The So-Called Trump Shooting: Everything it Seems Is a Fraud!

Gary D. Barnett |
Maybe what I am about to say will greatly upset many, but so be it
Maybe what I am about to say will greatly upset many, but so be it. The entirety of this fiasco stated as an assassination attempt on Trump is not only questionable, but ludicrous. The inconsistencies are so stark as to be beyond the imagination of anyone with a working brain. Question everything as I always have recommended, is imperative concerning this circus event. One can usually just “follow the money,” but in this case, who benefitted the most? At this point, Trump wins that prize outright, but as time passes, there will be many distractions, and questioning will become less and less obvious by most, and the rehashing of this narrative will always be intended to cover tracks in my opinion.
Stories about the alleged shooter are already circulating throughout the media, all the media, including most of the alternative space, and it borders on the obvious, which is comical. He was bullied, and failed miserably in his shooting course, was a terrible shot, and an outcast. That fits in so nicely, and is convenient in explaining his horrible marksmanship. I, or anyone who had ever fired a rifle, and from a prone position, would never miss a large target at 130 yards. I could hit a silver dollar from that range with every shot. Something is amiss here; actually everything is amiss, but the headlines of the likely planted stories fit right into place.
“He used his dad’s gun … HAD EXPLOSIVES IN CAR.”
“Rejected from high school rifle team for being ‘terrible shot …”
“Bullied loner with a penchant for hunting outfits and video games”
“Quiet, Withdrawn, With Little Political Footprint”
The last one is especially suspicious, as the FBI (government, NSA, CIA, DHS, and others) have access to every phone, and can access all correspondence, capture virtually anything it wants, and databases that information, but for some reason, they cannot access his phone. Probably just another coincidence. Isn’t this all just a little too pat a hand? Does anyone think the Secret Service is simply incompetent in an almost childlike manner? This excuse is simply ridiculous.
In addition to all this, the Secret Service from video I watched, were aiming at the so-called shooter well before any shots were fired. This is insane, and reeks of a set-up. Also, Trump was facing to his right when he was supposedly shot, but was that even possible, and no one who was close to him was shot by the claimed ‘incompetent’ shooter? The crowd behind him were acting as if nothing was going on, using their phones, some standing up, some smiling, and few if any got down or left the area. If bullets were coming from unknown directions, this behavior is crazy.
The Secret Service were standing around Trump, and did not immediately take him to safety, but lifted him up, and gave any possible shooter a full frontal of his entire body and head, while he shook his fist while completely exposed. How could this even happen, given the normal protocol in these types of situations? They would all be fired immediately, and most likely prosecuted for such incompetence.
There are many questions to be answered, but I imagine the narrative will be continually altered to fit every criticism levied. Was the direction of the claimed assassin’s shot even capable of hitting Trump in the right ear, or was it another magic bullet? It seems everyone around the building in question saw this man long before any shots were fired, several minutes in fact, climbing up to the roof while carrying a rifle, but nothing was done?
This all stinks to high heaven, and it is very unlikely that these questions and many more will ever be answered, but Trump apparently, at least according to the ‘reporting,’ has already solidified the presidency in the upcoming fraudulent election process. What a coup!
Is this a movie, a false flag, a staged event, or was there really an assassination attempt? I believe the latter is the least likely possibility, but then, I do question everything and believe nothing, until it is crystal clear and a proven fact. In this case, everything that has happened so far has been completely absurd. You probably do not want to miss a moment of the upcoming sequel, as I am sure it is in the works.
“Some stories have to be written because no one would believe the absurdity of it all.”
~ Shannon L. Alder
Image Source: Meme
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