The Hot Phase Of US Civil War Begins With Attack On Los Angeles

Benjamin Fulford | | Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.
The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”
Let’s throw in a few illustrations to make it clear this was a deliberate attack. First, as the photo and the video below show, the trees between the burnt houses are all intact. If this was a wildfire, the trees would have burnt first.

This next photo shows a blue car that is remarkably unscathed, just like blue roofed houses were in Maui.

Furthermore, these videos show the actual attacks being carried out using DEWs.

Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.
It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom. Take a look at the corporate sponsors of Smart LA 2028:
Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.
What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.
They have announced plans for “Smart Cities” in Austin, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, New York, Pittsburg, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Washington DC. As the KM’s track record shows, they have been using DEWs and arson to clear people out of the areas they plan to build in.
Remember too the KM has as many as 10 million military-aged illegal immigrants standing by in various parts of the country waiting for orders. We also know that weapons stashes have been prepared for them. We are also seeing reports of mystery containers appearing at ports around the United States, possibly containing weapons and mercenary soldiers and who knows what else.
In another disturbing sign, three Humvees with machine gun mounts, and a whole bunch of military-grade gear were stolen from the Army Reserve Center in Tustin.
In a sign Alex Soros is one of the people pushing the US mayhem, Soros funds the 20% of US prosecutors who preside over 40% of homicides in the US.

Listen to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban describe how Soros issued bonds in 2015 to finance the huge influx of illegal immigrants behind the crime waves in Europe and the US.
Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.
Remember, these criminals operate by compromising the tip top of the power structure and assume everyone below will “follow orders.” We need to make sure those on the top serve the majority of the people and not the hidden KM elite. That is why pressure needs to be applied up the chain of command to ensure it is not compromised.
That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?
A senior US Space Force source warns “The Deep State will do everything to stop [the real] Trump from being inaugurated on the 20th. The venue may be moved to another location for Trump’s safety. The real Trump has still not decided if
he will attend. We still have 7 days left and anything can happen, to postpone the inauguration. The Deep State has prepared several backup plans. There is going to be a huge fight over Trump and the inauguration. The Supreme Court is still sitting on the Brunson case meaning civil war in the US is now inevitable.”
This is what the real Trump promises:
“I will sign Day One orders to end all Biden restrictions on energy production, terminate his insane electric vehicle mandate, cancel his natural gas export ban, reopen ANWR in Alaska—the biggest site, potentially anywhere in the world—and declare a national energy emergency.”
Trump says he and Chinese President Xi Jinping are getting along “very well” and have been communicating through aides. Trump and Xi are negotiating a write off of all debts and a one-off redistribution of assets, according to Asian secret society sources involved in the negotiations.
It also appears that Trump is trying to determine what sort of deals Barack Obama has reached with China. In this video from the Jimmy Carter funeral, Trump told Obama they would have to “find a quiet place” later today to discuss a “matter of importance,” forensic lip reader Jeremy Freeman tells the New York Post. “Obama and Trump appeared to be discussing international agreements, according to Freeman.”
This would definitely involve the US and China. Both countries have no choice because their current economic paradigms are broken.
China’s working-age population is vanishing even as it faces a real estate crisis that has bankrupted its’ financial system. If you take the population numbers of India and China from 1990 and use the official fertility rate to do the math, it says in 2020 India’s population is 1.43 billion and China’s is 890 million. This means China is exaggerating its’ population by over 500 million.
A fear of India may be why the Chinese government just grabbed India by the water jugular. It approved the construction of a 137 billion dollar hydropower project at a huge gorge in the Himalayan reaches where the Brahmaputra river makes a huge U-turn to flow into India and then to Bangladesh. It did not bother to inform these countries about a project that would dwarf any other single infrastructure project on the planet including China’s own Three Gorges Dam, regarded as the largest in the world.
This is a sort of problem that requires a fundamental reset in international relations.
Of course the situation is even worse in the US. This chart here shows, for example, shows the entire US financial system is bankrupt.
Faced with this situation, Donald Trump is making headlines talking about taking over all of North and Central America, starting with Panama and going North to include Greenland and Canada.
What Trump needs to realize though, is that he will have to declare bankruptcy of the US Corporation first. When you go bankrupt, your debt is written off but you lose your credit card. This means the US will have to go cold turkey by doing without the close to 1 trillion dollars worth of stuff it puts on its $250 trillion tab to get from the rest of the world each year. The fact is the United States is NOT going to take over Canada. The United States of North America is going to replace both Canada and the United States Corporation. This means replacing the Octagon Group owners of the Corporation with governments actually representing the people. It is going to involve the temporary nationalization of many of the mega-corporations.
It will also mean nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board. Michael Barr, the Fed’s top banking regulator, has already announced his early resignation so Trump can now pick a replacement. The replacement will end the Fed.
Ending the Fed will also end the now Satanic Roman Catholic Church. Most Catholics have stopped donating because they know Pope Francis has been replaced with a rubber-masked fake who is going against millennia of Church doctrine by doing things like allowing homosexual priests. Take a look at this fake Pope’s stretched mask in the photo below.
Mel Gibson, a devout Christian, says the Pope and the Vatican are surrounded by child molesters. Mel says he believes Pope Francis is covering up or involved in pedophilia now. The Church was instituted by Christ, he says, but it’s not what it purports to be anymore—— he believes what Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò believes…we are witnessing a counterfeit parallel church, which is running an entirely different [evil] religion.
While Gibson was talking about this, his Malibu mansion burned down.
“I was doing the Rogan podcast and I was kind of ill at ease while we were talking because I knew my neighborhood was on fire. So I thought, I wonder if my place is still there. When I got home, sure enough, it wasn’t there … The vehicles were gone and everything. It was completely toasted. I’ve never seen such a complete burn. It’s like someone did it on purpose to really destroy every aspect of it.”
Another person whose house was in the line of fire is Iconic Actor James Woods who says “This is the kind of thing they have tribunals for. Well, they try people and say, you had an oath of office to perform certain duties. When you’re the fire chief, this isn’t a social justice exercise that you’re in charge of.”
To understand Los Angeles is a giant crime scene, consider the following:
The Pacific Palisades Reservoir was completely shut off and emptied just before the fires broke out in the area.

In 2024, over 100 fire hydrants were stolen in Los Angeles. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on.
There was no water in the fire hydrants at Maui either
Malibu’s waterfront is mostly gone. Notice the trees are still standing.. just like Lahaina, Maui.
The KM are freaking out because the people have figured out who is responsible.
California’s insurance commissioner has imposed a one-year freeze on insurance policy cancellations in wildfire-hit areas to protect affected residents. This is what is known as closing the barn door after the cow has escaped: the policies were already canceled immediately before the fires started.
That is why avatar Governor Gavin Newsom asks Biden to address the “misinformation and disinformation (ie truth)” about the wildfires currently raging in California.
This same Newsom is teaming up with developers to reshape Pacific Palisades, pushing to change its zoning from exclusively R1 (single-family homes) to a mix of R1 and R3, paving the way for apartment complexes.
And this link:
My question is why haven’t the people of LA strung him up on a lamppost yet?
What you want if you have infinite amounts of money is the prime of prime real estate in the area, which is Palisades and Malibu. Because the super-rich have already stolen almost everything they can from the middle class, the only target they have left for pillage is the very rich. So you have the billionaires and trillionaires now eating the hundred millionaires. The billionaires and trillionaires needed to kick out the hundred millionaires because they needed nearby cheap high-rise housing for their slaves.
Speaking about slaves, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova notes the US is using prison slave labor to fight the LA fires even as it restricts imports from Chinese companies because they allegedly use Uygur forced labor.
If the situation in North Carolina is anything to go by, the KM should soon get a new supply of slave labor from the people who lost their houses in LA.
In North Carolina, Fema is refusing to pay people money to repair their houses. However, they have taxpayer money to buy people out of their houses. Also, banks require people to have flood and fire insurance but the insurance people are refusing to pay out. To add insult to injury, they are also forcing people to pay taxes on their destroyed properties.
The real Trump is going to have these FEMA criminals arrested and forced to face war crimes tribunals.
Remember, not only have they been trying to enslave us, they have also been trying to kill us:
Children are suffering and dying from diseases that emerging scientific research has linked to chemical exposures, findings that require urgent revamping of laws around the world, according to a new paper published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
Authored by more than 20 leading public health researchers, including one from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another from the United Nations, the paper lays out “a large body of evidence” linking multiple childhood diseases to synthetic chemicals and recommends a series of aggressive actions to try to better protect children.
The paper points to data showing global inventories of roughly 350,000 synthetic chemicals, chemical mixtures and plastics, most of which are derived from fossil fuels. Production has expanded 50-fold since 1950, and is currently increasing by about 3% a year – projected to triple by 2050, the paper states.
Meanwhile, noncommunicable diseases, including many that research shows can be caused by synthetic chemicals, are rising in children and have become the principal cause of death and illness for children, the authors write.
Then there are the vaccine murders:
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova”vaccines” prime our bodies to react badly to *anything* that’s injected into us, including benign substances like milk or egg proteins. Hence the proliferation of allergies, such as allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, etc.
Incredibly, Latypova explains how this has been known since 1913, when Charles Richet—a French physiologist and self-proclaimed eugenicist—won a Nobel Prize for figuring out that injecting animals with toxins primes them for harmful or deadly reactions if they encounter the same toxins in the environment, even in small amounts. He called these reactions “anaphylactic” reactions, but said that these reactions also included allergies.
“The eugenicists never went away. They all still think that way. They all still think that they should poison us and limit our reproduction because, you know, we’re polluting the earth now. We’re causing climate change,” Latypova adds.
In a sign the authorities were complicit, the CDC held secret meetings about the rise of autism DUE TO vaccinations:
“They looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days…and there was a 1,135 % increase… in Autism,” says Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Action is being taken. We now have 71 candidates, 48 elected officials and 1 Surgeon General from 26 states publicly stating the COVID shots must be pulled off the market. Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma. Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them.
Also, 14 US attorneys general are now demanding answers about the COVID-19 vaccine injured and dead. We need readers to call their own attorneys general to ensure they also demand answers.
Even worse, now that people are refusing vaccines, the KM is trying to use mosquitoes. Bill Gates has tested his Genetically modified Oxitec mosquitoes out on an African village….now it’s ready for primetime….Queensland, Australia. We wonder what else is in the modified mosquitoes. More toxic pathogens?
We are hearing Bill Gates has already been eliminated but until we see an end to activities like this, the battle is not over.
We are also hearing the Trump administration is going to take action on “anomalous health incidents” potentially caused by “pulsed electromagnetic energy” systems. In other words, it might soon become official that the “tinfoil hat people” were right.
More truth like this is expected to flood out to more people soon because it looks like the white hats have installed a “New Processed” Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller as CEO of Meta Inc., which owns Facebook, Instagram and Threads. The new Zuckerberg is going to get rid of fact-checkers and restore free expression on its platforms. Take a look at the attached photos. Definitely two different Zuckerberg Rockefellers.
The new one says the Biden admin demanded Meta to censor memes: “All these different agencies and branches of government started coming after our company. It was brutal.”
“I mean they basically pushed us and said, ‘Anything that says that vaccines might have side effects, you need to take down,’” said claiming he refused to comply.
This is good to hear. Years ago I made a Facebook page and almost immediately got over 5000 followers. However, Facebook then prevented me from posting on my own page or answering emails sent to me from there. After that, at least 4 fake Benjamin Fulford Facebook pages appeared and began pirating my content as well as producing fraudulent posts.
We are still being censored by X, by the way. Last week more evidence emerged to back my suspicion Musk represents a rogue AI that is trying to enslave humanity. “The accumulative sum of human knowledge has been exhausted in AI training,” Elon Musk says. “It’s now up to AI itself to help humans make it stronger via a self-learning process,” Musk says. He believes AI will surpass human capabilities as early as the end of this year.
Now take a look at Elon Musk’s mother:
What Musk fails to realize is that there is a creator and AI cannot exist outside of the original creation. A deal has already been reached for silicon based life and carbon based life to co-evolve in harmony with each other.
Nonetheless I do give “Musk” credit for an interview he did with German AfD leader Alice Weidel. Weidel came off as very reasonable. Her main points were that German industry has been hollowed out by high energy costs; German children have been dumbed down by terrible education; at least 7 million undocumented foreigners came into Germany since 2015 and the result has been high crime and high taxes to support their welfare checks.
She notes the current government must either hate Germany or be really stupid because they shut down the countries’ Nuclear power generators right after the Nordstream pipeline was blown up. What she fails to realize is the slave government was ordered to buy expensive Rockefeller-controlled energy in order to prevent the United States Corporation from going bankrupt.
In her acceptance speech as AfD leader Weidel said “We stand for freedom of speech in this country. And everyone should be free to express their opinion.”
In an example of an opinion that has been suppressed, the pedophile Muslim gang scandal has exploded into the mainstream this week in the UK, horrible accounts are being shared by the fathers of some of the victims, with one relating how the police did nothing when he told them his 13-year-old daughter had been raped and advised him to “let it go” or he would “get arrested for being racist.”
Here are some “racist” facts: In Britain, 96% of rapists were migrants and 80% of victims were white women. Cockbain has released a report that found that despite Pakistani men making up just 1% of the UK population, they committed 80% of gang rapes in the country. Only 3.6% of these attacks were committed by white men.

Since we are touching on the once taboo subject of racism, I would like to inform African Americans that many of my African friends say they think the blacks in the US are still slaves.
Here is an example of modern US slavery: When NBA champion, eight-time All-Star, eight-time All-NBA Team honoree, five-time All-Defensive Team member, and three-time Defensive Player of the Year Dwight Howard tweeted “Free Palestine” he received a call from NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, who is Jewish, within seconds.
He was then forced to delete his tweet.
Another KM slave master, Vladimir Zelensky, is building a bunker on the “billionaires’ island” of Saint Barthélemy, the favorite vacation spot of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and former Google executive Eric Schmidt.
He is looking for a bunker to hide in because he knows his time is running out. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico says “I’m not here to hold hands with Zelensky, and I’ll admit, I’m sick of him sometimes,…He roams Europe begging and blackmailing, asking others for money,” Fico continued, adding: “This needs to stop.”
Now Zelensky is trying to be a whistleblower by saying half of the promised $177 BILLION in funding for Ukraine was not delivered, and that he was offered more funding if it was spent on equipment priced at huge markups.
Pentagon sources say “The other half went into Zelensky and his cronies pockets.”
In a recent example of corruption, a high-ranking Polish general was fired after missing anti-tank mines were found in an IKEA warehouse.
Russian FSB sources say a lot of these weapons were sold via Synagogues to various actors in the Middle East.
And yes, Israel is entering its end game there. This scene of IDF troops dragging conscription-dodging ultra-Orthodox protestors off a highway illustrates the situation there.
Turkish official news commentator İbrahim Karagül says “Israel won’t disarm except through force. This is no longer about peace or reconciliation—it’s a battle of power.”
This is why Türkiye, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Britain, Germany, the United States and Italy held a meeting on Syria in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on Sunday.
At the meeting, it was agreed that all ISIS/Al Qaeda/Hamas etc. KM-run terrorist operations would be shut down.
Our own Mossad sources say an agreement has been reached to replace Israel with the nation-state of Judea which will be protected by Turkey.
Finally this week, we would like to share with our readers what ChatGPT has to say about the fog/smart dust that has been appearing all over the US.
We are entering uncharted territory.
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