Silencing Free Speech | Global Depopulation Plan in Plain Sight
John Gideon Hartnett |
Kamala Harris said 220 million dead in the USA which is uncannily close to the Deagel estimate. Is it because the globalists are just following their plan? And now they are silencing free speech that tells the world about it.
United States VP Kamala Harris has said on several occasions: “220 million Americans have died from COVID.” How could that have be a slip of the tongue? Or was it a calculation that she was able to make? After all it is simple math.
In 2018 the estimate was updated from the previous estimate for 2015 to 2025. For the USA the following is that estimate. Note the population forecast in the red boxes.
By 2025 Deagel predicted or estimated a US population of 100 million. That means from 2017 it will be reduced by 227 million by the time 2025 rolls around. That is next year folks!
The estimate of 220 million dead in the USA by Kamala Harris seems to be uncannily close to the Deagel estimate. How could that be? Is it because the globalist elites have had the plan in place for a long time and now they are rapidly implementing it?
Also it is worth noting that WEF/Davos wanna-be totalitarian dictator Klaus Schwab has urged an acceleration of the global depopulation program with the target year brought forward to 2025. See:
Could it be that the COVID bioweapon injections have deposited some sort of payload that can be activated externally by some type of remote RF signal?
The images in that TPV presentation of the nanobots in the vial of an Israeli researcher is very disturbing. Billions of nanobots in a syringe. (Below is an artist illustration.) Yeah, and it is a Zionist lab doing that research. Strange that!
Also read:
Considering all of this is it any wonder that free speech is more under attack now than ever before?
Removal of your right to think your own thoughts and to speak freely is happening in all Western countries (UK, USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand), which once held it in high regard. Freedom of speech was once the bedrock of a liberal democracy. Well, no more!
Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, potential controlled opposition, has been arrested and imprisoned by France’s Nazi government, because he wouldn’t allegedly provide the FBI or the CIA with a backdoor into his software to spy on Telegram’s 1.4 billion users.
Closely after that, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski stated that he made it out of Europe just in time as they are coming after him also. [Rumble also has ties to Trump]
In a war communications is always the first casualty. With a global depopulation program now being executed at full speed it is no wonder the totalitarians are trying to shutdown free speech everywhere they can find it. They want total control of the narrative.
Legacy media is defunct. It is all totally controlled by the deep state globalists so that is no issue. Now, the rulers of darkness are coming after your mind and your thoughts. Roll over George Orwell!
I am reminded of what Jesus would say in such a circumstance.
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak you in light: and what you hear in the ear, that preach you on the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him (God) which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:26-28
Quite obviously Jesus Christ is an advocate of free speech and has told us to broadcast widely and openly the truth of His salvation message for all who seek it. But also that message includes the truth of the machinations of the Luciferian ones controlling this world and their global depopulation program. That means on social media and the internet nowadays. See:
The oligarchs might be able to lock us up, and even torture and kill us, but they cannot take your soul unless you give it to them. Do not fear them! If you put your trust in Jesus Christ — He is King, Lord and Saviour — you have nothing to fear.
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