The First Anniversary Of The Canadian Trucker Convoy

Dylan Eleven |
The only way they could get rid of the convoy was to completely violate the rights of Canadians, by physically beating them. Armed thugs arrived and trampled, literally, on Canadians and their rights.
The pathetic Trudeau hid from the honks and could not speak once to the people as he knows he was, and still is, in the wrong.
This event some say has come and gone. But as the article below points out, the fact it happened showed us so much, meant so much to people everywhere and will continue to have an effect on the unification of the people.
It showed us all that we can stand together, even in extreme conditions, and peacefully unite against the few in control.
It showed us they were scared, and hid.
It showed us the truth is not on their side, if it was they could discuss with the people instead of using force to break up the convoy and protest to hide their lies.
It showed us who's side the police are on. They are not on our side. Not at least anyone of them who showed up that day and beat people for standing up for our rights.
The event will continue to be one of the sparks in this global awakening and uniting of the planet.
Sometimes considered to be too easy going; Canadians, stood up and said 'No More Buddy' and it worked.
One of the most iconic Canadian pictures of the actual toughness of Canadians is the main photo above. It shows a true Canadian standing up to a fascist thug who may or may not have been Canadian, (there is some doubt to the nationalities of some of the so called police on the scene). The "Canadian" "police" "officer" was kitted out in full tactical armour and the Canadian patriot standing apposed to him was not even wearing a T shirt in very cold winter weather, while smoking a joint.
We are much tougher and united than they want us to believe.
The pathetic Trudeau could not even come down to the bouncy castles and have a conversation. This shows they are weak.
The trucker convoy shows the world we are strong, we are the many, we have right on our side and the truth.
This event will continue to inspire the world.

The Truckers Freedom Convoy – And The Grapes of Wrath
Global Research / Dr. Francis Christian
On the first anniversary of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy, I must modify somewhat President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address and state quite unequivocally that “the world will continue to take note and long remember what Canadian Truckers did here, and it can never forget what they achieved here.”
The Convoy has passed through the narrow confines of time and become immortal.
In John Steinbeck’s novel, “The Grapes of Wrath,” (turned into a widely acclaimed film), two Truckers do an enormous good deed to an unsuspecting diner and store keeper.
The very hard times of the great depression (the “Grapes of Wrath”) were of no consequence to the Truckers. With triumphant grace, humble nonchalance, they handsomely reimburse with several dollars, the bewildered store lady for giving two poor kids two nickel-worth of candy, for a penny.
Kris Kristofferson turned this beautiful story into a beautiful song, in which the store lady calls out to the Truckers as they leave – “hey you left too much money.” The Truckers tell her as they pick up their coats to leave, “what’s it to you?”

Here’s what the Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy was to us – a reason to hope again, a reason to believe in humanity again, a reason for millions of Canadians to show the world that tyranny has a defined lifespan and that peaceful civil disobedience can shake its fragile foundations.
It was all that and more to us!
In the frigid temperatures of a very cold Canadian winter, we lined the highways and stood with large maple leaf flags waving with a furious indignation at the terrible suffering that the totalitarian tyranny had inflicted upon our people.
On the overpasses across the nation, the very young and the very old and every age in between leaned into the convoy with their flags, willing them forward on their mission of liberty.

It was all that and more to us!
Across the world and over the airwaves of new and dinosaur media the peaceful, powerful Freedom Convoy embarrassed and scared the hell out of our totalitarian Canadian politicians – one went into hiding (Trudeau) and within days of the Freedom Convoy reaching Ottawa, the other (O’Toole) was quickly voted out by his own party!
South of the longest land border in the world, our American cousins held their breath in awe, in admiration and in utter disbelief that the “polite” Canadian masses could rise in their millions in peaceful revolt and challenge a totalitarian tyranny. The roar of the Canadian bear was heard across the world and Trudeau’s fellow tyrants everywhere heard too – and trembled.
Almost exactly a year later, the dictator of the banana republic New Zealand (otherwise called its prime minister) has resigned. Four months ago, the blundering buffoon tyrant in Downing Street (Boris Johnson) was also told he had to go! Without a shot being fired, the Freedom Convoy has dethroned dictators and reminded the world that the sum total of reality is resolutely set against evil.
It was all that and more to us!
It was no accident that during and soon after the Convoy, the mandates started to fall. The science had not changed. The desire of the politicians, corporations, globalists, “experts” and health czars to control, manipulate, abuse and insult the population had not changed. These petty tyrants were made to change – forced to give way to the peaceful assault of a determined, tenacious civil disobedience movement.
The Freedom Convoy literally linked the hands of millions of Canadians and made them dance together; literally increased the hug rate exponentially in Ottawa; literally brought all shades, hues and sizes of Canadians together; and literally did more for French-English unity than decades of political polemics!
It was all that and more to us.
I wrote an essay a few weeks ago about why the Trucker is smarter – than the doctor, the scientist, the lawyer, the philosopher, the college professor, the politician and the bureaucrat!
The Truckers who constituted the Freedom Convoy also possessed that most elusive of all human virtues – humility.
I don’t believe any of the Freedom Convoy Truckers brought about what Mr. Carlson described as “The Single Most Successful Human Rights Protest In A Generation” for selfish reasons. Many of them even today, are unaware of the seismic nature of their collective, peaceful protest. The aftershocks of the earthquake they caused are being felt today in peoples homes, in the places they work and up and down the halls of tyranny – and will be felt long after this generation is gone.
They did what they did for humanity, for the oppressed, for freedom, for liberty, for human rights, for free speech, for our family, for our friends, for us all.
And they did all that with exemplary demonstration of the timeless words of Jesus who said we ought to do our good deeds with humility: “let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.”
This is what the Truckers of the Freedom Convoy did. This is why, “great shall their reward be.”
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