The Internet Of Bodies | COVID Vaccine mRNAS Are Small Scale Bio-Nano Machines

Recent Advancements In The Internet of Things Are Transforming The Human Body Into A New Technology Platform
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD |
Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New challenges of technology governance
My work for the past 4 years has been to alert the world about the presence of self assembly nanotechnology in human blood posing an existential threat to what it means to be human. Information that should have been shared worldwide, has been censored, suppressed, laughed at and criticized. Most outspoken critics were doctors and scientists who said they knew better. They laughed at live blood analysis showing these nano and microrobotic biosensors swimming in everyone’s blood and said live blood analysis is not scientific. Similar to Galileo who was prosecuted as a heretic for daring to say that the earth revolves around the sun, the concept of self assembly nanotechnology - despite overwhelming evidence - was negated and still is to an unacceptable degree. Every human being in the world should be informed about this threat and every media outlet should discuss its immediate implications for the survival of our species.
How much time has been lost to humanity to not only work on antidotes but also to have an informed discussion about their willingness to participate in the Internet of Bodies? The simple scientific fact that synthetic biology and nanotechnology exists, as well as the written and declared intentions of the transhumanist technocrats and the military has been ignored. The lesson of this fundamental error in thinking should be heeded as WISDOM while we are on the brink of UFO Disclosure, AI Singularity and the rise to power of the Silicon Valley Technocrats who have assembled behind President Trump. As these technologies are being deployed non stop, our freedoms are under assault by an invisible nanotechnological surveillance sensor network under the disguise of health benefits and progress. This is the infrastructure of the One World Order.
2020 was the year declared by the WEF - that the Internet of Bodies is here.
The internet of things (IoT) is increasingly entangling with human bodies. This emergence and fast expansion of the “internet of bodies” (IoB)2 – the network of human bodies and data through connected sensors – while offering enormous social and health benefits, also raises new challenges of technology governance. - WEF 2020
The COVID19 bioweapon technology was that platform. IEEE engineer Professor Ian Akyildiz - and one of the principal engineers of the Intrabody area network, metaverse, 6,7,8, G technologies, nanotechnology biosening electronics and global satellite control grid network including nano satellites said it himself:

Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology
Scientists were claiming that the reality of COVID19 was the mRNA and spike protein and harmless lipid nanoparticles. They completely ignored the dual purposes in which each of the building blocks could also be used as biosensors. The lipid nanoparticles literally had been engineered to create computers and robots that can manipulate and fuse with our cells.
"Lipid Vesicle-Based Molecular Robots" - Article Confirms What We Are Seeing In The COVID19 Vials And In Human Blood

DUAL PURPOSE is a key word in this warfare on humanity. It means they tell you its for your health benefit but it can also be used as a weapon or a control mechanism with the explicit intent to create the biosensor surveilled Cyborg. We want to know about ALL of the ways new technological advances can affect us.
Fabrication Of Magnetic Microrobots By Assembly. Microrobot Swarms And Possible Mechanisms Of Shedding To The Unvaccinated

Here is what the WEF wrote in their statement paper in 2020:
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, wearable technologies such as health and location trackers have been thrust into the public spotlight – spurring not only excitement about their potential benefits but also debate over their potential risks. Could these devices help public health authorities better predict, manage and avert future outbreaks? How might employers use data from wearable devices to safely reopen businesses? What are the implications for privacy and equity? How might this data be abused or used for other intended purposes such as public surveillance?
These questions are at the heart of new efforts by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with public health authorities, leading technology companies and other stakeholders, to develop and pilot new approaches for the ethical treatment and sharing of health data collected by consumer wearable devices.1
This paper aims to take these efforts one step further, looking beyond the scope of wearable devices at the broader ecosystem of connected technologies that is coming together to create “the internet of bodies” (IoB). As with any area of emerging technology, the IoB is evolving rapidly and its future is unknown. It is for exactly this reason that careful attention and thought – not simply on the part of business but from government, civil society and the public at large – is required. We stand at the beginning of an important public dialogue that will have major implications for public health, safety and the global economy and may also ultimately challenge how we think about our bodies and what it means to be human. This paper does not claim to provide a comprehensive view of all of the many facets of the IoB. However, it provides a glimpse of the myriad of complex issues that can arise when the cyber and physical worlds come together. We invite you to join us in this important work to shape the development, use and impact of these technologies for the benefit of all society.

Please note SENSORS BEING AFFIXED OR EVEN IMPLANTED AND INGESTED INTO THE HUMAN BODY. I have shown you the self assembly nanotechnology nano/ microrobot sensors in food, medications, human blood and its technological building blocks sprayed via geo ( and bio) engineering operations, that is interfacing with smart personal devices:

Now pay attention to this - “as part of the biohacking culture people have sought to enhance their bodies with implanted technologies and RFID chip implants to miniature hard drives and wireless routers” - Excuse me? That was part of the military COVID19 bioweapon operation under the guise of “vaccination” that implanted RFID technology now emitting MAC addresses in humans. People were biohacked by the military pharma complex!
Invasive technologies include, for example, digital pills – a recent drug-device combination developed to deliver encapsulated medicine and monitor medication adherence – which rely on ingestible mini-sensors to be activated in the patient’s stomach, and which then transmit data to sensors, the patient’s smartphone and other data portals. Other examples of smart medical implantables include: an internet-connected artificial pancreas as an automated insulin delivery system for diabetes patients; and robotic limbs for movement rehabilitation in people with physical mobility limitations. In recent years, increasing numbers of people have chosen to implant chips under their skin, not for medical purposes but as a personal choice to speed up their daily routines and for convenience – accessing their homes, offices or other devices just by swiping their hands, for example.6 As part of biohacking culture, people have also sought to enhance their bodies with implanted technology, from magnets and RFID chip implants to miniature hard drives and wireless routers.7
I have shown medications and vaccines filled with nano and microrobots building elaborate nano antennas. I told you of some of my patients that were COVID19 unvaccinated, had dental anesthetics and started emitting MAC addresses. Here are just a few injectable medications like Enbrel, Lantus Insulin, Enoxiparin, and many vaccines. I had captured some of the most shocking footage of microbot self assembling hydrogel from Pfizers Lantus Insulin:

I have also shown how these bots can be deactivated with EDTA and Vitamin C regardless of the medication:

I see so many informed people who think that their smart watches or fitness trackers are safe. They are not, they are part of the biodigital convergence and all of your biometrics go to the cloud to feed data for your AI controlled digital twin. What people do not understand is that your biometrics are surveillance tools. You can be identified by your gait, your voice, your fingerprint, your DNA frequency. Your heart rate variability can be used for biometric authentication and can be affected via bidirectional telemetry GPS targeting to remotely make your heart stop or give you an arrhythmia. Does not matter if the receiver is on your body or in your body, a Satellite can send that weaponized frequency to any receiver near you. Again, they say health benefit, we must consider DUAL PURPOSE surveillance and control of the technocratic transhumanist matrix grid.
Among less invasive technologies, some devices remain on the surface of the human body – these are usually called wearables. Wearable technologies are a fast expanding area, with a $15.74 billion market in 2015, estimated to grow to $51.60 billion by 2022.8 Electronic skin patches alone, which are widely adopted in medical wearables for cardiovascular monitoring, diabetes management, temperature, sweat and motion sensing and other types of biomarker monitoring, achieved more than $7.5 billion in revenue in 2018.9 Non-medical wearables are a dynamic field, with products and adoptions ranging from personal fitness trackers and smartwatches to enterprise applications. These include connected glasses and helmets in employment settings for location tracking, safety monitoring and job performance improvement, neurotechnological devices for work/learning productivity; and augmented and VR devices for entertainment and education.
You are being surveilled by your comb, your razor and your toothbrush. This is not a joke:
In addition to implantable and wearable technologies, smart sensors are increasingly appearing in ordinary consumer products such as combs, razors, toothbrushes, skin products, mattresses and others. Although they do not stay affixed to the human body at all times, these products remain in proximity to the body and collect users’ biological and behavioural data on a regular basis.
The point is that ALL INDUSTRIES are now affected by nanotechnology, meaning biosensing devices at the nanoscale are everywhere building the infrastructure of the Internet of bio nano things.
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