How Do Nanobots Know What To Do? Siemens Patent From 2011 Uses Self-Assembly Nanorobots To Create Stents And Catheters For Interventional Cardiac Procedures And Explains The Program Of Claytronics

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD |
Many people have a hard time imagining that little nanorobots can be used to build technology in the body. They can in fact be programmed to create anything. There are engineers who are planning to use self assembly nanotechnology to build houses. Eventually, any object in any size can be constructed through the process of self replication. To understand how it works, I am showing this patent from 2010 by Siemens. This is the stent the nanorobots are programmed to self assemble which can be in the size several centimeters long.

Method for forming an interventional aid with the aid of self-organizing nanorobots consisting of catoms and associated system unit

Here is how it works:
A method for forming at least a part of a preferably endovascular interventional aid with the aid of self-organizing nanorobots consisting of catoms and an associated system are provided. A form of the required interventional aid is determined from at least one 3D image data record of a target region. The determined form is converted to a readable and executable program code for the respective catoms of the nanorobots and is transferred to a storage unit. The program code is executed which prompts self-organization of the previously unstructured catoms to form the required interventional aid according to the previously determined form.
Very many examinations and interventions on patients are carried out in a minimally invasive manner. With Such procedures instruments (catheters, etc.) are inserted into the patient through Small openings (e.g. access in the groin) to carry out examinations or therapies in the heart, head or abdomen. These procedures are monitored with the aid of two-dimensional X-ray fluoroscopy images, e.g. by means of C-arm angiography systems. Modem angiography systems are also able to record three-dimensional images of the examination region by rotating the C-arm about the patient and reconstructing the rotation sequences.
Note this patent, filed in 2009 is mentioning the Claytronics research by Carnegie Mellon University that I will show more about below.
The background to the present invention is the forming and introduction of Such aids or of navigation aids, by what is known as Dynamic Physical Rendering (DPR) or Claytronics, the name coming from the eponymous interdisciplinary Claytronics researcher group at Carnegie Mellon University. The research subject (a current research Sub-field of nanotechnology in convergence with robotics) is also referred to as programmable (or intelligent) material. The object of the research field is to organize “intelligent' autonomous “material particles' in other words autonomous nanorobots, by means of what is known as Dynamic Physical Rendering (DPR) to form actually existing macrobodies of any programmable form. The specific nano robots used in Claytronics are known as catoms, combining the terms Claytronics and atom. These are in principle Small, autonomous robots, which are able to self-organize to assume a previously commonly programmed larger configuration.
How do the robots know where to go and what to do? Where is the program coming from?
One aspect of the invention is a method for forming at least a part of an interventional aid with the aid of self organizing nanorobots consisting of catoms, having the following steps:
Using at least one 3D image data record of a target region, preferably of the region to be treated,
Determining a form of the required part(s) of the interventional aid from the at least one 3D image data
Converting the determined form to a readable and executable program code for the respective catoms of the nanorobots and transferring it to these or its storage unit there,
Activating the execution of the program code, which prompts self-organization of the previously unstructured catoms to form the required interventional aid according to the previously determined form.
The robots are programmed and are able to communicate with each other to execute the construction of the device:
A further aspect of the invention is a system unit or apparatus for organizing nanorobots consisting of catoms,which are Suitable for implementing the method, comprising: a number of nanorobots, with each nanorobot comprising at least apart of a program code, by means of which the nanorobots are configured to form at least a part of the interventional aid with the aid of the nanorobots by communicating and exchanging information with other nanorobots, wherein the nanorobots can be or have been introduced into a target region, preferably of the region to be treated, wherein the nanorobots have means for executing
the program code, which can be activated by prompting self-organization of the previously unstructured catoms to form the at least one part of the required interventional aid according to the previously determined form.
Now with this in mind, and understanding that this patent was filed in 2009 - the technology has far advanced since then - look at these videos of nano and microrobots in COVID19 unvaccinated blood assembling mesogen microchips. You can see that the nano and microrobots - the blinking lights - are working together intelligently to create these mesogens. Magnification 400x
Here you can see another COVID19 individuals blood affected by shedding and the nano and microrobot swarming to build the mesogen. Magnification 400x

Here is another COVID19 unvaccinated blood sample of microrobots building polymer mesogens. Magnification 400x

Here are further explanations published in 2022 on how larger materials can be built from polymer “lego” nanoscale blocks. They are building miniature castles and Roman aqueducts.

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a new way to guide the self-assembly of a wide range of novel nanoscale structures using simple polymers as starting materials. Under the electron microscope, these nanometer-scale structures look like tiny Lego building blocks, including parapets for miniature medieval castles and Roman aqueducts. But rather than building fanciful microscopic fiefdoms, the scientists are exploring how these novel shapes might affect a material's functions.
The team from Brookhaven Lab's Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) describes their novel approach to control self-assembly in a paper just published in Nature Communications. A preliminary analysis shows that different shapes have dramatically different electrical conductivity. The work could help guide the design of custom surface coatings with tailored optical, electronic, and mechanical properties for use in sensors, batteries, filters, and more.
"Self-assembly is a really beautiful way to make structures," Yager said. "You design the molecules, and the molecules spontaneously organize into the desired structure."
If you still think what I have been writing about is science fiction, please read about Claytronics and the research at Carnegie Mellon that has been going on for many years. Note its potential of self assembling your physician in your living room, or a mineature live football game in your house. Or you could reshape your house or car with your hands. This is not a joke, it is science. As technocrats have said, nanotechnology will look like magic to people.

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