The Black Pilled

Richard Willett |
In the last few weeks, following the coming together of Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jnr, many of us who have been pointing out the inconsistencies, collusion and corruption behind the likes of those attached to Trump have been labelled ‘Black Pillers’.
It appears that being a person who ‘Black Pills’ others is when you point out all the corruption, collusion and conspiracies behind world events without offering a solution.
I can understand why this could be frustrating, if it is approached from a mindset that requires others to give you a solution. If you are able to pause for a moment, it could be that knowing that you are being scammed becomes an opportunity for empowerment and sovereignty.
Wouldn’t you want to know that you are being led off the edge of a cliff?
Researchers such as Derrick Broze of the Conscious Resistance and Whitney Webb have been given this label, as well as myself, David Icke, Gareth Icke and Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond. For point of the glaringly obvious fact that Donald Trump and those that surround him are deeply connected to intelligence agencies, Transhumanism and Big Tech. Which in turn all function within a satanic agenda for what the Kabbalists call their World To Come.

The following facts are true and some are widely known.
- Trump was bailed out by Rothschild Agent Wilbur Ross decades ago
- The Rothschilds control the Rockefeller’s who control Big Pharma
- Trump is heavily Pro Israel and likely a Christian Zionist
- Peter Thiel funds J.D Vance
- Peter Thiel’s Palantir is a CIA affiliated asset
- Eric Schmidt’s In-Q-Tel (IQT) invested around $2 million in Palantir
- In-Q-Tel was the CIA’s venture capital firm
- Both Donald Trump and RFK jnr are connected to Chabad Lubavitch
- Peter Thiel funded Elon Musks Space X alongside NASA

- Both Thiel and Schmidt are involved with the Frontier Fund
- The Frontier Fund CEO is Gilman Louie who was the first CEO of In-Q-Tel
- RFK Jnr endorsed Hillary Clinton with a campaign in 2007 (see quote below)
- Hilary Clinton was endorsed by Lynn De Rothschild in 2016
- Trump never locked up Hillary Clinton or built his wall
- Trump pardoned his son in laws father Charles Kushner and Roger Stone
- Trump did not pardon Assange or Edward Snowdon
- Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem al Qudsknowing it would cause conflict between the US, Israel and the Palestinians. (60 unarmed Palestinian civilians were murdered by the IDF for protesting)
- Trump called for the assassination Qasem Soleimani
- Trump rolled out the Covid 19 [genocidal] ‘Vaccine’ with his Operation Warspeed and still refuses to apologies. He did this with Dr Anthony Fauci
- Both RFK jnr and Donald Trump are connected to the Messianic Chabad Lubavtich. As is Milie, Zelensky, Putin and Netanyahu.
- Trump, RFK jnr, Elon Musk, Milei, Kier Starmer, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris are all Israel first.

These are just a few of the glaringly obvious and surface level inconsistencies that anyone really looking to exposed the “globalists” would need to at least cover and explain if they wanted to marry this information up with their support of Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bret Weinstein, Eric Weinstein, Robert Malone and now Robert Kennedy Jnr.
Don’t Tell Me, Do Tell Me!
By pointing out these simple truths, those who need to follow someone like a Trump or a Musk get triggered into shouting (or typing in bold) “what are your solutions then ?”
This is where they peel off the Black Pilled label and slap in on your forehead! It saves them having to look to themselves as their own saviour and take responsibility for their impact on the world.
The lunacy of this was well described by my co host our weekly WTAF Podcast Gareth Icke. He explained that it was like knowing the chef had spat in the pizza you just ordered (he didn’t say spat but it sounds like it) and then telling your friend not to eat it because it’s got spit in it. Then your friend getting annoyed at you for spoiling his meal and blaming you for still being hungry.
So next time you go to the same pizza place you just let him eat it, knowing the chef hates him and will have spat in his pizza. He then takes a bite, pulls a disgusted face and then says “this has got spit in it, why didn’t you tell me?”!!
You can’t win…..
The fact is that the likes of Donald Trump, RFK Jnr, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, JD Vance and I would even add Tucker Carlson (Dick Carlson was a Government asset) have all spat in your pizza and they are watching you all eat it, laughing their arses off.
Both Alex Jones and Russell Brand seem to be on the Trump train to unfortunately.
The bullet points above are only scratching the surface as to the amount of times these cult assets have spat in your dinner. Now they just all go on each others podcasts taking turns spitting in your dinner and serving it up on their mate Elon Musks X Platter(Musk doesn’t own X, he is funded by Shadow funders and Saudi Royals but you get my point).
All the while shadow banning those who are pointing this out. Freedom of Speech is not Freedom of Reach on X.
Proof Is In The Plaza
Let’s take Wilbur Ross for example, the same guy who was given the task by his Rothschild bosses to bail out Donald Trump.
Dean Henderson writes in fantastic book ‘Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse’ that “by 1984 President Donald Trump opened his first casino in Atlantic City. Harrahs at Trump Plaza was financed and managed by Holiday Corporations, a British owned hotel chain better known as Holiday Inn. The parent company of Holiday Inn is Intercontinental Hotels Group. Trump bought another partially built casino from Hilton and renamed it Trump Castle, before he bought the Taj Mahal from Merv Grffin and Resorts International in 1988. Trump also Bought 93% of Resorts International itself, an MI6 drug money laundry founded by Crown Agents Allen Dulles and David Rockefeller as the Mary Carter Paint Company in the 1950’s”
Both Dulles and David Rockefeller were agents of the Pilgrim Society, a semi secret club that the British and UK operate through, that still functions today. The current patron of the Pilgrim Society is King Charles III, the same guy behind the World Economic Forum.
Not only is Trump not draining the swamp, the evidence is overwhelming that he has been drinking it in, and swimming in it all of his adult life.
The 93% purchase of Resorts International put Trump in financial difficulties, and perhaps he was told to “purchase it” like Musk was told to purchase Twitter. It was bond specialist Wilbur Ross who was sent on behalf of NM Rothschilds & Son in 1992 to convince Trump’s creditors to write off billions of Trump’s debt in exchange for casino assets.
I would suggest that this was when Trump was bought and paid for, and the road to the White House was set in motion. This is how it works.
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