Pfizer “Confidential Report”: “Trading in Death and Disease”. 393 Pages of Vaccine Adverse Events

Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2
Lawyer Lisa | Global Research
These were not provided to me by Pfizer but through a source at the EMA (European Medicines Agency). I have no reason to doubt this document. Treat it as you wish. Assuming this source through the EMA is providing an accurate document and it sure appears as such, a lot of horrific conclusions should follow.
Spend time looking at it.
Let the weight of the conclusions sink in.
Why are they sitting on disastrous data that shows their product is lethal and dangerous to health?
Why are they even a publicly traded company?
Can you trade in death and disease on this level and be on the stock exchange as a legitimate institution of capitalism?
It’s like having a publicly traded company that allows you to hire their hit men for a fee.
I do not know how to estimate the under-reporting factor with this data. This data is reflective of December 19, 2021 to June 18, 2022.
Did Regulatory bodies have this and line people up like cans at a shooting range?
If Blood disorders doesn’t get you, how about cardiac events? There are pages and pages of Congenital defects, genetic and familial disorders.
Come to your own conclusion.
If you are not a physician you probably won’t be able to pronounce most of these adverse events. Perhaps your physician should be looking at this.
What are governments doing with mandates and the funding and announcement of building more of these facilities?
Are governments even our friends, I mean do they like us, I mean do they like us alive?
Do they think they are accountable?
Was there money changing hands?
How does so gross a fraud take place on the people?
If Pfizer indicates this is not a true copy of their summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2 and they would like to comment with more current data we would all appreciate it.
Adverse Events
Total Number of Adverse Events 1,591,026 (Interval) and 4,964,106 (Cumulative)!
Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders Spontaneous Adverse Events: 100,970
Cardiac Disorders Spontaneous Adverse Events: 126,193
Congenital Familial and Genetic Disorders: 1143
(on these numbers, you have to consider how many women might have been pregnant of child bearing age)
Ear and Labyrinth Disorders: 47,038
Endocrine Disorders: 4,115
Eye Disorders: 61,518
GastroIntestinal Orders: 317,811
General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions: 1,605,985
- (there was more pericarditis than site pain)
- Death was reported in this category as 2,995
- if you show this to your physician, you know what will floor them. the under-reporting factor: BECAUSE anytime someone said something to them they fobbed it off with anti-vaxxer, or it’s perfectly safe don’t be ridiculous. So they do the mental calculation. they reported zero of the events people reported to them. they figure also people kept things to themselves, suffered in silence and YOU WOULD WOULDNT YOU. AFTER ALL WHEN YOU INTERACT WITH THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT THEY MIGHT SHOOT YOU UP AGAIN. SO YOU STAY AWAY. like oh ya that dog bites at that house. I’m not going there anywhere near that bad dog.
- define safe and effective for me. I’m waiting for a definition that fits this data.
Hepatobiliary Disorders: 4,380
Immune System Disorders: 31,895
- This category also has Anaphylactic shock, and transplant rejection. But in Canada you need the vaccine to get a transplant. Gotta love health that is neither healthy or caring. We are officially in rules for rules sake.
Infections and Infestations: 167,382
- this category has dengue hemorrhagic fever. what protein pieces are in this thing?
- epstein barr
- fungal infections
- genital and groin and pelvic infection stuff;
- herpes, hepatitis
- kidney infection
- mastitis
- pneumonia
- sepsis!
- septic shock
- tuberculosis
- there’s pages and pages of lists you can literally get an abscess anywhere.
Injury, Poisoning, Procedural, Complication: 241,342
- In this category I found Exposure via Breastmilk: 5796 adverse events;
- Inappropriate schedule administration (??): 57,181;
- Incorrect dose
- Incorrect route;
- JOINT injury dislocation (I have family with significant joint issues following administration);
- maternal exposure during pregnancy (there seems to be categories that reference shedding); 5956
- off label use!: 54,370 you go in for a knee surgery and vax you.
- overdose: 5144
- Poor quality product administered: 30 828;
- product administered to patient inappropriate age: 8718
- Product administration error;: 7586
- road traffic accident: 171 (bad reaction and then you pilot your plane, train, or automobile?)
Investigations: 24,038
tons and tons of tests and investigations;
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders: 539,299
Neoplasms Benign, Malignant, and unspecified Cyst: 1,391
These are the cancers reported in the small time period since administration. Think on that. This would only presumably extend in effect over time.
Nervous System Disorders: 696,508
You need to get into this document and go through the lists. Nothing like it. You will know what jumps out at you tremors, bells palsy, Aphasia and on and on.
Pregnancy, Puerperium, Perinatal: 4056
Well here’s your feotal deaths, abortions, and stillbirth section.
Includes your post-partum hemorrhaging etc.
Product Issues: 15,910
Psychiatric Issues: 77148 includes suicide
Renal and Urinary Disorders: 13,647
Reproductive System and Breast Disorders: 178,353
If romaine lettuce recalls included this kind of instance of vaginal hemorrhage (5034) no one would have Caesar salad again.
Respiratory, Thoracic & mediastinal Disorders: 190,720
Every category is filled with tragedies. This one is no different. Please review the document.
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: 224 633
Social Circumstances: 9414
bedridden and loss of personal independence in this category
Surgical and medical procedures: 87073
Gotta love the therapeutic that “peutics’ all this. The amount of medicalization, pain, suffering and death the shot has produced is unfathomable.
Vascular Disorders: 73,542
You can’t run with horrific data and just say, we want to keep our secrets and our immunity and also one other thing, we want to keep injecting YOU, and ANOTHER THING, we want the government and corporations to mandate these to create economic and social apartheid such that you walk into taking these. And another thing, also our big brother the WHO, mandates and will mandate that you get whatever we make, and have your government pay for it.
AND ALSO THE WHO IS RIGHT NOW GIVING ITSELF THAT POWER. Right? Wait, what, you think the WHO also knew this shit was poison? So then are they A LEGITIMATE ORGANIZATION OR AN NGO HIT MAN ASSOCIATION?
The sheer number of terrible or ADVERSE EVENTS, it’s horrendous and mind boggling. Do you know what silence on data like this is? I can’t find the words. Maniacal genocide in increments through time. Have a more accurate way to describe it? Feel free to discuss.
You know what to do with this substack. Or you should.
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