Psy-Ops Use Slogans

Psy-Ops Use Slogans

Slogans are Key to Satanist Agitprop

Patrick OCarroll

"When "Team Antichrist" runs a psychological operation, if follows the key advice given by Bernays, which was that that "solution" being sold must have a dedicated SLOGAN (ONE slogan being better than multiple slogans) and that the psychological operation must be PERSONAL, PERCEPTIBLE, and have a PRACTICAL SOLUTION."

Here Are Some Recent Slogans

"You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy" (WEF 2019)

"The Great Reset" (WEF 2020)

"Safe And Effective" (COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB)

"Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve" (COVID)

"Build Back Better" (COVID) 

Beware Of Slogans

Slogans are a sign that "Team Antichrist" is trying to sell you some fake product.Nowadays, most "news" from the Zionist-controlled mainstream-media is essentially an INFOMERCIAL for the whole Agenda of "Team Antichrist". Anyone can spot HUNDREDS of slogans which are almost ubiquitous today. You just need to open your eyes and ears, and the slogans will start to hit you.

Frank Wisner was a co-founder of the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA), who once referred to his media operations as a "Mighty Wurlitzer", since "at the push of a button, Wisner could play any tune he wanted to hear".

Many psychological operations involve some form of mockery, with the top-level Satanists mocking their slaves. "Team Antichrist" celebrates Edward Bernays as the "father of PR, of advertising, and of propaganda" (three things that are essentially the same). Bernays learned psychological manipulation from his uncle, Sigmund Freud.

When "Team Antichrist" runs a psychological operation, if follows the key advice given by Bernays, which was that that "solution" being sold must have a dedicated SLOGAN (ONE slogan being better than multiple slogans) and that the psychological operation must be PERSONAL, PERCEPTIBLE, and have a PRACTICAL SOLUTION.

The COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE was made PERSONAL (affecting health), PERCEPTIBLE (media-promotion), but was also given its own special PRACTICAL "SOLUTION" (taking the COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB). 

Many slogans are actually satanic inversions designed to reverse slave-beliefs, or drive them away from truth. A third obvious aspect of slogans is mind-control because they get repeated to sell products (events, crises, wars). 

Bernays invented the slogan "CRIME DOES NOT PAY" for a psychological operation that mocked the slaves by claiming the greatest crime-families in history were still in business "because they followed the law". As the Capo Di Tutti Capi of the world's entire Mafia System, the English monarch will confirm that the very OPPOSITE is true. 

In 1881, Zionist Wilhelm Marr invented the slogan "ANTI-SEMITIC" in a failed attempt to associate the Japhetic Jews of Europe with the Mid-East region. This slogan was pushed by the Zionist-controlled mainstream-media but it is inaccurate because DNA evidence, by Johns Hopkins University and others, shows that only about 1 percent of Jews are Arabic (Semitic). Overall, 97.5 percent of Jews are Japhetic Khazars; 1 percent are African (e.g. Falasha); 0.5 percent are Asiatic; and only 1 percent of Jews are Arabic (Semitic).

The real "Anti-Semites" are actually all Zionists and most Jews, because they commit and support the Arab-Semitic Holocaust, in which the Zionists genocided 11 million Arabic Semites in 1948-2025 (or 30 million according to Jewish historian Gideon Polya who also included the effects of deprivation and the after-effects of Depleted Uranium).

David Irving showed how the Jewish Holocaust did not become a PRODUCT until March 1972, when a meeting of top Zionists and Madison Avenue executives launched it as the JEWISH HOLOCAUST ™©® with its dedicated "SIX MILLION" Slogan (Bernays always favored ONE slogan).

In the 1100s, this slogan was co-invented by the "holy" rabbi Maimonides but it was in fact bogus. In the late 1940s, the meticulous International Red Cross of Geneva certified that 28 percent of the total 373,468 victims (=104,572) in Germany's WW2 labor-camps were Jewish and they died tragically of DISEASE and not by "genocide".

This was later reaffirmed or reiterated by the Bad Arolsen Archives (citing IRC data) on 1 Jan 1984, as shown at the left. 


"To Serve And Protect" (police)

"Diversity Is Strength" (Kalergi Plan)

"Democracy Dies In The Dark" (the Washington Post keeps its readers in the dark, thus killing democracy)

"War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, And Ignorance Is Strength" (Orwell)

"All Animals Are Equal, But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others" (Orwell)

"All Power to the Soviets" (Lenin)

"The Withering Away Of The State" (Lenin)

"Cold War" (Walter Lippmann)

"Iron Curtain" (Walter Lippmann)

"Duck and Cover" (Bernays)

"Knowledge is Power" (maybe Francis Bacon)

"Autocratic" (really means USA and Britain)

"Freedom and Democracy"

"Kids" (young goats)

"Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z" (the last three generations of pure humans)

"The War To End All Wars" (WW1)

"There'll Be Blue Birds Over The White Cliffs Of Dover" (WW2 for GB)

"Revenge for Pearl Harbor" (WW2 for USA)

"The Big Red Dog Is Digging In Our Backyard, And We Are Justified In Shooting Him" (Cuba)

"It Became Necessary To Destroy The Town In Order To Save It" (Vietnam)

"That's One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind" (the Apollo Hoax)

"Billions Of Billions Of Years" (the Macroevolution Hoax)

"Preemptive Retaliatory Strike" (Gulf War I, 1991)

"Jet Fuel? That's A Good One" (11 Sep)

"If You Are Not With Us Then You Are With The Terrorists" (11 Sep)

"If You See Something, Say Something" (11 Sep)

"Weapons Of Mass Destruction" (Gulf War II, 2003)

"Coalition Of The Willing" (in reality the "Coalition Of The Killing")

"If We Do Not Do This, We May Not Have An Economy On Monday" (Lehman 2008)

"Green Shoots" ("Recovery" in 2009)

"Trust The Plan" (Q Psy-Op)

"You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy" (WEF 2019)

"The Great Reset" (WEF 2020)

"Safe And Effective" (COVID-BIOWEAPON-JAB)

"Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve" (COVID)

"Build Back Better" (COVID)

"The New Normal" (COVID)

"Operation Warp Speed" (death at Star Trek's "superluminal drive-speed")

"Make America Great Again" (Trump 1.0 and 2.0) 


Given that most major events, crises, and wars are artificial and are very obviously pre-designed with a view to either PROFIT or BRAINWASHING, the whole Modus Operandi of "Team Antichrist" is to SELL all the "solutions" it proposes to most events, crises, and wars as PRODUCTS having DEDICATED SLOGANS.

Edward Bernays always advised "Team Antichrist" to "keep it simple" by repeating one dedicated slogan in each individual context. 

Tavistock invents literally THOUSANDS of slogans per year at its dual headquarters (in Brighton and London, England).

The original language for most of these is nicknamed "TAVISTOCK ENGLISH". But these slogans are then translated into all the languages of the world and relayed via the major national media hubs.

For instance, Germany's media hub and Tavistock hotbed is Hamburg, which is in charge of copying and relaying the slogans in "Tavistock German" to the 100 million German-speakers of Central Europe. The reason for translating these original terms is because "Team Antichrist" wants UNIFORM BRAINWASHING for all the slaves of the world. 

In parallel, London's Marxist Fabian Society has always been one of the biggest proponents of all of slogans. This was demonstrated often by its very own members, such George Orwell and "Lenin" (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). 

But if you choose to give your life for "Team Antichrist", whether in the next PLANDEMIC or in the next human-sacrifice ritual as a War for Greater Israel, please do not do that on the basis of some dumb slogan that Tavistock invented to dupe you, and that puppeticians kept repeating on Tell-Lie-Vision as if it were selling a PRODUCT.

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