FDA allows 4% of human flesh in all meat sold in the US • Rabbi Finkelstein Explains Further

Rabbi Abraham Finklestien of New York - Full Interview on The Turner Broadcasting Networks.
Rabbi Finklestien claims they take in the upwards of 300,000 children from the US, every year, and that they drain their blood, and consume it for their passover. He then states they grind up the bodies of the children, and mix them into their favorite slaughter houses such as McDonald's, and watch the US citizens eat their own children.
The FDA allows 4% of human flesh in all meat sold in the US. McDonald's claims to sell approximately 1 million pounds of hamburger meat, every hour.
What is 4% of 1 million?
The answer if 40,000 pounds of human flesh, is legally allowable to be sold in the processed meats plants across the US, for every million pounds sold, according to McDonald's, they can sell 40,000 pounds worth of children, every hour.
Use your own discretion. Question everything
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