Epic Anti-Covid Vaxx Protest! Massive Crowd Descends On BBC Headquarters In London

Kelen McBreen
Thousands of demonstrators gathered in London over the weekend for the “Truth Be Told” protest demanding accountability and media coverage for the tens of thousands of people injured and killed by the experimental Covid shots.
Of course, mainstream media in the UK and America largely ignored this display of public outrage with the global Covid vaccination program.
Brits gathered outside the BBC’s broadcasting headquarters to listen to speakers such as MP Andrew Bridgen, journalist Mark Sharman and several vaccine-injured individuals.
Watch a viral clip from the demonstration below where the massive group chanted, “Shame on you,” at the BBC network headquarters building.
Mr. Bridgen, popular among the people for speaking out about vaccine injuries in parliament, was greeted with loud applause from the crowd.
“I’m sick to death of the threats against people,” he said. “I’m sick to death of the coercion. I’m sick to death of the smears against anyone who speaks out and I’m sick to death of the lies. However long it takes, I promise you the truth will prevail!”
Oracle Films producer Mark Sharman and actor John Bowe also spoke to the crowd, bringing “good news” about people waking up regarding the dangerous mRNA shots.
Bowe noted Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently admitted he suffered a bad reaction from his Moderna booster jab and that the Fauci Files will soon be released on Twitter.
He also revealed the UK General Medical Council isn’t going to take any action against Dr. Aseem Malhotra for speaking the truth about vaccine data.
Sharman spoke next, criticizing the British press for covering up the vaccine dangers and the BBC specifically for collaborating with the government and Big Tech to push the globalist agenda.
An American woman named Cat Parker took the stage next to explain how she came down with Parkinson’s Disease at 50 years old as well as a slew of other medical issues after taking both the J&J and Pfizer Covid shots.
She explained how her trust in the government led her to take the experimental jabs in the first place and that she has since lost her trust in the state.
“Don’t take another one, don’t take one at all,” she said. “Don’t give it to your kids or your family or anyone. Be adamant about it because this is their lives we’re talking about.”
Adrian Walker was the next speaker, another vaccine-injured individual who had his health ruined following the shot.
“I now feel that I was coerced and lied to,” he told the crowd. “We now know the vaccine does not stop you catching Covid and it does not stop you spreading Covid.”
Adam Rowland was the next speaker set to hit the stage, but his deteriorating medical condition forced him to address the crowd via video message.
He issued a message to the BBC and the British government, saying, “You know you’ve killed thousands and injured hundreds of thousands more. Probably over a million.”
He continued, “You stopped the AstraZeneca vaccine but abandoned us and censored us. You’ve left us to rot. You’ve left us to rot and die. You continue to play God with your evil lies and your censorship, injuring and killing unsuspected mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. You can’t hide this forever and you will be brought to account.”
Another vaccine-injured speaker, John Watt, got the protesters fired up with an epic speech where he brought out a cardboard cutout of former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock.
“Fuck Matt Hancock,” he shouted. “Matt Hancock, when you set your eyes on me and the vaccine-injured all around the world, what you see is pain! You see fear. But most of all, you see fucking anger!”
He also shouted down Big Tech and mainstream media for silencing people like him under the guise of “medical misinformation.”
Original Article: https://www.infowars.com/posts/epic-anti-covid-vaxx-protest-massive-crowd-descends-on-bbc-headquarters-in-london
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