Roger Waters Plays “Collateral Murder” Video During US Tour, Demands Julian Assange’s Freedom

Activist Post
On October 22, 2010, WikiLeaks published the Iraq War Logs, a massive dump of nearly 400,000 classified U.S. Army field reports revealing what founder Julian Assange called “intimate details” of the war—including war crimes and other serious human rights abuses perpetrated by American and coalition troops, private contractors, and Iraqi government and paramilitary forces.
It was the largest leak in U.S. military history. It subsequently stunned the world who immediately demanded justice. Unfortunately, it’s been over a decade since that revelation and the only ones punished for the crimes shown in the documents, were the whistleblowers who revealed them, while the architects and the perpetrators of the atrocities continue to enjoy impunity.
The publication of the Iraq War Logs was the culmination of a year full of WikiLeaks revelations regarding U.S. and allied conduct during the so-called War on Terror. Early in the year, U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning leaked the “Collateral Murder” video, which shows U.S. Apache attack helicopter crews laughing and joking while massacring a group of Iraqi civilians, including journalists, and shooting children.
While Manning has since been released and is enjoying freedom, Assange remains locked away in a torturous environment for reporting on these crimes. The US government has been quietly pursuing charges against the Wikileaks founder under the Espionage Act for years. According to what’s been publicly revealed, Assange is facing an 18 count indictment in the US with most of the charges focused on violating the Espionage Act. Should he be found guilty, Assange could be imprisoned for up to 175 years.
Assange’s case has serious implications for journalists around the world as he was acting as a journalist when he published leaked US government documents on Iraq and Afghanistan — not committing “espionage.”
This week, former Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters used his pulpit to raise awareness to Assange’s plight. At a concert during his tour in the US, Waters showed his support for Assange and played the horrifying Collateral Murder video of US troops slaughtering journalists. Remember as you watch the video below that no one involved in this atrocity has faced a single consequence and the only one in jail over it, is the person who showed it to the world.
Roger Waters' staunch support of Julian Assange, detained for revealing war crimes, on show as video of the infamous Collateral Murder killings is played on stage during his current US tour #FreeAssangeNOW #CollateralMurder @rogerwaters
— Defend Assange Campaign (@DefendAssange) July 11, 2022
As we have reported previously, this is not the first time, Waters has made such bold statements during his shows. Waters is known for using his musical platform to make powerful political statements that often go against the mainstream narrative.
In 2018, Waters showed solidarity with Julian Assange during a concert in Berlin by unveiling a message in red text projected onto a black backdrop, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” before the start of his concert.
During a solo concert in Barcelona just prior to the show in Berlin, Waters stopped mid-concert to address the U.S. bombing of Syria—which took place under the pretense of retaliation for an alleged chemical attack—to call out the White Helmets.
“The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists,” Waters said. “That’s my belief. We have opposing beliefs. If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”
“What we should do is go and persuade our governments not to go and drop bombs on people.”
When entertainers and musicians attempt to break through the imposed Matrix of propaganda the plutocratic oligarchy and their media cronies work diligently to marginalize them into obscurity. It is important for people to understand that voices for freedom are being intentionally silenced when they go against the “approved” narrative, thus it being incumbent upon us to share the message of freedom, and no matter what your political ideology—support human rights and justice for Julian Assange!
Source: The Free Thought Project
Original Article:
Truth11 Films | Perpetual War
Our short film Perpetual War has the Apache helicopter video footage released by Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.
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