They Don’t Want You To Own A Home

The Exposé
In the world of the Great Reset, ordinary people will not be allowed to own their own homes. The widely promoted principle ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’ will apply to buying and owning any sort of property as much as it will apply to anything else.
Prices of homes all around the world have been pushed very high as big investment companies have moved in and bought thousands of homes at a time – helping to push up prices and force out private buyers. At the same time, the quality of housing has fallen dramatically. Builders who obey EU laws about house construction invariably produce shoddy, poorly built properties which are not designed to last.
It is worth noting that houses in Japan are built to last 30 years. After that they either fall down or they are knocked down and replaced.
The process of destroying the long established principle of home ownership is already well under way. Interest rates are rising (and likely to continue to rise for years, as central banks appear to struggle to control the runaway inflation they created). Rising interest rates will make it more difficult for new buyers to get their feet onto the bottom of the property ladder and they will make it increasingly difficult for those who own homes to hang onto them. Constantly rising energy prices will add to the expense of owning a home – particularly if the home is old and poorly insulated. Banning Russians from property ownership will also reduce prices.
Worse still, the Government in the UK is forcing 15 million house owners to make such massive and ruinously expensive changes to their homes that the only practical solution will be to knock down perfectly good, solid homes.
The energy performance certificates which must now be linked to every home are to be revised in 2025 to include a variety of untested, unpopular, expensive inefficient eco-inventions which are popular with the conspirators (and the global warming cultists who represent their views in the media and the political market place).
So, houses which have remote controlled thermostats will have a better rated energy performance. And so will houses which are fitted with heat pumps – the absurdly expensive to fit and expensive to run replacements for traditional gas boilers. Heat pumps cost up to £22,000 to have fitted and cost four times as much to run as gas boilers. Heat pumps also require electricity, and since most electricity will for many years be obtained from fossil fuels and from burning wood pellets (imported into the UK from across the Atlantic) the logic is difficult to understand.
The absence of logic hasn’t stopped politicians embracing heat pumps (and many other absurd eco inventions) and those who choose to prefer more traditional, more sensible forms of heating a home will be punished.
Landords who rent out homes have already been told that after 2027 it will be illegal to lease properties which are not highly rated. Within a few years, homes which do not satisfy the new requirements will be unsaleable. Home owners who don’t have a heat pump fitted will not be allowed to sell their home. Sadly, however, the cost of running a home fitted with a heat pump will mean that home owners who do have a heat pump fitted will not be able to sell their home because it will be considered too expensive to run.
And, of course, the conspirators want us all living in high rise apartment blocks. There will be no pets and the apartments will be small and identical. Everything will be controlled centrally. And if the conspirators want to control the people living in an apartment building, they can do so easily by locking the entrance doors. This, of course, is what was happening in China in April and May 2022 when the authorities decided to pursue their absurd zero covid policy. Apartment buildings were firmly shut and the inhabitants were refused permission to leave.
Home prices will fall notably over the next decade or so. The homeless will be forced into new, tiny, cardboard flats in approved city centres but if your social credit rating is poor you will find it difficult or impossible to rent a home of your own.
So what does the future hold for those with poor social credit ratings?
Well, of course, one of the principle tenets of the Great Reset is that the global population will be reduced to 500 million.
But until then where will all the homeless live? Maybe in something similar to the debtors’ prisons which Dickens portrayed so well. Alternatively, the streets will be full of penniless, vagrant families wrapped in any clothes they possess. In cold weather they will keep warm with layers of cardboard and, if they are lucky, a tattered, dirty old sleeping bag or two.
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