The Cancer Cash Cow: Why Big Pharma Fears Natural Cures | Danceaway
It’s time to wake up, see through the corporate propaganda, and embrace the real solutions that God provides. The cure for cancer isn’t locked away in some pharmaceutical vault—it’s all around us
Let’s get one thing straight: Cancer is big business. And like any big business, those at the top are more interested in raking in profits than actually curing anything. They’ve perfected the art of turning a crisis into a goldmine, with cancer being the ultimate cash cow. The global cancer industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and you can bet that the suits running this show have a vested interest in keeping it that way.
Here’s the real kicker—while the world spends billions on conventional treatments like radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy, these so-called “solutions” are not just ineffective; they’re downright harmful. They don’t just kill cancer cells; they obliterate healthy ones, too, wreck your immune system, and often pave the way for new cancers. It’s a vicious cycle of sickness and profit, and guess who’s laughing all the way to the bank? Big Pharma, of course. And why are these medieval treatments still the go-to? Simple: They make a killing—literally and figuratively. Follow the money, and you’ll see the truth—this industry isn’t about healing; it’s about keeping you just sick enough to need their pricey meds. That’s the real business model at play here.

The Cash Cow of Conventional Treatments
The “Big 3” conventional cancer treatments are the darlings of Big Pharma, but not because they’re effective. No, they’re the go-to treatments because they’re cash cows. Let’s break it down:
- Chemotherapy: This toxic cocktail is a favorite among oncologists, not because it works miracles, but because it pads their pockets. Doctors literally get paid more when they prescribe chemotherapy. And what does chemo do? Not only does it decimate cancer cells, but it also annihilates healthy cells, leaving your immune system in tatters and opening the door to a host of other diseases, including—you guessed it—more cancer. Chemotherapy is like using a sledgehammer to kill a fly—it’s overkill, and the collateral damage is devastating.

- Radiation: Zap the cancer, they say. But here’s the dirty secret: Radiation doesn’t just target cancer cells; it also fries the surrounding healthy tissue. It’s like trying to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it. And guess what? That radiation exposure can set you up for even more cancer down the road. But hey, treating that new cancer means more treatments, more profits, and the cycle continues.
- Surgery: Sure, you can cut out a tumor, but that doesn’t address the root cause of the cancer. It’s like removing the check engine light without ever touching the engine itself. What happens when you leave the real problem untouched? The cancer often comes back, sometimes with a vengeance, because the tumor wasn’t the root issue—it was just a symptom. And there are severe risks with surgery, too. This isn’t just theoretical; my father, Graham Bollinger, tragically died due to complications from surgery to remove his stomach tumors. His death was “iatrogenic” (i.e. medically induced). Simply put, he died from the “treatment” for cancer but not the cancer itself. Surgery might remove the visible tumor, but it often fails to tackle the underlying problem and can even exacerbate the situation, leaving patients more vulnerable to future health crises.

Big Pharma Bribery
The pharmaceutical industry isn’t just pushing ineffective treatments—they’re downright bribing the very people who are supposed to be saving lives. It’s not just about profits anymore; it’s about making sure those profits keep rolling in, no matter the cost. Doctors, who should be the trusted guardians of our health, are being incentivized to prescribe these costly, dangerous treatments because, well, money talks. And let’s be honest, the louder the money, the quieter the ethics. This isn’t healthcare—this is a racket, plain and simple.
Take a look at the sheer scale of Big Pharma’s bribery machine. Big Pharma companies spend billions—yes, billions—every year on “incentives” for doctors. These incentives come in many forms: lavish dinners, paid speaking engagements, fancy vacations disguised as conferences, and cold, hard cash. And all of it is designed to ensure that doctors keep pushing their toxic, overpriced drugs onto unsuspecting patients. The result? A healthcare system where treatment decisions are driven not by what’s best for the patient but by what’s best for Big Pharma’s bottom line.

It gets worse. Not only are doctors getting a cut, but the entire medical establishment is in on it. Big Pharma giants often fund hospitals and medical schools, and that money comes with strings attached. The result? A curriculum that trains future doctors to prioritize pharmaceutical solutions over natural, effective treatments. And if a doctor does decide to go against the grain and advocate for something other than Big Pharma’s “solutions,” they’re quickly marginalized, ridiculed, or even stripped of their license.
Suppressed Solutions
When it comes to natural cancer cures, Big Pharma doesn’t just ignore them—they actively suppress them. Take Laetrile, for instance. This natural compound, derived from apricot seeds, showed promise as an effective cancer treatment decades ago. But rather than exploring its potential, the FDA quickly swooped in, branding it as dangerous and banning it outright. Why? Because Laetrile couldn’t be patented, and without a patent, Big Pharma couldn’t make a profit. So, instead of a potentially life-saving treatment, we got a smear campaign and more toxic chemo. And that’s just one example.

Then there’s cannabis, a plant with well-documented anti-cancer properties that has been used medicinally for centuries. When studies began to show that compounds in cannabis could shrink tumors and kill cancer cells, you’d think the medical community would be all over it. Instead, cannabis was demonized and classified as a Schedule I drug, and its research was stifled. The reason? Once again, Big Pharma saw a threat to their bottom line. You can’t patent a plant, but you can sure as heck block access to it while you cook up synthetic versions to sell at a premium.
Then there’s the ketogenic diet, which has been the subject of controversy, especially from those whose “religion” is their own pet diet, which they believe is the Holy Grail. We’re about to shatter that illusion held by many of the “keto haters.” The ketogenic diet, with its low-carb, high-fat approach, is not just another fad; it’s a bona fide game-changer in the fight against cancer. By depriving those pesky cancer cells of their favorite food—glucose—this diet actually shrinks tumors. Yes, you heard that right. While you’re busy munching on carbs, cancer cells thrive and multiply. The keto diet, on the other hand, puts them on a starvation diet. Studies confirm it: reducing glucose levels can halt cancer progression and even shrink tumors.

Nature’s Wonders
And while we’re on the topic of natural wonders that can’t be monetized, let’s not forget Vitamin D. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can drastically reduce your cancer risk—especially as you age. But hey, why bask in the sun and enjoy a natural source of Vitamin D when you can slather on toxic sunscreens that might actually increase your cancer risk? Yes, you read that right. Some studies suggest that certain chemicals in sunscreens can contribute to cancer rather than protect you from it. It’s almost poetic how we’re encouraged to douse ourselves in cancer-causing chemicals while the simple, natural solution—sunshine and Vitamin D—is conveniently ignored.

Then there’s turmeric, with its active compound curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can help stop cancer in its tracks. But because it’s a natural spice, there’s no fortune to be made—so don’t expect it to be part of the standard treatment plan. Bitter melon is another natural remedy that’s been shown to fight cancer. Essential oilslike frankincense and lavender are ancient remedies that can induce cancer cell death and reduce inflammation. Aromatherapy doesn’t just smell good; it’s a legitimate way to support your body’s natural healing processes.
Yes, even sound therapy is showing promise in the fight against cancer because certain frequencies can destroy cancer cells and promote healing. These are just a handful of the countless natural remedies, foods, herbs, and roots that could be your cancer-fighting allies. But don’t expect to see these on your nightly news because they don’t come with a Big Pharma price tag. After all, why promote affordable, effective solutions when you can push overpriced drugs and keep the “cancer profit train” rolling?

Now, let’s dive into the whole pandemic debacle and its secret side effect: “turbo cancers.” The COVID-19 shots, which were rushed through without the luxury of thorough safety studies, seem to be creating a new breed of cancer that grows faster and more aggressively. Reports and emerging studies hint at an alarming trend: individuals who received the vaccine are developing cancers that seem to come on with unprecedented speed and ferocity.

Of course, this entire “turbo cancer” topic has been “debunked” by Snopes, right? Oh, Snopes—our so-called “fact-checking” savior. Ever wonder who’s behind the curtain of this supposed beacon of truth? Ah, David and Barbara Mikkelson —those illustrious “purveyors of truth” at Snopes — the masterminds behind the so-called “fact-checking” juggernaut. Let’s just say that they have a history that’s as messy as their own behind-the-scenes drama that resembles a soap opera—complete with dubious divorce settlements, luxury splurges, and bitter legal battles.
The Bottom Line
Cancer treatment is a rigged game, expertly manipulated by Big Pharma to ensure that their profits keep skyrocketing, even if it means patients are left to suffer through ineffective and dangerous treatments. But here’s the good news: you don’t have to play their game. By exploring natural remedies and solutions that the cancer industry would rather keep hidden, you can take control of your health and fight cancer in ways that actually work.

It’s time to wake up, see through the corporate propaganda, and embrace the real solutions that God provides. The cure for cancer isn’t locked away in some pharmaceutical vault—it’s all around us, in nature, waiting to be discovered. Until we reject the smoke and mirrors of Big Pharma, these real remedies will remain in the shadows. So, if you’re looking for genuine hope and healing, start looking beyond the flashy ads and discover God’s healing in the natural world around you.
Discover the transformative power of natural cancer cures with our groundbreaking docu-series, The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest! We journeyed across the USA, Mexico, Canada, and Europe to bring you this epic 9-episode docu-series that ignited a worldwide movement. This isn’t just another documentary; it’s a passionate exploration of the real answers that God has provided, with over 130 compelling expert interviews, including top-notch doctors, pioneering scientists, and fearless investigative journalists.

In this eye-opening docu-series, you’ll discover the latest breakthroughs, ancient remedies, and easy-to-implement solutions that you can start using today. But that’s not all. We’ve also captured the powerful stories of cancer survivors who’ve walked the walk and found hope where conventional treatments failed. Their incredible journeys and proven solutions might just be the key to your own path to wellness.
Get ready to be inspired, informed, and empowered. The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest is your ticket to uncovering the truth about cancer and discovering how you can take control of your health with real, effective alternatives. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening experience that’s changing lives around the globe!
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