Genocidal Governments Number 1 Stated Threat Is The Truth | The Mission Of Independent Media Is To Report The Truth = We Are At War + We Need Your Help

Dylan Eleven •
Our job as independent journalists is to report the truth. Something that should be the job of every journalist. We at are not biased by government propaganda and do not answer to advertising companies. This independence keeps us free to report the truth to the world.
Our governments (govern=control + ment=mind) are genocidal serial liars who's mission is to control the minds of the population in order to able to enslave and murder at will.
The mind is freed by the truth, and this is the reason those in the business of mind control, governments, have named the truth as the number one threat to them.
None of the government programs are in the best interest of the people and the more we expose them, the more people know the truth and can make decisions accordingly.
The truth arms you in this war. The more people know the truth the less they can perform vaccine genocide, wage wars, or keep people artificially financially poor.
This is why they have named the truth as threat number 1. They call it dis-information. If that was really what they thought, instead of censoring, they would provide facts and prove us wrong. But they can't because they have nothing but lies. Therefore they have declared war against the truth and those that report it.
Being governments number one threat, we are attacked from several angles. We endure censorship, more severe than ever in history. We are shadow banned, de platformed, shut down, labeled conspiracy theorists, economically sanctioned and in some countries, jailed or outright murdered.
The truth is at war with lies. Good verses evil and we need help in our fight.
You can help us in this war:
Firstly, please share our articles. This will help us fight against censorship and shadow banning, and helps others who receive the truth.
Secondly please subscribe for $3 or $11 per month. This regular monthly revenue helps us cover costs of running the site. We are not covering all costs yet.
And the other way you can help is by making a small donation. Every little bit helps us fight against financial sanctions.
We do not make any money from grants that the mainstream media bathe in because they promote the lies of the government and we speak the truth. We are not paid off to keep quiet.
We do not make any money from advertisers because they have been a major factor in censorship and clutter websites with adds. We want our readers to be able to read the unbiased truth, free from all distractions.
Thank you for helping us in our mission. for sharing our articles and supporting our work. Thank you for being Truth Warriors!
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