The Left and Right Are Two Cheeks of the Same Ass

Gary D. Barnett |
“In the present case it is a little inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible to any public office of trust or profit in the 'Republic.' But I do not repine, for I am a subject of it only by force of arms.”
~ H.L. Mencken
Actually, all politicians and parties fit into the same paradigm called rule, regardless of so-called rhetorical grandstanding when attempting to claim that they are different spots on the same ass. However, in this country, the claimed left and right control the entire narrative, because they control the entire political process. (Not really, but their controllers do) The others, including 'independents' and 'libertarians,' would be no different, because the most common denominator of all those who seek rule and therefore power, is to control and manage the people by taxation and force of government. The only entity that is exempt from this power-seeking insanity, are anarchists, but then, anarchists abhor government and governing of people, believe only in "no rule," so are not a risk to any freedom seeking individual. It is the single only thought existing that is completely non-political, and therefore the only sane option based on natural law.
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This is not anything new or current, it has always been the case, even though many would attempt to argue this point; each side claiming to be one thing or the other, and in opposition against each other, when both seek the very same agendas. Certainly, there are some necessary exceptions, but those exceptions are fraudulent, and meant only to falsely distinguish one from the other, and this is just in order to fool the fools.
To figure this out, one need only look at all the connections of both parties, and other political entities as well, and the overlap will be so damning as to easily be seen as sinister; this going back many decades. Probably the best and most referenced material to view concerning this issue, is the work of Whitney Webb, now of the Unlimited hangout. Once one takes the time to do individual research and study, it becomes obvious that everything going on, and much more than 99% of the population are completely unaware of, the ties among all the criminal governing elements are not only telling of the mass collusion (conspiracy) between parties, corporations, banking, all 'intelligence' organizations, media, and the Zionist Israeli cabal, but are so massive in scope as to be nearly unbelievable. It is literally astounding.
But with all this said, and all the information available from very reliable sources, with reference and source material easily available to any willing to look, (at least for now) there is no excuse for the insane behavior of the general population. It lends to the credibility that the indoctrination and brainwashing of the masses has been a complete success, as stated by myself and many others, that this population is too far gone to be relied upon to ever seek real freedom. It is my contention that the bulk of society will continue to 'vote' for masters to rule them, will continue to obey as slaves, and to cower and bow down to the mandates and orders handed down by the ruling class. The most evil Trump and Harris fiasco will bear this out, as a narcissistic, lying, egotistical political plant will face off with an evil woke communist and perverted specimen plant, as most of the 'voting public' will fully participate in the wicked process called elections. This will guarantee the finishing destruction of all that is sane, regardless of which piece of garbage is selected by the deep state mob this time around.
Looking deep into the backgrounds of all four of these political scum, (Trump, Vance, Harris, and Walz) is enough to sicken even the most loyal followers or ignorant among this population. With that said, it matters not who is running for office, as all are of the same cloth, regardless of any claims to the contrary, and regardless of any party affiliation. Any targeted research whatsoever, any understanding of the close connections among all these high-level politicians, and throughout our history, is enough for anyone who still possess any aptitude toward logic, reason, or any ability whatsoever to think critically, to abandon immediately any connection to any nation-state, country, or governing structure.
Obviously, I cannot go into all the connections, all the corruption, all the perversions, all the lying, all the theft, and all the murderous policies of those politicians who claim to rule this country, in this short overview. Even if I simply added much of the reference material appropriate for this subject matter, it would take reams of paper; so much so as to guarantee that few if any would wade through all the material (or any) available exposing the mass criminal exploits of all of the political class in this country. It is overwhelming to say the least.
Two of the best sources are certainly the work of James Corbett and Whitney Webb, but there are many more. In just this one piece by Webb, "Government by Blackmail," there is enough information linking all these criminals, that any who read this article thoroughly, will come away stunned at this fully referenced information, and it only begins to touch the surface of the criminal and conspiratorial nature of all U.S. politics.
Mencken declared perfectly the state of being concerning 'democracy' and the collective ignorance of humanity:
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”
Since the beginning of time, man has been oppressed by the very few who claimed control over all through one or another psychotic governing structure. The few kings, dictators, and oligarchs were able to gain control over billions, while those billions did absolutely nothing to eliminate the heinous system called rule. It is no different in this country, as the few in power took it by force and deceit, while the masses fully accepted it without resistance. In other words, all freedom was voluntarily abandoned in favor of rule, of a master/slave model based on total obedient submission to false authority. This can only lead to a slaughterhouse effect, where the weak and all those who actively dissent, can be rounded up, put into cages, (camps) subject to constant wars, and be made dependent on the very government that was intentionally allowed to gain power over them.
This is madness, this is insanity, and this next 'election' cycle will bear this out in spades, but I suspect that few will even have a clue as to what they have allowed to take place. That is the sad state of affairs that consumes this 'country' and its controlled and compliant population; one that risks total annihilation at the hands of its chosen masters.
“I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win.”
~ Louis-Ferdinand Céline
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