Israel Ends And US Civil War Begins | Edward Morgan
Benjamin Fulford |
Truly biblical scale events continue as the Khazarian Mafia-controlled Western power structure implodes. The State of Israel has been decapitated, the Catholic Church is bankrupt and full-scale civil war has begun in the United States.
Let us start with Israel. The October 1st Iranian missile attack on Israel was far more devastating than has been reported in the Western media. A Pentagon source says:
“Many, many thousands of Israelis have been killed in the Iranian missile attack in the past 48 hours. Yoav Galant, the Minister of Defense, has been killed. Half of the runways have been obliterated along with 30 US F-35 jets, completely destroyed. All of this is being withheld by the Israelis. The Zionists are scared shitless. The State of Israel may not exist by the 15th of October.”
Mossad sources confirm “Israel is under new leadership with Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces at the helm. Yoav Galant, the minister of Defense, has been killed.”
The sources add “Meanwhile Bibi [Netanyahu] is somewhere in another dimension as well. Hopefully burning in hell. Like a pig on a spit roast.”
Further confirmation came from P3 Freemasons who pointed to “inconsistencies in a video released of just over two minutes of Netanyahu. At the beginning, Netanyahu has at his side the head of the Mossad, Barnea, and a high-ranking Israeli military man. At the end, there are two completely different characters. This is a montage of two completely different scenes and in all likelihood they are old archive images passed off as recent.”
We were also sent a video by an Israeli diplomat showing what he says was Mossad Headquarters being obliterated.
The video we posted on Saturday turns out to have been a video of an explosion in Tian Jing China from 9 years ago, however, Mossad sources did tell us the Mossad HQ had been hit and the head of Mossad is dead.
We further note Israel has not responded to the Iranian attack despite many calls to do so.
Here is the reason why, according to Iranian sources:
“If Israel attempts to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran, the Iranians will know it before the missiles are able to reach the target and will be neutralized. Iran will fire 2 hypersonic nuclear missiles, one on Tel Aviv and one on Haifa. Israel will cease to exist. These travel at Mach 25 and can reach Tel Aviv in 3 minutes. They are undetectable by any known technology. The much slower hypersonic missiles, used in this latest hit, took 10 minutes to reach Tel Aviv from Iran. They destroyed the Iron Dome and much more. There are Zionist Jews appearing as Iranians holding very high ministerial positions in Iran, working for Israel. Their names are known. They also carry US Passports.”
We are also hearing Israeli troops being sent into Lebanon are being slaughtered in mass numbers. Here you can watch a video of one column of these troops being destroyed.
Most of the above information was deleted repeatedly from my computer but, since I am used to such tricks, it was recovered using multiple backup devices.
MI6 sources report that in response to the devastation and the threats to vaporize Israel, high-level Jewish power brokers are trying to negotiate the replacement of the Satanic state of Israel with the God-affiliated new state of Judea. This will include both the native Judeans and the immigrant Jews. This new state will be allowed to rebuild the Temple on its’ original location which is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque. So yes, that qualifies as biblical-scale news.
Now let us look at the Catholic Church. It is bankrupt and about to be dissolved. Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm they own Bank of America, which in turn owns the United States of America Corporation. To hide the fact BOA and the US Corporation are bankrupt, the bank appears to have “borrowed” funds from its’ depositors to create the appearance it was solvent on the September 30th fiscal year end of its’ US Corporation.
This was reported in the news as Bank of America experiencing nationwide outages, leaving customers with zero balances in their accounts and only their debts visible.
In another sign of trouble at the Catholic Church, an emergency meeting of Bishops, or Synod was held on October 1st that issued a a mea culpa for clerical child sex abuse saying “We feel ashamed”. A request for forgiveness pronounced on behalf of the Church by Cardinal Sean O’Malley during a penitential vigil in St. Peter’s said: “I ask for forgiveness, feeling ashamed, for all the times that we faithful have been complicit or have directly committed abuses of conscience, abuses of power, and sexual abuse…. we have used the condition of the ordained ministry and consecrated life to commit this terrible sin, feeling safe and protected while we diabolically took advantage of the little ones and the poor. Forgive us, Lord”.
Notice the silicon-masked fake pope Francis’ face is blotted out in the photograph in the article this quote is taken from.
The church is suffering a huge drop in donations from Africa and South America where the vast majority of Catholics reside. This is because true Christians have become disgusted at its recent pronouncements and all the financial, sexual etc. scandals. The Church is thus unable to pay for the lawsuits being filed by its’ many victims. Maybe it’s time to liquidate its real estate holdings to pay for all the damage.
This is what a Polish Christian intelligence agency employee had to say about the Catholic Church:
“Church bells call people to come and kneel like slaves instead of rising from their knees and collect money for it. There used to be bells on the church towers, then they changed them to crosses, this is how they block the flow of energy. All those from the Vatican who participate in killing children, producing adrenochrome and those who take it will have their bodies scattered to dust.”
Just remember, the fall of the Satanic church means liberation for its Christian slaves.
Already, the collapse of the Vaticans’ US Corporation has triggered a civil war inside the US military. This is pitting the US Space Command against the US Special Forces and Psychological Warfare Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The Space Command used weather warfare to isolate the base and the Town of Asheville, NC. It is also using these weapons to flood out the huge underground tunnel network there.
And yes Marjorie Taylor Greene(@mtgreenee) confirms what we already knew…they can control weather. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”
As an example of what she is talking about, Iran’s Mazandaran province has experienced a very unexpected late September snowfall. A week ago, temperatures in the region were above +30°C
Here is what a space force source had to say about the weather warfare attack on North Carolina:
The total wipeout of the Biltmore Village in Asheville – the Biltmore Estate owned by the Vanderbilt family [Anderson Cooper] was flooded out also. As it turns out, the sick pedo child art below was owned by none other than Tony Podesta [Rockefeller]- proud member of the “red shoe club” and brother to pervert & Pizzagate player John Podesta. The pale-skinned boy featured hanging by his hands in the art/photo below is alleged to be Anderson Cooper – where as a child, he “posed” for the “art” – in the very empty pool located in the basement of the now flooded out Biltmore Estate. The Vanderbilt family, particularly Gloria the mother, were known practitioners of black magic and members of the occult. Gloria’s oldest son [pictured], committed suicide at age 23. ** NOTE: Asheville is a child sex trafficking hub in the United States and is known for having deep underground tunnels and a long history of occultism and satanic ritual abuse.
The US Special Forces and Psychological Warfare Command in Fort Bragg (recently renamed Fort Liberty) was heavily influenced by the self-described Satanist Michael Aquino. Aquino founded the Temple of Set and has been associated with systematic child abuse at the army’s child development center.
In a sign this is a military operation, cell phone coverage is unavailable in the flooded region and private helicopters are being prevented from evacuating people from the area. This is to prevent high-level pedophile Satanists from escaping, space force sources say.
As evidence children are being rescued in this operation we have a witness saying: “A lineman friend did verify the naked children walking around looking for their parents off Old Fort Rd.”
If these children were leaving a normal residential home, they would at least be in their pajamas and not wandering around naked.
This abuse of children has been taking place on an industrial scale:
On August 19th, 2024, the Department of Homeland Security announced that they had lost track of over 300,000 children. But what exactly does this mean?
We began our investigation by door-knocking the addresses of the most vulnerable children on our list, focusing on the youngest who were at the highest risk of trafficking.
One of our first finds was an abandoned house where two boys aged 7 and 10 had allegedly been delivered. It is unclear what happened to the boys who were delivered to the sponsor at this address, we were ultimately unable to locate them.
Children are woken up at 3 o’clock in the morning and taken from the holding facility to their sponsors without the opportunity to say goodbye to their friends.
Alexa and her friend had agreed to contact each other on Facebook once they were placed safely with their sponsors. Unfortunately, Alexa never heard from her friend again.
As more evidence, check out the models that were recruited by Epstein Island visitor, Rachel Chandler (sounds like ‘child ‘handler’).
Do these girls and boys look like models to you? Or victims of abuse? Notice the black eyes.
Now the KM are trying to use high tech to victimize even more children. A new app shows how Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta smart glasses could become a tool for child traffickers, allowing them to scan anyone on the street and gain instant access to personal information, such as home addresses, using facial recognition. This technology could be used by human traffickers to find out where children live and plot their kidnappings with disturbing precision, according to Polish intelligence.
We are also hearing the closure of all US East Coast Ports on October 1st was related both to the bankruptcy of the US corporation and to an effort to stop child trafficking. Port workers said they were tired of hearing children’s screams coming from containers. They say the ports were shut down in part so that a system could be installed to keep track of all containers and prevent their use for human trafficking. Of course the other reason was their wages were not keeping up with inflation.
This comes as we are getting reports that -after a weather warfare attack on Florida- Mandatory evacuations in the Florida Keys meant traffic was diverted along a single route. Military was standing by to shut down traffic. They escorted people from their cars to nearby shelter locations. They thought they were being taken to safety but they were to be murdered.
We do not know if these were innocent people or Satanists who were being slaughtered but, either way it is more evidence civil war has really started.
There is another aspect to this weather warfare against NC and it could lead to a shutdown of the worlds’ semiconductor industry. The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The town of Spruce Pine is stranded as the major roads linking it to the rest of North Carolina and the US are flooded…The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers. The area is also home to the largest Lithium deposits in the world.
We understand many innocent residents of North Carolina have suffered as a result of this US military civil war. However, we also note that many of the people who were silent about the Directed Energy Weapon attack on Maui are having huge hissy fits over the attack on North Carolina.
The reason is that the attack on Maui was designed to steal real estate for the usual criminals at Vanguard, State Street, Invesco etc.
However, take a look at who owns the world’s largest Lithium deposit and the special quartz only found in Spruce Pine:
Piedmont Lithium Inc.
Blackrock Inc
Vanguard Group Inc
Invesco Ltd
So this is a sign these entities are on the receiving end of the attack this time.
The gnostic illuminati have long said the real enemy is a rogue artificial intelligence and if so, shutting down the worlds’ production of semiconductors would definitely qualify as an attack on the AI.
Also, in a sign some sort of emergency military government is imminent, CIA sources inform us “They seized all the canned foods at the largest canned food producer in the US and told the company all future production would go to the US government too, under an NDAA order. Also, four months ago, printing companies were given a government contract to print up food and fuel ration cards.”
Temporary military government is probably unavoidable because since the Biden administration began the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the U.S. Police forces alone cannot deal with all those criminals being deliberately brought in.
US Presidential spokesclown Karine Jean-Pierre says it is “categorically false” that FEMA used taxpayer dollars to resettle illegal aliens. That’s interesting because you can literally read about it on FEMA’s website right here:
In yet another sign of undeclared civil war, it turns out the FBI arranged for the entry into the U.S of would-be Trump assassin Asif Merchant, according to a Twitter post from Fox correspondent Bill Melugin in August. This is a government agency actively plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate.
We also have senior Demonrats calling for complete totalitarian censorship. In the latest example, yet another version of Hillary Clinton Rockefeller (this one with a pretty obvious silicon mask) says: “If they are unable to moderate content on social media,” then they will “lose total control.”
The “they” she is referring to are the Satanic families who control the worlds’ central banks and their fraudulent financial system.
Before the US dollar was taken off the reality based gold standard in 1973, America’s financial sector was worth less than 10% of the domestic corporate product. By the early 2000s, it was earning 41%. Since they do not actually produce anything, the Federal Reserve Board is a giant parasite.
People are waking up to this en masse.
As Robert F Kennedy Jr. puts it:
“It operates on behalf of a few Wall Street banks, and its function is to act like a pump. It is literally strip-mining the wealth and equity away from the American middle class.”
Here Caitlin Long explains how the 12 reserve banks are private corporations controlled by unelected members in the private sector
While Max Keizer explains the fiat black hole of debt that is killing the world economy.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently released information revealing that the United States’ net international investment position, the difference between U.S. residents’ foreign financial assets and liabilities, hit an all-time low of negative $22.5 trillion in the second quarter of 2024.
What this means is the US has been sucking money out of the rest of the world. The rest of the world has had enough. That is why they are planning to put an end to this Fed financial parasitism at the big BRICS meeting at the end of this month.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov summarized the worlds’ view of the West and their privately owned United Nations at his recent speech there:
The modern history of the United Nations resulted in loudly proclaimed goals that were soon forgotten.
The Millennium Summit proclaimed the goal of “freeing the people from the scourge of war.” Two years later, the United States of America, at the head of the Coalition of the Willing, invaded Iraq – a country still reeling from the devastating effects of the affair – on a ridiculous pretext, without a mandate from the UN Security Council.
The 2005 World Summit declared its commitment to a just peace in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. But this sacred pledge did not stop the United States and its allies from encouraging then-Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili to launch an armed attack on the people of South Ossetia and Russian peacekeeping forces in 2008. Three years later, NATO orchestrated a military intervention in Libya that destroyed the state and undermined the stability of its neighbors.
In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted grandiose plans to combat poverty and inequality. Ultimately, these were empty promises in the face of the unwillingness of Western countries to abandon their neo-colonial practices and siphon off the world’s wealth for their own gain.
The Secretary-General is talking about global cooperation at a time when Western countries have unleashed a veritable war of sanctions against more than half, if not the majority, of the countries in the world, and the US dollar, promoted as an asset and a good for all of humanity, has been roughly turned into a weapon.
Washington has blocked the normal work of the WTO to settle disputes and a reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, whose structure has long ceased to reflect the real balance of power in the world economy and finance.
Methods of political assassination, such as those seen yesterday in Beirut , which have almost become commonplace, are extremely worrying.
The Global South and East are increasingly calling for their right to full participation in decision-making processes across the spectrum of the international agenda
The role of intergovernmental organizations in Asia, Africa and Latin America is becoming more important. These include the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the African Union, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Arab League, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
We reaffirm our position in support of Brazil and India, provided that a positive decision is taken in the framework of the well-known initiatives of the African Union. At the same time, there can of course be no question of additional seats for Western countries, which are already overrepresented in the Security Council.
Notice he talks about intergovernmental organizations and not privately owned non-governmental organizations like the WHO and the UN. In other words, the failed, privately owned Western led international architecture needs to END NOW!
Russia is willing to go to war over this. That is why Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has left with his staff, security, crypto gear and documents.
At the same time, Russia is offering to provide “security in Eurasia…a continent stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok and from Moscow to Riyadh, New Delhi, Beijing and Jakarta,” Lavrov says.
This offer comes as the KM has decisively lost the war in the Ukraine. Between 50 and 70 percent of Ukrainian army recruits survive only a few days on the frontlines, and most troops have abandoned the frontlines.
And now the CIA tells us Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky has over $20 billion cash in his private accounts; not counting all his properties located around the world. This is all compliments of the KM Zionists via US taxpayers. No wonder Ukraine lost the war.
The fact is the US has lost control over Europe and the Middle East. In a sign of this:
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait have declared neutrality in the Iran-Israel conflict and will not allow US airbase use against Iran.
Meanwhile, the Presidential election corporate reality show in the US is getting increasingly bizarre.
We have found out Kamala Harris is a product of MK-ultra mind experiments.
In the “grey zone” between the UK and USA – aka Canada – MK-ULTRA was never challenged but continued to churn out state-run assassins. One of the key players in the ongoing secret project in Montreal was a Ph.D. graduate of U.C. Berkeley who was born in Madras, India, while that nation was still part of the British Empire. That “monkey researcher” in the service of the MK-ULTRA assassin-training program in Canada – Shyamala Gopalan – was the mother of Kamala and Maya Harris.
Now watch Kamala as her teleprompter cuts off mid-speech: it goes exactly as you would expect it to; Word salad, talking in circles, repeating herself, cringy cackle, etc.
Video Would Not Upload
Then you have the latest masked actor pretending to be US “President” Joe Biden saying “I’m confident it [the election] will be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful.”
In yet another example of an actor pretending to be a world leader, Argentine President Javier Milei read an actual Hollywood script at the UN.
“It seems like fiction, but it isn’t,” the left-leaning Buenos Aires newspaper Página 12 reported on Friday, claiming Milei had “copied, word for word, a monologue” by the television show’s fictional president, Josiah “Jed” Bartlet.
Of course, unlike movies, these actors actually deal in real mass murder.
For example, Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may deserve life imprisonment under Belgian laws for his actions, which included orchestrating the conflict in Ukraine, Belgian lawyer Philippe Vanlangendonck said.
Since over 500,000 Ukrainians were senselessly slaughtered, many think the death penalty would be more appropriate.
The same can be said of the many Western leaders involved in the recent mass murder via vaccine they put much of the world through.
There can be no doubt at this point that some sort of Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals are coming.
Finally, this week, let us look at signs a wonderful new world is being born even as the old order collapses.
Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire and the British Antarctic Survey found the amount of vegetation cover in Antarctica is more than 10 times larger than four decades ago.
This is happening at the same time as the Sahara desert is turning green.
So, two largely lifeless deserts are turning hospitable to life. Could this be the white hats using weather modification technology to increase the amount and variety of life on earth by creating new eco-systems?
What other wonders will be possible if the technology used to suppress us is used to benefit us instead? How about immortality?
Is this picture of the sky near Edmonton Canada as this article was about to go live a sign of wonders to come?
Image: Source

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