Some (Potentially Most) Cases Of Shaking Baby Syndrome May Be Vaccine Damage Not Parental Abuse | Parents Can Be Wrongly Charged With Murder

Some (Potentially Most) Cases Of Shaking Baby Syndrome May Be Vaccine Damage Not Parental Abuse | Parents Can Be Wrongly Charged With Murder

Shaken Baby Syndrome and Vaccination

TheExposé | Rhoda Wilson

Shaken Baby Syndrome typically affects children under the age of 5, with the highest risk occurring in those under 1 year old.

According to official sources, the syndrome is a severe and potentially life-threatening form of child abuse, characterised by a type of brain injury caused by violent shaking or blunt trauma to the head.

However, Dr. Vernon Coleman begs to differ.  While the official explanation is undoubtedly true in some instances, he says, the increasing number of cases is due to vaccines and not parental abuse. “In many cases, the baby or young child almost certainly died … because his or her brain was damaged by a vaccine or some other medication.”

Dr. Vernon Coleman |

It seems that in cases where parents (and others) have been accused of murdering their children by shaking them, or in some other way abusing them, the real culprit may well have been a vaccine.

Around the world, an increasing number of parents have been arrested and charged with injuring or killing their babies. Some of those parents are undoubtedly guilty. But many (and possibly most) are not because in many cases the baby or young child almost certainly died not because he or she was attacked by a parent who had lost control but because his or her brain was damaged by a vaccine or some other medication.

Shaken Baby Syndrome (in which the brain is damaged by a vaccine) is now a very real problem in all societies where vaccines are routinely (and in some countries forcibly) administered. The damage done to the baby or child by the vaccine mimics the damage that would be done if the baby was forcefully shaken.

The problem is that when the police investigate the sudden death of a child, and a pathologist produces a report showing that the child died because of brain damage, the chances are high that one of the parents will be charged with murder. In America, this can mean that the misinformed prosecution will call for the death penalty.

A lot of people (Governments, drug companies and the medical establishment) have a powerful, financial interest in suppressing the truth and so naturally, doctors and drug companies deny that vaccines can kill in this or any other way. Compliant journalists believe what they are told and naively print the denials.

The doctors and drug companies cannot, however, deny that brain damage is a well-known possible side effect of vaccination and that brain swelling, intracranial bleeding and other symptoms of “shaken baby syndrome” can all be produced by vaccines. This fact isn’t widely known – perhaps because doctors and drug companies would rather that unfortunate parents always took the blame for these deaths.

I’m not saying that all cases of “shaken baby syndrome” are caused by vaccines.

But I do believe that some, or many, of these sad deaths are a consequence of vaccination.

And it would be nice if the authorities would admit the risk and the association so that at least some of the innocent parents who are wrongly convicted of murder might at least have a fair trial.

It doesn’t seem a lot to ask.

Source: `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying’ by Vernon Coleman.

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