Our governments have launched war upon their own people

Dylan Eleven | Truth11.com
We are at war.
A silent war using quiet weapons.
A war of deceit propaganda and lies.
Our governments have launched war upon their own people, and pretend they have not.
The mainstream media is enabling this deception.
Our mission in this war it to bring you the truth.
We work for the people.
We work to unite and free us all.
Our governments have committed genocide by deadly vaccine and millions have been injured or killed.
Our governments continue to lie and still claim vaccines are safe and effective. To hide their crimes and continue their depopulation agenda and coerce more to their slaughter.
They have purposely destroyed our economies and forced many to close their businesses and millions into poverty.
They are attacking our food supply to cause mass starvation.
Their 5G weapons are deployed.
Their police force armed and willingly carrying out illegal orders.
Our governments are tyrannical and we have a right, and duty to call them on their illegal actions and hold them accountable.
We are at war, therefore we must prepare, organize and act accordingly.
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