Reports From The Hurricane Helene North Carolina Floods
Justin O Smith
The following video is well worth watching, in large part, because it provides videos taken by people on the ground in real time as the massive, unbelievable flood hit North Carolina and parts of Tennessee without any real warning. Much of the information has been addressed in other articles and posts, but the manner in which this clip was produced really tells the much broader story of the survivors of Hurricane Helene.
God Bless all those who have rushed to the aid of these survivors to help them in their very real time of need, and shame on the Biden regime — damn this Biden regime and FEMA — for its monumental failure in its response which one can only see as once again a purposeful design to leave fly over America and Her real patriots in a lurch and a situation that has been deadly from the start, even more deadly now, due to a lack of clean water and food for people stranded in remote areas and no way to reach them other than by helicopter, with numerous bridges destroyed.
What we have witnessed over the past two weeks is an unconscionable failure of the Biden regime and an outstanding response from the good and decent Americans of this country who refuse to allow the government to stand in the way of their own rescue efforts. What an upside-down world it has become, when the nation that is supposedly “the Greatest Nation in the World” sees any administration/ regime ignore its duty, responsibilities and the good people of America in so egregious a manner.
Keep praying for our countrymen — the men, women and children — of these devastated areas, and keep working in any manner you can to get help to them, in regard to sending foodstuff, medicines, clothing and/or men and machinery to help in the cleanup and rebuilding process.
And yes — if you and your families have been sleeping and eating in comfort over the past two weeks, thank God and your lucky stars and hug your children and tell them you love them.
On any given day disaster and catastrophe can hit anyone.
Aaron & Melissa Dykes
“Hey everyone. It is with such a heavy heart that we’ve created this report. I can’t believe the levels of devastation and heartbreak we’ve witnessed in the last couple of days. What is happening right now on the ground in the path and aftermath of Helene is unreal. Unreality.
If there can be a silver lining on such an event, it is this: people are coming together regardless of all the political BS we’ve been dragged through so much lately to just help their fellow Americans who are trapped and suffering on the ground. Deep down, that right there is the real America. When it counts, and despite how hard these recent years have been on us all, that spirit hasn’t been conquered or destroyed.
We love you guys. This is what we know how to do to help. And we plan to do more. The other half of this report is coming asap.
And please, hug your family and tell them you love them too.”
Citizens Emergency Resource Map:
Facebook Missing People Group:
Hurricane Helene People Finder Google Doc:
Road Closures:
Ham Radio Operator Channel for welfare check relays:
Samaritan’s Purse:
United Cajun Navy:
Grindstone Ministries:
The Y’all Squad:
The 118th:
Operation Airdrop:
Mountain Mule Packer Ranch:
Original Article:

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