The Government Misinformation about the Deadly Harms of the 5G Futuristic Technologies

The Exposé |
Patricia Harrity
The Defender, recently published a woman’s account of how her life dramatically changed after having 51 strokes following the “upgrade” of a cell tower 900 feet from her home. There are too many stories such as this one, but the harms from towers and EMF radiation have been conveniently ignored while the government “upgraded” the telecoms infrastucture in the UK. Instead, their promotion of the mass roll out of the 5G has touted the futuristic lifestyle “benefits” of it, but downright lying about the harms. This is of course, because 5G is the nervous system of the dictatorial control that the globalist cult have in store for us. From smart cities, to mind control, 5G is essential and the fact that even prior to this roll out and the horrific 5G towers, there has been a “variety of evidence” of deadly harms from “Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance” attributed to Electromagnetic Fields (IEI-EMF), or Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS).
But, as we have already witnessed with the children jabbers and the midazolam monsters, there is nothing that will stand in the way of the long planned globalist agenda.
A study by Michael Bevington, published at the begining of 2019, presented evidence that came both from surveys of the general population and also from individuals that faced restrictions in access to work as a result of their “intolerance.” (Can anyone actually be intolerant to EMF?).
What these surveys found is that 79% of the population had “subconcious symptoms” up to 30% had mild cases, and 0.65% which in a population of 67 milion equates to 435,500 people had “severe cases” and were restricted from work. Since these studies were conduted there has been a
The Difficulty With Identifying IEI-EMF/EHS
The Bevington study, shows a substantial number of individuals who were reported to have been diagnosed with IEI-EMF/EHS, however, there is every likelihood that the numbers are far higher than recorded due to undereporting. According to the study by Bevington, it is often difficult to identify IEI-EMF/EHS and to link EMF exposure with health effects.
For example, he cited a case where a physician with 25 years’ experience spent nine months researching before he discovered that he had developed IEI-EMF/EHS (Eberle, 2014). Also, three out of the four cases in another study showed that it took from 3 to 17 years to identify EMF exposure as a cause of symptoms (Genuis, 2008).
Another case (#3, UK survey 2019; Supplementary Data) took 14 years to discover that the cause of her varied symptoms was probably IEI-EMF/EHS; in fact, of the 34 individual adults in this survey, 7 (21%) were graduates of Oxford or Cambridge universities, an unusually high proportion given that these graduates form under 1% of the UK’s adult population.
In another study 50% of people considered IEI-EMF/EHS had the equivalent of university education compared with 11% of others (Schröttner, et al. 2008). while of 107 with IEI-EMF/EHS, 27.3% were classified as having ‘high’ education compared with 12.2% as ‘low’ (Schreier, et al. 2006).
No known psychological or neurological factors explain this preponderance towards higher education. Instead, it may reflect the intellectual challenge of linking unseen radiation with ill health, especially given the shortage of information about IEI-EMF/EHS in some medical literature and in some official sources.
In Japan it was reported that in 2012 only 1% of the general population had heard of IEI-EMF/EHS (Hojo, et al. 2016). This difficulty of diagnosis may also explain under-reporting in some studies on IEI-EMF/EHS based on self-diagnosis.
Difficulty Diagnosing Children According to Bevington, there is a difficulty in diagnosing children with IEI-EMF/EHS, and in one case it took 10 years for physicians and therapists to establish that the child had IEI-EMF/EHS (case 1, Hedendahl, et al. 2015), suggesting that there may be significant under-reporting for children, who need adjustments to prevent restriction or exclusion from their school work situations.
Difficulty in differential diagnosis of IEI-EMF/EHS and MCS: During the ten years before a survey in 2012-15, IEI-EMF/EHS became the second most common trigger for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity at 26.9%, with 17.1% affected at home and 11.7% at work or school, after construction and renovation (35.1%), whereas it did not feature at all in a survey of 1999-2003 (Hojo, et al. 2018). This link between IEI-EMF/EHS and MCS matches earlier findings (Rea, et al. 1991; Belpomme, et al. 2015), but can make diagnosis difficult, where MCS is a better known and more prevalent environmental intolerance.
Difficulty in differential diagnosis of IEI-EMF/EHS and cancer: markers for some cases of IEI-EMF/EHS, such as genetic haplotypes (De Luca, et al, 2014) and chronic inflammation and oxidative stress (Irigaray, Caccamo, et al. 2018), are also linked with cancers, a common health outcome among many people with IEI-EMF/EHS, related by dose-response to exposures (Kundi, et al. 2009) and supported by WHO’s IARC 2B possible human carcinogen classification, making a differential diagnosis often problematical.
Mainstream Media Reports.

It is arguably established therefore, that there will undoubtedly be individuals that have illnesses that have never been attributed to the EMF by the individual themselves or by diagnosis from the medical profession. Nevertheless, over the years, there have been reports from mainstream media, where people have been able to attribute ill health to Wifi, mobile phones, phone masts etc. A few of these reports are listed below:
- a) Polly Dunbar: “Could Wifi be harming your health?” Daily Mail, November 24 2014;other
- (b) Nicholas Blincoe: “Electrosensitivity: is technology killing us?” The Guardian, March 29 2013; other
- (c) Claire Campbell: “It happened to me … I’m allergic to modern life” Mail on Sunday, June 28 2009; other
- (d) Thomas Ball: “Electrosensitivity: is technology killing us? – in pictures” The Guardian, March 29 2013; other
- (e) Josh Fordham: “Electro-magnetic waves have made this Chard woman unable to leave the house” Somerset Live, December 20 2016; other
- (f) Yao Lan: “Trapped in a cage by electromagnetic hypersensitivity” ecns, April 12 2017; other
- (g) Joani Walsh: “Using Wifi has cost me my life” Sunday Express, August 5 2007; other;
- (h) Rebecca Cain: “Welsh Newton woman voices concerns about phone masts after she developed severe skin rash” Hereford Times, March 21 2016; other
- (i) Jonathan Milne “Mystery headaches reboot Wifi fears” Times Educational Supplement, March 30 2007; other
- (j) Angela Epstein: “The women who say they are allergic to modern life: Blinding headaches. Violent sickness. Even blackouts. So could Wifi, mobile phones and TV screens be to blame?” Daily Mail, May 26 2013; other
- (k) Annette McIntyre: “New technology blamed for Ilkley student’s living nightmare” Ilkley Gazette, July 10 2008;other
- (l) Juliette Maxam: “Computer network forced man to quit job” East Anglian Daily Times, July 10 2006;other
- (m) Jonathan Milne: “Wifi fears hang in the air” Times Educational Supplement, December 15 2006;other
- (n) Joanna Bale: “Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks: Radiation levels blamed for sickness; teacher became too sick to work” The Times, November 20 2006;other
- (o) Jo Smith: “The Invisible Threat” Plymouth Herald, May 23 2012;
- (p) Faith Eckersall: “No car, TV, laptop, lights or trips to the shops: meet the woman who says she’s allergic to electronics” Bournemouth Echo, June 14 2015; other.Madlen Davies: “The woman ‘allergic to electricity’: 50-year-old dons protective suit and veil to go outside as she claims Wifi could kill her” Daily Mail, July 3 2015; other
- (q) Joani Walsh: “Using Wifi has cost me my life” Sunday Express, August 5 2007; other
- (r) Youle R: “How gadgets and gizmos make life miserable” The South Wales Post, March 18 2009;
- (s) Catherine Frompovich: “Are You Impacted By Electrosmog?” Activist Post, June 24 2017; other
- (t) Heidi Blake: “The man who is ‘allergic’ to Wifi” Daily Telegraph, July 24 2009; other
- (u) Guy Hudson: “The doctor who diagnosed her own electrosensitivity” What Doctors Don’t Tell You, April 2014; other
- (v) Florence Waters: “Is Wifi making your child ill?” Daily Telegraph, May 9 2015;other
- (w) “Tormented musician killed himself because he was ‘allergic to mobile phones’” The Sun, November 6 2012;other
- (x) Vivien Mason, “Parents of schoolgirl Jenny Fry are campaigning to have Wifi restricted in schools following her death” Cotswold Journal, November 25 2015; other
- (y) Laura Page: “The man living alone in the woods to escape Wifi and mobile phones” The Guardian, July 20 2012; other
- (z) Tom Davis: “Wifi allergy known as EHS has forced me to close my computer repair shop – Kidderminster boss” Evesham Journal, July 1 2016; other
- (aa) Anna Hodgekiss and Madlen Davies: “Business executive who claimed spending six hours a day on his mobile gave him brain cancer dies aged 44” Daily Mail, May 20 2016. other
- (bb) Anna Hodgekiss: “Grandfather claims he suffers bizarre allergy to Electricity which gives him ‘sunburn’ every time he watches TV” Daily Mail, April 25 2016;other
- (cc) Adam Bennett: “Woman forced to give up home and job to live in a shed as she’s allergic to WiFi” Mirror, January 19 2017; other.
The 5G Roll Out in the UK.
Our government, ignoring the cases of what has been deemed “sensitivity” to EMF radiation, decided to give us more of it and in July 2020, right when the people where preoccupied with the dichotomy of to mask or not to mask due to the ridiculous Covid interventions, the government and telecoms companies were busy erecting 5G towers.
There was an announcement by the government that there was a change in law, which was part of “the plan to give the UK the telecoms infrastructure it needs to meet the growing demands of consumers and businesses and to take advantage of future technologies that will be vital for the economy.”

The telecoms regulator Ofcom was granted new powers enabling them to share information with the government from broadband companies about where they plan to build gigabit-capable broadband networks, and to publish data about areas where gigabit broadband rollout is not currently planned.
The powers according to the government was to “help encourage the commercial rollout of gigabit broadband in locations where it is not yet earmarked.” This information was to helped the government decide where to spend £5 billion of funding”
So, while we were “all in it together” and supposed to be worried about a “deadly novel virus” vast amount of money was allocated to the rollout of broadband, because it would “give the public access to the fastest broadband, capable of one gigabit per second download speeds!

What this meant is that the hard-to-reach areas receive these much faster internet connections at the same time as towns and cities. What this really meant is there would be no where to escape the blanket coverage of these detrimental phone masts and the 5G towers.
The government confirmed that they would “push ahead” with their plans to reform planning laws to make it easier for industry to share and upgrade mobile phone masts. “This,” they said, “will speed up the rollout of 5G and improve 4G coverage in rural areas.“
Matt Warman, Minister for Digital Infrastructure, said: “We’re investing billions so no part of the UK is left behind by the opportunities and economic benefits that faster, more reliable and more secure digital connectivity brings. These changes will help target public funding in hard to reach areas most in need of better broadband. It will also help mobile companies banish rural not-spots by upgrading and sharing their masts.” Source.
5G The Newest Generation.
The Daily Mail also touted the benefits of a 5G with no mention of the harms the EMF and towers will cause, but just a “World of Futuristic technologies,
“5G is the newest generation of mobile communication technology, offering data speeds several times than 4G. The network also allow for larger amounts of data to be transferred at once, which could one day help power technologies such as fully autonomous cars.
For most consumers, 5G will allow you to carry out tasks on your smartphone more quickly and efficiently. For example, EE claims that it takes just under 37 seconds to download a 600MB film using its 5G network!
However, 5G could also open the door to a world of futuristic technologies. For example, the increased speed and lower latency could allow driverless cars to communicate with one another, while the network could also lead to more immersive VR and AR experiences.”

The whole concept of blanket coverage of the harmful 5G therefore, has been shrouded in the promotion of the enablement of a futuristic fantasy land. Although it is a generalisation, it does seem that the youth of today will switch on their selective hearing default mode when told of the dangers of their EMF radiating devices.
Livewire Tech for Humans publication wrote: “Anything that you use a network connection for right now will be greatly improved on a 6G network. Literally, every single improvement that 5G brings will manifest as an even better, enhanced version on a 6G network.
We’re already destined to have more powerful VR and AR systems with 5G, plus interconnected smart cities and farms, AI at our fingertips, intelligent robotics working in factories, autonomous cars with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, and more. 6G will continue to support all of those areas with greater strength, while also providing even more bandwidth that will ultimately expand innovation even further, maybe into fields we haven’t tapped into yet or even considered. Think more immersive experiences and life-like, hologram video calls.”
Oh The Excitement!
Misinformation or Downright lies?
The difficulties in warning young people and of course, many adults of the dangers of increased EMFs will therefore, be difficult when all they see are the “benefits” especially when the government tells downright lies about it.
“Companies have been rolling out 5G in the UK since 2019. However, some people have raised concerns that the
introduction of 5G could affect people’s health and have even linked it to the coronavirus pandemic.
These claims are completely unfounded and should not be used as a basis to block or delay 5G rollout.” claim the Government and they have also shared a guide with their misinformation.
“This guide explains the facts about 5G to help you deal with queries from the public and to combat the disinformation that is spreading online.”
SMART Control.

The misinformation from the government is protecting the globalist agenda as 5G is the central nervous system of Smart Cities, and the internet of bodies, hieghtened surveillance and ultimately the total dictatorial control over humanity.
According to former Chilean president Sebastián Piñera, 5G is not only able to read our thoughts, but can also insert thoughts and emotions into everyone, he stated that it will become the “central nervous system of society,” and he guaranteed that they will make sure it reaches every home in the country. Source
Stop World Control say that “Interestingly, all streetlights in Smart Cities are also concealed 5G antennas” and in Rio De Janeiro, for example, 450,000 streetlights are being replaced with 5G-equipped LED lights. The same is happening in London, Paris and every other major city in the world. Millions upon millions of LED 5G streetlights are being positioned every few meters in every street of every city and nder cover of the pandemic, millions of 5G towers were erected in every country of the world.
The Towers
The Childrens Health Defense, published a recent account of the harms that were experienced by Marcia Haller detailed how her life dramatically changed when a cell tower 900 feet from her home was “upgraded.” Haller notified the telecom companies operating the tower that she plans to sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes
Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. |

In 2007, Marcia and Jason Haller — high school sweethearts who met in Duluth, Minnesota — bought their dream property north of Duluth to peacefully live close to nature and Marcia’s family. Little did they know then that American Towers, AT&T and T-Mobile would soon build a cell tower just 900 feet from their home — a tower that would later forever change Marcia’s life as she knew it.
Nearly immediately after the cell tower was “upgraded” in 2019, Marcia became disabled from the intense levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by the tower. Since then, she has suffered 51 strokes, vision loss, hearing loss, headaches, sleep disruption, chronic fatigue and cognitive impairment. She experiences ongoing issues with balance, orientation and mobility.
Now, backed by the legal team in Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless program, Marcia plans to sue the companies operating the tower, under the Americans with Disability Act.
Marcia alleges that the companies must provide her with a “reasonable accommodation” and/or “modify their policies, practices or procedures” to comply with federal disability law.
Hers is the second in CHD’s strategic line of cases trying out new legal avenues for individuals suffering from RF radiation exposure.
The cases also draw attention to the need for better federal regulation of RF radiation and outline the scientific evidence that debunks the “RF radiation is safe” narrative. W. Scott McCollough, lead litigator for the cases, told The Defender that Marcia’s legal team in January sent the telecom companies a demand letter and plans to file the initial complaint in her lawsuit later this month.
Marcia and Jay — who also have an 18-year-old son whose health they say has been impaired by the tower’s radiation — spoke to The Defender about Marcia’s illness and the importance of her legal battle in raising awareness that RF radiation can hurt people’s health.
‘Something’s wrong in my head’
In late September 2019, Marica and Jay noticed workmen doing a “major upgrade” on the 300-foot cell tower on the property adjacent to theirs.
Marcia, who at the time was in her third year of nursing school and worked as a certified nursing assistant at a hospital, said the work lasted about 10 days. “They put a big crane up there,” said Jay, who runs a trucking business. “We had seen them go up there without a crane multiple times, but this was the first time where it was a major overhaul type thing.”
What exactly did the workers do? – “We’re thinking [they upgraded the tower for deploying] 5G,” Marcia said. “They [the companies] won’t admit to what they did. They say they don’t have to tell us.”
On the weekend after the workers completed the upgrade, Marcia was at home and began feeling dizzy and as if something “just didn’t feel right.”
She called Jay, telling him, “Something’s wrong in my head … I don’t know how to explain it. I just feel like crap.” Did she need him to come home? No, she told him. “I’ll be fine.”
The physical sensation was “awful,” Marcia said. In addition to dizziness, she had headaches and nausea. “I couldn’t pick my head up off the pillow without the room spinning and feeling very sick.“
‘We think you’re having a stroke’
The symptoms continued. On Monday, she went to urgent care and was diagnosed with vertigo. She returned home. A few days later, she had blind spots in her vision and tingling in her arm with “almost a numb feeling.” Marcia called the on-call nurse center. They told her, “You need to come down to the emergency room. We think you’re having a stroke.”
An MRI of Marcia’s brain showed numerous damaged areas called lesions. She was admitted to the hospital on Oct. 10, 2019, and diagnosed with strokes, vision loss and balance difficulties.
After three days in the hospital, the strokes stopped happening — meaning MRIs of her brain no longer showed lesions — and Marcia returned home. But before the end of the month, Marcia “started feeling the same thing again” and went back to the emergency room.
Jay recalled, “We were home — the kid and I — and she was cooking dinner … She turned around and her face had actually drooped on this one. It was like ‘uh-oh.’” Marcia went back to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with more brain lesions. A neurologist told Marcia the MRI scan of her brain looked like a “starry night” because of how many white spots, or lesions, appeared.
The doctors still did not know what was causing them, she said.
Marcia goes to Mayo Clinic
Over the following weeks, Marcia went “back and forth a few times” between her home and her local hospital. After a night or two at the hospital, she would begin feeling better. But after returning home, her symptoms reemerged and she’d have to return to the hospital. “Each time, more strokes,” she said.
According to Jay, “A week or 10 days later, there’d be seven or 10 new ones [lesions appearing in the MRI scans]. This was going on for about a month. I think we rounded up to about 51 complete strokes.” Still, her local hospital doctors couldn’t explain why this was happening.
In early November 2019, Marcia was referred to the Mayo Clinic where doctors found her symptoms consistent with Susac syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease. She stayed at the Mayo Clinic until Nov. 22, 2019. She received plasmapheresis to put new plasma in her blood, steroids and a medication called CellCept.
Treatment just wasn’t working
The treatment didn’t work, and when Marcia returned home, she had more strokes. So she went back to the Mayo Clinic for her second two-week round of the same treatment. But after the second round of treatment, Marcia had more strokes — including one that temporarily impaired her hearing — and she continued to experience extreme fatigue.
Both Marcia and Jay looked back on these months of Marcia’s sickness as a time of emotional stress and pain. Jay had to withdraw Marcia from school and convince her employer that she needed an indefinite leave of absence because of her health condition. Meanwhile, because one of Marcia’s symptoms was cognitive impairment, she “thought she was fine” and was upset at Jay for doing so.
Marcia had also been a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical responder. “I was so mad at my husband because he — behind my back — told the fire department … ‘You can’t send her pages anymore because she wants to go on these calls and she cannot go on these calls.’”
Time to live in a different location
During one of Marcia’s stays at the Mayo Clinic, Jay “just woke up” with a strong sense that the cell tower radiation was causing Marcia’s symptoms. “Then he started doing research and that’s when we started piecing things together,” Marcia explained.
Based on what Jay was discovering, he and Marcia decided to try living elsewhere. On March 3, 2020, they and their son moved into Marcia’s parents’ house a mile further away from the tower. Marcia “got a lot better,” she said. The strokes stopped.
By June, she was talking about returning to school, Jay said. “We’d go fishing every night and she just had a lot more energy.” Around the same time, Marcia’s doctors at the Mayo Clinic had Marcia taking pill chemotherapy. “So they’re patting themselves on the back for the chemo,” Jay said, “I think it was moving that made it stop.”
But in October 2020, Marcia’s parents returned so Jay, Marcia and their son moved back to their house close to the tower. In just a week, Marcia started experiencing the same symptoms again.
Building the ‘penalty box’
Jay and Marcia became more convinced that the RF radiation from the tower was making Marcia sick. Oct. 16, 2020, they hired Frank DiCristina — a certified building biologist and certified EMR specialist — to measure the wireless radiation levels throughout their home.
DiCristina’s report showed peaks of up to 18 milliwatts per squared meter (mW/m2) — which is 18 times higher than what the Standard of Building Biology considers the “extreme limit,” noted DiCristina in the report.
Marcia and Jay loved the location of their home and didn’t want to move. So they set about making their property more livable for Marcia. In late October 2020, Jay constructed a Faraday cage — an enclosure with metal lining that blocks out all RF radiation — to give Marcia a place of relief from the radiation.

Having a space free of RF radiation has made a big difference in Marcia’s well-being.
She said she can feel her head relax when she’s in the Faraday cage. But anywhere else in the house or yard, her head feels “loud” and “full … like a motor’s running.”
Despite the relief provided by the cage, Marcia made it clear it’s not fun having to go into a small enclosed space to feel OK. She and Jay call the Faraday cage “the penalty box.” It’s a tiny room with no power and no windows — just a “complete black box with two beds,” Marcia said.
She and Jay sleep there. “I would be nervous to sleep in my house because I don’t want to get sick again,” Marcia said.Sleeping out there isn’t convenient, though. “There’s no bathroom in the garage,” she said. “So if I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I have to leave the garage, go outside, come in the house.”
Marcia also now wears a metal-lined baseball cap when in her home to mitigate her symptoms. With these measures, she slowly was able to complete her nursing program and return to work.
‘We’re not crazy’
Marcia hopes her lawsuit will force the telecom companies to relocate their tower so she can move freely on her property without risking her health. She also wants her case to raise public awareness that people experience physical symptoms from RF radiation. “We’re not crazy,” she said. “This really is happening.”
For instance, she and Jay think living so close to the tower may have been a factor in Jay’s development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Their son, too, has had negative health episodes — including a major blood clot in his left arm — that Marcia and Jay suspect may have been linked to the radiation. In 2022, their then-16-year-old son, Clay, called Marcia from work and asked, “Is it normal that my arm is blue and tight?”
The two shared a quick video call. “No, that’s not normal,” Marcia said when she saw Clay’s arm. She immediately picked him up and took him to the hospital. CT scans showed Clay had a blood clot starting from his elbow that extended into his neck and two more clots in his lungs.

Clay’s bloodwork showed that, while he tested negative for COVID-19, he at some point in the past had had an asymptomatic case of COVID-19 — which the doctors said could have caused the clots.
Marcia and Jay also said they’ve witnessed animals affected by the tower’s radiation. Their dog, Daisy, developed fatty tumors throughout her body that limited her mobility and quality of life to the point that Marcia and Jay had to put her down.

But Marcia found this explanation unlikely and confirmed with an integrative medicine doctor — who was knowledgeable of the possible health impacts of wireless radiation — that the blood clots could have been caused by Clay’s ongoing exposure to RF radiation.
“The deer definitely have these tumors like the dog did,” Jay said. “Not every deer, but some of the deer.”
When Marcia and Jay tell others about their experiences, people tend to “just kind of brush it off” and say, “That’s not going to happen to me or to anybody I know besides you guys.” But “we’re not the only ones out there that this is happening to,” Marcia said.
Although estimates vary, a 2019 analysis suggested that 1.5% of the population experience severe symptoms from exposure to RF radiation, 5% have moderate symptoms and 30% have mild symptoms. That means roughly 2.16-99.7 million Americans are likely affected.
Marcia and Jay recently shared their story on CHD.TV.
Just as occured with the jab roll out, the global agenda concerning the 5G network which will enable SMART cities, mass surveillance and totalitarian digital control has been more important to the globalist cult, (as we have come to expect), and their government minions. Once again they have pushed forward with their agenda and this time the blanket coverage of 5G with the knowledge that it will cause serious illnesses and literally be the death of people. They are disgracefully touting the fun, futuristic benefits to the young people in our society who are excited at the prospect of more gadgets and devices that 5G and then 6G will enhance.
Our governments, their administration staff who write up documents/ Gov website, and all the other minions who push their misinformation are guilty of crimes against humanity, but do they even care?
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- Livewire –
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- Stop World Control – Smart Cities –
- The Daily Mail
- The Government – New Law
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