It Worsens | All Part Of Their Plan
Britain has collapsed. Tonight Muslims are roaming the streets in huge crowds carrying swords, pipes, sticks.

British police have retreated to defend Royal family area. Small fires are breaking out. British women are being sexually assaulted in public. White males are being beaten into submission.
In Spain dozens of boats are delivering hundreds of Islamic Moroccans straight into Spanish beaches. Spanish Army and Navy are on site but are simply there watching.
The Spanish government is closing down an entire airport just to fly African immigrants into Spain.
At US southern border Border Patrol officials are posting anonymous messages indicating they are catching dozens of Sudanese and Somalia with direct ties to some very dangerous Muslim terror groups from the Middle East.
In NYC Central Park is now off-limits to New Yorkers after dark. The signs out out by NYPD at park entrances state that you enter the park at your own risk. Huge wolf packs now roaming NYC 24 hours a day. Police statistics show hundreds of assaults now taking place daily. Subway system at night is barely used as people don't want to become victims.
The Venezuelan gangs seen on motorbikes are growing in number and becoming more bold. Today a police woman was attacked, yanked from her car, and in the process of being beaten when passerby physically intervened. The gang, consisting of 15 Hispanic youth, did manage to steal the officer's sidearm.
All this and Kamala Harris hasn't become POTUS yet.
Her first stated action to be taken after entering office is to ban all firearms."
Original Article:—masonic-jews-run-c.html
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