The International Agenda

The International Agenda works to establish a world-wide totalitarian dictatorship imposing “Global Tyranny”.
It is important to understand that the troubles, degeneration, depravity, hate and racism introduced into our country over the last 60 years have not happened accidentally, but have been the result of a carefully co-ordinated campaign. The Counter Revolution refers to this campaign as the “International Agenda”.
The International Agenda works to establish a world-wide totalitarian dictatorship imposing “Global Tyranny”.
The master-mind and driving force behind the International Agenda is a predatory and parasitic international grouping that has infested humanity for very many years. The Counter Revolution refers to this international grouping as the “International Hierarchy”.
The Global Tyranny to be imposed by the International Agenda results in the following:
* The destruction of all nation states and all democracy.
* The destruction of all present civilisation (particularly Western civilisation) with the annihilation of all existing social and economic conditions.
* The establishment of international, centralised, digital control systems run by AI algorithms (the “Infrastructure of Slavery”) which minutely monitor and control the following, on behalf of the International Hierarchy: all economies in the world; all global finance, all global energy, all global resources and all global property; every human being in the world, with total control of all their activities, emotions and thoughts.
The International Agenda is a long-standing process and has taken different forms over several centuries. It started in 1776 with the Rothschild-inspired Bavarian Illuminati, then continued in the form of Communism and Socialism from the 1840s, the Frankfurt School in the 1920s to 1970s, and now in the form of Global Tyranny with the Great Reset, Sustainability and the UN Emergency Platform with One Health.
The International Agenda is the direct opposite and rejection of all humanity’s religious, spiritual and moral teachings and in particular the Universal Spiritual Laws. It is a phenomenon of astonishing wickedness. It has torn down the structures of decency and humanity which were the crowning glory of British civilisation, and that had been painfully built up over centuries.
It is a process of deliberate and organised evil which is unprecedented in the known history of humanity. It is creating a hell on earth to destroy all present civilisation. None of the deliberate degeneration and destruction caused by the International Agenda would have been possible without the active support of the toxic British Ruling Elite, who are completely controlled by the International Hierarchy.
The International Agenda is currently led in Britain by Keir Starmer who is a deeply dedicated Trilateral Commission man. He is directly controlled by the International Hierarchy and he is very dangerous to the people of this country.
The International Agenda is implemented in Britain in the following way:
* By destroying British civilisation and the British nation.
* By making white people a minority in their own homeland.
* By transferring control of the country to Muslims.
* By creating racial division and racial conflict in British society, where there had been none before.
* By decades of White Replacement. With overwhelming and destructive mass immigration of non-assimilable Muslims (whose loyalty will only ever be to Islam and who will never wish to be British) thus creating a terrible and fatal division in the country with the specific intention of destroying British cultural identity, social cohesion and national unity, as planned by Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.
With Elite encouragement of the “Islamic” Culture of Conquest, Non-White Privilege, Hate Crimes affecting only white people, and enforced “multiculturalism”, “diversity” (ie the exclusion of white people) and racial quotas. With a malicious and outrageously unfair definition of “racism” whereby white people are penalised as “racists” and guilty of “hate” if they make any comment about any characteristic of non-whites, or the behaviour, culture, religion, clothing, language, practices or way of life of non-whites (even if not critical).
With removal of white people from employment, education, training, the media and advertising on grounds of race and replacing them with non-whites. With the creation of racial conflict and Anti-White Hate. With the intended extinction of the white race under the Kalergi Plan by Elite promotion of miscegenation of whites with blacks. With officially encouraging, organising and funding a deliberate flood of huge numbers of illegal military-age male African and Muslim mercenaries into the country—these mercenaries, who even now greatly outnumber the British Army, are clearly intended to be used in due course by the Elite to crush any opposition by white British people with all necessary brutality and savagery (as the Elite know that they could not rely on white soldiers or white policemen being willing to fire on their own race and countrymen).
* By causing self-hate and self-doubt in white people (“Malicious Criticism”); all their sense of identity and belonging was to be completely destroyed; they were to be made to believe that their existing and traditional values of what is right and what is wrong were out of date, unimportant, unacceptable, and even wicked; nothing about white people was ever to be admired, appreciated, built up or praised—all was to be criticised and destroyed; everything white people valued and treasured was to be given a label of accusation; everything decent, honourable and true in white societies was to be made to appear dirty and shameful, and was degraded, destroyed and discredited; ordinary, decent white people were to be made ashamed of themselves, their way of life, their culture, their heritage, their history, their society and their country which, they were told, were morally corrupt and rotten with “hate”, “racism”, “white privilege”, “white supremacism” and “xenophobia”. This attack on white people was devised and organised by the Frankfurt School on behalf of the International Hierarchy.
* By bribery and blackmail. Colossal funds from billionaires, think tanks, Foundations and other International Hierarchy institutions and organisations form a vast system of rewards, incentives, “philanthropy”, employment, lucrative deals, advantages, payoffs, bribery, “funding”, threats, coercion, intimidation, intensive lobbying and campaign finance which are used to entrap many people in the British Ruling Elite as individual career advancement so often depends on compliance with the International Agenda. Brownstoning blackmail operations are also used.
* By controlling all sources of information and opinion.
* By creating fear of fake world crises, such as non-existent man-made climate change.
* By causing intense fear of contagious diseases, and injecting the population with a poisonous “vaccine” which included (without the knowledge or consent of the people) self-assembling nanotechnology capable of transmitting personal data and receiving potentially mind-manipulating impulses via 5G.
* By imposing international centralised digital control systems run by AI algorithms which minutely monitor and control all the activities, emotions and thoughts of every human being (the “Infrastructure of Slavery”).
* By causing economic collapse and collapse of the financial system.
* By causing world-wide shortages of food with the destruction of food production and sabotage of food installations, making all people dependent on lab-grown fake “meat” and material made of insects supplied by International Hierarchy-controlled corporate monopolies.
* By causing disruption and reduction of energy supplies.
* By replacing spiritual awareness and traditional uplifting values of integrity, honesty, decency and selfless kindness to others—with the promotion and glorification of personal self-aggrandisement, domination of others, and the selfish manipulation and exploitation of others, and with the promotion of the “Destructive Values” (aka political correctness or woke) which are poisonous political values and concepts designed to destroy society.
* By requiring recruitment, selection and promotion to be on the basis of Non-White Privilege, Female Privilege, Homosexual Privilege and Transgender Privilege—and not on merit or ability.
* By destroying everything that unites white people including nationhood, religion and all existing structures, allegiances, group links, identities and loyalties in white society (cultural, social, political, spiritual, and now even relating to gender) so all the cohesion and glue that bound white society together was melted, and white people were made rudderless and disoriented.
* By destroying the white family and dividing white women from white men with institutionalised Female Privilege and Female Supremacy.
* By creating filth, degeneracy and depravity with official promotion of rampant homosexuality, sexual perversion, and the wickedness of gender confusion and transgenderism.
* By the deliberate lies, deceit and co-ordinated propaganda of the corrupt and controlled establishment media.
* By the tragic corruption, politicising and ruination of the education system, which was made into a mere brainwashing and indoctrination process of misinformation and political propaganda, specifically designed to prevent independence of mind, initiative and self-reliance in white children and to actively stunt their intellectual development, knowledge and skills—so the white race is progressively degenerated and unable to compete with non-white countries.
* By prohibiting traditional and familiar words and modes of expression, and insisting on the use of other politicised words (“Control by Language”).
* By an official terror campaign against free speech (including de-banking).
* By politicising and militarising the police.
* By breaking down the Rule of Law with a politicised judiciary and unfair two-tier anti- white administration of justice.
* By creating social decay, confusion, degeneracy, demoralisation, weakening, division, conflict, financial insecurity, resentment, fear and hate in countless different ways to divide people and set them against each other.
* By destroying democracy and preventing any democratic opposition to the fraud and cheat of a Uniparty.
* By destruction of the democratic nation state enabling rule by unrepresentative and undemocratic international institutions, and by “International Law”.
* By causing national suicide by fraudulent Net Zero Carbon.
* By Climate Engineering and airborne spread of toxic materials and nanotechnologies.
* By deliberately de-industrialising Britain under internationally controlled Monopoly Capitalism.
* By the deliberate destruction of the British armed services.
* By intentionally provoking international and military confrontation, even nuclear war.
The Left-Right paradigm is a sham. The International Agenda’s policies for advancing the International Agenda and the dictatorship are the so-called “Left-wing” policies. They are coordinated and methodical policies of breakdown and disintegration, dressed up in the camouflage of Social Equity. On the other hand, virtually all so-called “Right-wing” policies are merely feeble ad hoc reactions to the International Agenda’s policies, and do not form any coherent stand-alone philosophy on their own. The Left-Right paradigm is simply a sham, and in reality meaningless. The only real issue now is between on the one hand those who promote the International Agenda, and on the other hand those who are resisting and reacting against it.
The only way of stopping the International Agenda is by removing the current British Ruling Elite from all positions of power, authority and influence in the country by constitutional reform, and specifically by the introduction of the New Parliamentary System.
Image Source: The Kalergi Plan – before and after. Image by Alpha India
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