EDTA + Vitamin C | The COVID19 Nanotechnology Bioweapon Antidote | Microscopy Analysis of Pfizer BioNTech COVID 19 Injection
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD | substack.com/@anamihalceamdphd
In this episode, I show the details of my Darkfield microscopy analysis of the Pfizer Bio N Tech Bioweapon vials. Then I show my experiments using tobacco solution, EDTA and Vitamin C. EDTA and Vitamin C clearly annihilate the nanotechnology.
Image: Pfizer Bio N Tech with swarming nano and microbots, construction zones and polymer filament
Original Article: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/edta-and-vitamin-c-the-covid19-nanotechnology
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