goose.”)When No One Can Work, What Will We Do? Tessa Lena, 31 May 2023
My personal theory is that at least a part of what’s filed under “long covid” could be a result of brazen behaviour of undiagnosed fungi and parasites, taking over the bodies of people who have been poisoned way too much (and, perhaps, injected with contaminated “vaccines.”)
Our “Western pride” prevents us from exploring that route but I believe that 20-30 years from now, “everyone will know” that there is an epidemic of undiagnosed and debilitating toxoplasmosis, for example – but they won’t tell us that until they have a golden goose set up and a useless vaccine to sell.
By the way, “long covid” is not the first umbrella term for chronic disease. Here is “post-polio syndrome”:
Post-polio syndrome is a group of potentially disabling signs and symptoms that appear decades after the initial polio illness. These signs and symptoms usually appear between 30 to 40 years after having polio.Post-polio syndrome, Mayo Clinic
And of course, the “polio epidemic” was most likely connected to the use of arsenic and DDT and ended with the ban of DDT. I wrote about it HERE. And here is Time Magazine‘s take on the “long flu”:
In what is now Tanzania, to the north, post-viral syndrome has been blamed for triggering the worst famine in a century – the so-called “famine of corms” – after debilitating lethargy prevented flu survivors from planting when the rains came at the end of 1918.What Long Flu Sufferers of the 1918-1919 Pandemic Can Tell Us About Long Covid Today, Time, 31 December 2020
But even Time Magazine admits that the definition of long covid is “woolly” as it is defined as “not recovering [for] several weeks or months following the start of symptoms that were suggestive of covid, whether you were tested or not.”
Woolly, indeed! As I said in my recent article: “When it comes to the decline in health, the problem is real. The suffering is real. The terminology is a little shady. Why shady? Blaming the suffering on loosely defined ‘long covid’ is a gimmick because how do they know that it is ‘covid’ if nobody can define ‘covid’ to begin with, other than a positive – fraudulent – PCR test?”
“As far as I am concerned, the basics of epistemology need to be addressed before building a tower. That is how it works in a sane world. And yes, some of it could be related to whatever ‘covid’ ends up being – the spike protein and whatnot – but I ask for an epistemological foundation first, please.”
Rockefeller Medicine, “Sleeper” Doctors
It sucks for everyone when the people providing medical care are “sleepers.” We usually visit doctors hoping to get help, and when instead of help, we receive “zombie treatment” – rooted in prejudice and ideological addiction to the trend of the day, as opposed to an honest analysis of how things work in the real world – it’s a big let down.
For the record, I grew up in a medical family in Moscow, and I have the greatest respect for the medical profession as such. I think that most doctors, even the brainwashed sleepers of today, go into medicine because they want to help. Furthermore, as a person who’s lived in America for the most of my adult life, I am grateful to be here, and I think that the American medicine is amazing when it comes to acute care, emergency medicine, surgeries, and so on.
However, when it comes to anything more complex, such as chronic disease, many doctors’ heads seem to be firmly planted in fiction – and the reason is that they are kept in the land of fiction by powerful financial interests such as the Rockefellers, by the aspiring masters in high chairs.
And so it goes. We live in a beautiful world but also inside a toxic, upside-down bubble – an artificial reality created by the psychopaths and installed by them inside our beautiful and generous world.
It is as if the ones in high chairs have installed an “energy stealing” filter all around the society, a filer that corrupts and poisons everything that the Creator made available to us directly – so that we don’t have anything good unless we buy it from them, on their terms.
Their mindset is the mindset of a criminal who would happily poison a clear pond in order to sell water filters to the locals. In fact, they are exactly that.
An Attack of Kids
The most worrisome part, to my senses, is the attack on the precious children, the kids who depend on adults, and who are still forming their foundation, their baseline. The kids have been under an obscene attack in the physical sense (check out the alarming autism rates!) – and some of them have been also emotionally hijacked by the metaphorical vampires and their manager-helpers.
To clarify, by the phrase “metaphorical vampires” I mean the parasitically inclined individuals whose mode of obtaining “nutrients” for themselves is based on theft, deceit, and rape. They have no interest in investing in relationships with others that are rooted in free will, they just want to “efficiently” take from others – and then toss out the empty shells of people who have been “spent.”
In the past three years, the children of the parents who had not fully healed their own souls yet – or who had not been able to shield their kids from the Machine – were blatantly bulldozed over by the cold-hearted parasites in high chairs. And yes, each generation deals with its own version of “vampire abuse,” but it seems like this generation of kids has been handed a particularly mean dose.
What Is Causing the Erosion of Standards?
In my opinion, several things. First, the “controlled demotion” of standards is initiated and orchestrated by the metaphorical vampires, who never stop scamming in order to poison bodies and minds. It’s been this way for a long time.
On the other hand, the success of their operation requires that the people are poisoned thoroughly enough for them to forget their dignity, become uprooted from reality, succumb to the “barely there,” zombie existence – and maybe even prefer that.
I think the poisoning is at the foundation of it all: “Yes, there is anti-intellectualism, yes, there is an alphabets’ scammy baby of ‘wokism’, and there is ideological brainwashing. No doubt. But beyond that, the people are just being poisoned.”
Yes, our bodies are wondrous. Yes, our bodies are specifically designed to deal with irritants and pathogens and keep us in good health. But the sheer amount of poison in our lives is an outrageous insult, and I think we are seeing the result of our minds and bodies being handed more of it than the bodies can handle. That is the philosophical bottom line of what’s going on: too much poison everywhere.
Poison comes from chemical and other contaminations in the air, in the water, in our food, and in the Pharma medicines (including the you-know-what). It comes from geoengineering. It comes from unnatural EMFs. And now it also comes in high-tech forms, such as smart dust, gene-edited foods and medicines, synthetic biology, lucrative and trendy but disastrous but ubiquitous materials such as graphene, and so on.
Add to that the psychological abuse, the intentional isolation, the destruction of social bonds, the deliberate dumbing down of good people – and we sure end up with an ugly new abnormal all right!
Business Model: Vampiring
The metaphorical vampires in high chairs know exactly what they are doing. They need the people to be awake and healthy just enough to be able to do the work for them – but not an ounce healthier – because healthy people might stretch their backs, fill their lungs with fresh air, and start thinking about how the world works – and that’s exactly what they are trying to prevent by all means.
Plus, circular poisoning is a good for business – cheaper production, and they get a guaranteed supply of lifetime customers looking for treatments for conditions that wouldn’t be there had they not poisoned the world in the first place.
Can you imagine what would happen if large numbers of doctors suddenly woke up? What a beautiful world we would live in?
But yeah, who wants that! Certainly not the ones shaping medical education through influence and funding, not the ones financing only the studies that “prove” their point, and certainly not the ones dictating which medical opinions should be viewed as “reputable” and which ones should be laughed at.
Organisations like the Federation of State Medical Boards (“FSMB”) exist for a reason. They exist to ensure the safety of the poisoning scheme, alas.

Where Will We Go From Here?
I pray that the process of finding our way comes with the least amount of suffering. Given a very real erosion of standards and a very real decline in health, I think it’s inevitable that we’ll go through a phase where “official” things stop working, where it takes forever to get basic tasks done, and where not even the money can save one from the absurdity of the world.
Yes, they’ll probably try to use mass disability as a “reason” to put us all on the UBI and – because they don’t really care about anyone – use it as a legal avenue of experimenting on people more. As people’s brains suffer, and the number of older vs. younger people grows, they’ll probably try to outsource a lot of intrinsically human tasks to bots like this:
Aaaannd, it won’t work. They will try, they will certainly make loads of money, and they will likely cause a lot of suffering in innocent people – and then, just like that, the absurdity will fall apart.
On my end, I believe that even-headedness amid this madness is a wise choice. A good strategy is to expel all fear, to pray for guidance sincerely and with love, and to go back to the basics and ponder why we are here on Earth.
We can make our lives sweeter by forming meaningful relationships, by learning about herbs, by choosing wisely, and by remembering that we are here for love, not fear. We’ll prevail.
Original Article: https://expose-news.com/2023/07/08/the-new-normal-has-snuck-up-on-us/
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