Globalists are Serious about Smart Cities
Mike Stone
AI will be used to monitor every house, building, and vehicle (imagine the 5G EMFs going on in a place like that), and everything will be under constant surveillance.
The Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) attack on Maui and the more recent DEW attack on Los Angeles have led many to speculate if those attacks were carried out to pave the way for future Smart Cities. It's a serious question that deserves serous answers.Of course, whenever the topic of Smart Cities is mentioned, there's always a backlash from uneducated dumbasses who don't understand the world they're living in and label such stories "conspiracy theories." However, the plans to turn Los Angeles into a Smart City have been in place for years and can be read about on the city's own government website.
Those plans were first put into place by former mayor and ultimate scumbag Eric Garcetti. Garcetti established a Smart City Committee, consisting of 24 departments and elected officials to transform Los Angeles into a digitized, AI-run hellhole.

This isn't science fiction. These are serious people, spending billions of dollars to transform the world into Smart Cities (aka concentration camps) based on models developed by the World Economic Forum. When you consider how the same individuals behind the push for Smart Cities literally burned people alive in Maui and stole thousands of surviving children, never to be seen again, it's obvious that they mean business. They're not playing around. Are You Ready for Roboville?

The first of these Smart Cities is about to open in Japan, just a few miles away from Mount Fuji. Dubbed Woven City, it cost $10 billion to build and will hold a maximum of 2,000 residents (inmates), along with driverless cars, robots, and who knows what else. Residents will be known as Weavers and no visitors will be allowed until 2026 (if even then). had a hand in building Woven City and they describe it as a living laboratory (with humans as the lab rats). If you remove the letter "W" from Woven City and replace it with the letter "C," you get Coven City, a city of witches.
AI will be used to monitor every house, building, and vehicle (imagine the 5G EMFs going on in a place like that), and everything will be under constant surveillance. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD says one of the reasons for herding people into Smart Cities is to keep them subservient and prevent them from rebelling. She theorizes that ever-expanding technology will cause man to lose the ability to comprehend reality.
I'd say we're already at the point where man has lost the ability to comprehend reality and have been for at least 100 years. If billions of dumbasses donning face diapers and injecting themselves with poison isn't evidence of that, then I don't know what is.

(Woven City)
The world is going to hell in a hand basket, but that doesn't mean you have to go to hell with it. You can still save yourself and your family.
Unfortunately, what I'm seeing is an entire nation of compliant sheep. Half of them are liberal retards who will go along with whatever their handlers in the media tell them to go along with. And the other half are delusional morons who call themselves "conservative." They, too, will go along with whatever their "conservative" media tells them to go along with.
Yes, it's great that those fake conservatives all voted for Trump, but now that Trump is back in office, they seem to think that the fight is over. They are all falsely assuming that they can now sit on their fat asses, watch television, stuff their face with pizza, and jerk off to pornography. In a few short years when they find themselves marched off to the nearest Smart City, they will blame their situation on "the Left."
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic. But that's the world we live in. This first year under Trump will probably be the best, so enjoy it while you can. When he's gone in four years and everything goes back to where it was in 2020, only worse, there will be hell to pay.
Image: Source Pink Floyd Animals Remix, Sheep
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