Migrants Will Be Used To Subjugate West

Migrants Will Be Used To Subjugate West


Thanks to the globalist mass media, Westerners are not aware that a communist coup has taken place and their countries are run by traitors.

"My organization was directly responsible and tasked with removing posts and scrubbing social media platforms off of French Citizens that were complaining during the French riots that the riot police weren't speaking French. Those were immigrants given law enforcement positions in exchange for permanent residency and citizenship. ~ Reddit Conspiracy

In internal reports,  the WEF plan is to employ immigrants to subjugate the local population of Western countries when they introduce unjust laws like mandatory medical restrictions, movement restrictions, climate change restrictions, ULEZ, food restrictions, farming restrictions, and banking restrictions. It will not be familiar faces forcing you to submit. It will be military age men desperate to do anything for the powers that be in exchange for settling in the designated country.

Illinois just recently passed a law that illegals can now become police officers....

Biden Orders Border Patrol To Cut Barbed Wire Fences Holding Back Masses Of Migrants

Despite the multitude of warnings since Joe Biden entered the White House, there has been no discernible effort on the part of the federal government to stop the tide.

In fact, more and more evidence suggests the Biden Administration is deliberately thwarting all efforts to secure the southern border while consistently lying about their intentions.


INVASION ALERT: Over 8K illegals crossed into Texas city with less than 30K population in just 4 days

Eagle Pass is a city in Texas with a population of no more than 30,000. A flood of immigrants recently overwhelmed the city, prompting Mayor Rolando Salinas, Jr. to issue an emergency declaration lasting at least seven days.

The emergency declaration ended Tuesday, Sept. 26, and it's still not clear whether it has been renewed.

At a Sept. 19 press conference, Salinas estimated that 2,500 individuals crossed into Eagle Pass illegally on Sept. 17-18. The emergency declaration apparently didn't have an immediate effect as Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber said another 2,700 migrants crossed at Eagle Pass on Sept. 19, with 3,000 more on Sept. 20.

In the declaration, Salinas said that Eagle Pass is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of local citizens. He added that the emergency declaration grants Eagle Pass the ability to "request financial resources to provide the additional services caused by the influx of the undocumented immigrants."

Since the only shelter in Eagle Pass can't accommodate all of the asylum seekers, many illegal immigrants were seen out in the city streets.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a statement to announce that it was temporarily stopping vehicle processing operations at a bridge and railway crossing at Eagle Pass. The CBP will be redirecting those resources to help apprehend individuals illegally crossing the border.

According to the statement, the CBP will "maximize consequences against those without a legal basis to remain in the United States."

In a post on X, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he "officially declared an invasion at our border." He also blamed President Joe Biden's policies for the influx of asylum seekers.

Abbott added that he ordered more troops from the Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety and local law enforcement to deal with illegal crossings and put up additional razor wire. He also said that they are building a border wall, along with razor wire and marine barriers.

In his post on X, Abbott shared a letter he had sent to Biden in November 2022, accusing him of inaction in the face of what was already a burgeoning border crisis. He claimed that the president's "inaction has led to catastrophic consequences."

Abbott also criticized Biden because, under his administration, America is suffering the highest volume of illegal immigration in the history of the country.

Republicans have also blamed Biden's messaging and policies for triggering a border crisis of historic proportions.

More military sources deployed to the border

Aside from Eagle Pass, the Department of Defense (DOD) is also increasing resources at the U.S.-Mexico border to control a surge in illegal border crossings in other areas.

In a call, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials told reporters that at least 800 new active-duty personnel were being sent to the border.

One DHS official added that there were over 8,000 apprehensions along the southern border on Monday. However, the official gave no explanation for what was causing the latest surge in immigrants.

According to law enforcement officials, Mexican drug and human trafficking cartels are deliberately directing throngs of illegal immigrants to overwhelm CBP operations at the U.S. border. This is allegedly being done to help the cartels carry out their illegal operations with less oversight.

Sources claim that drug cartels are sending thousands of migrants a day to hand themselves over to Border Patrol officers in different border towns in the country. Mexican cartels are doing this to continue their drug and human smuggling operations undisturbed in less populated areas, said law enforcement officials.

On Sept. 18, a group of about 2,200 people turned themselves over to officers in Eagle Pass, Texas. A video shows migrants lined up in blocks to be processed by the Border Patrol.

El Paso, which is almost 500 miles away in the westernmost tip of the state, has also been reporting migrant surges within recent weeks.

Mexican cartels flooding the border with asylum seekers

Sources from El Paso said on Sept. 21 alone, at least 1,700 migrants were encountered in 24 hours. Every day since, several groups of migrants have lined up along the border wall to surrender to officers and claim asylum in America.

According to one source, cartels are circulating false information that anyone wanting a CBP One appointment can turn themselves in and get asylum. CBP One is a mobile application that serves as a single portal to a variety of CBP services.

Local TV station KVIA reported that at least 500 people, mostly Venezuelan asylum seekers, headed to El Paso to cross into the country. A combination of single adults and families had crossed the border illegally but are hoping to stay in America while their asylum cases are heard. The process may take as long as several years.

The CBP warned that the border is not open to illegal migration.

Claudia Rodriquez, former El Paso City Councilmember, agreed that the move is being orchestrated through the cartels to overwhelm the system because the areas affected are usually border communities.

Border Patrol agents are also being assisted by cargo inspection agents who have been pulled from their regular duties to help deal with the waves of migrants, shared the CBP.

But this isn't the first time cartels have wreaked havoc on the city.

Back in March and again in April, cartels have already been spreading rumors of the border being open. This resulted in hundreds of migrants rushing to one of El Paso's international bridges.

A social media screenshot of the rumor said, "If you're at the border, go this morning. Don't miss this opportunity."

Other areas deluged by illegal immigrants

Other areas have also been overwhelmed by illegal immigrants.

For example, Southern California has also reported an influx of illegals in recent days. Republican El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells lamented that the situation is "a disaster."

In a post on X, Wells said all emergency rooms are at capacity in San Diego County. Homeless shelters are full and the county's resources are already stretched thin.

Like Abbott, Wells said the Biden Administration is to blame for the ongoing issue. He concluded that the public "must pay attention and vote" to address the problem.

Visit OpenBorders.news for more stories about illegal immigrants.

Watch the video below to find out about sanctuary cities flipping on mass illegal immigration.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

Sources include:








Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border

Kevin Downey Jr. | PJMedia.com

Experts believe that more than seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House.

The apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are “families,” even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from Venezuela.

But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country and disappearing once they get in.

FACT-O-RAMA! Between January and March of 2022, 71 Chinese individuals crossed the Darien Gap, the strip of land that connects North and South America, the route preferred by the Chinese. During the same timeframe this year, 2,200 made the journey. You can see a video of young, Chinese nationals lining up for buses in Panama headed for the U.S.

Why would Chinese nationals fly into Panama and make a seemingly arduous voyage to our southern border? According to Anthony Rubin, the founder of Muckraker, who filmed Chinese people lining up for a seat on a U.S.-bound bus, they aren’t able to simply fly in and wait for their visas to expire like they did in the good old days.

“This would be for people who can’t fly into the U.S. directly,” Rubin told Fox News. So what they do is they get on a flight, and they fly into some South American country. Then from there, they would go to Colombia, they would go across the jungle, pop out in Panama, and then they would head up to the United States. But this is going to be for people that can’t fly into the U.S. directly. You’d rather just fly into the U.S. and overstay your visa. This is for people that don’t have that access for whatever reason.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Muckraker claims they have found a Chinese document giving detailed information on how to enter the U.S. via the Darien Gap. The document includes a Subway sandwich restaurant in Mexico where one can buy fake permits, how much to pay smugglers, and how to avoid detection at the border, including uninstalling the Chinese spy app “WeChat.” You can watch the Muckraker video here.

Rubin told Fox News that some Chinese people he was filming “do not want their faces on camera.” Now why would that be?

Rubin explained:

Either they are foreign actors that are coming over here for nefarious reasons or, number two, these are people that are afraid of some sort of retribution by the Communist Chinese Party. If it’s number two, well then what does that mean? That means that these people are going to be beholden to the Communist Chinese Party once they’re here. Oh, you’re in the United States. Okay, well, we’re going to threaten your friends and family back home in China unless you do X, Y, and Z. Either way, it’s very dangerous. You can’t allow this to just continue and have all these people cross the border. I mean, it just will not work.

Retired U.S. Col. and a member of Devon Nunes’s staff, Derek Harvey, recently revealed to The Epoch Times that many of the Chinese men scrambling over the border are showing up with the same haircuts, tattoos, backpacks, and “pocket litter,” which he defined as the same wallet and the same type of ID cards. Even more harrowing, Harvey claims they are all a part of a special ops wing of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and our intel officials are well aware of what is happening.

He also stated that most of the Chinese are coming to the U.S. through the Darien Gap.

“We have Chinese nationals of military age coming into Latin America, coming across the southern border,” Harvey explained in a recent video interview. “They wear the same clothes, they have the same haircuts, they have the same pocket litter. They have the same, ah, knapsacks. It’s like it’s a uniform. And they get processed and they move on.”

Harvey had more shocking news to reveal:

They have the same wallet, they have the same types of identification. It’s all the same. And we have good information that they are products of a… they have the same rituals the same tattoos, and the operating theory by our border patrol and our intelligence elements is they come from one specific special operation unit.

When Asked by “Over the Target” host Lee Smith for clarification, Harvey confirmed what he said—the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Intel officials are well aware of who these people are, Chinese special ops from the PLA.

Again, the Mao-Maos in the left press were eager to tell us not to believe our eyes, the CBP, and our intel specialists.

Bonus trouble! Harvey also stated that Venezuela, Iran, Russia, and China are working together against us and that Iran and Hezbollah already have sleeper cells in the U.S.

What Have We Learned?

We have learned that intel officials and the CBP are allegedly well aware that China is sending special ops intruders over our border and the pinko press is diligently denying it. Chinese people appear to be using the Darien Gap to make their way to the U.S. in record numbers and military-aged men with the same haircuts, tattoos, and clothing are pouring over the border. Iran and Hezbollah are believed to have sleeper cells standing by. Joe Biden is allowing all of this to happen. What could go wrong?
