The War Upon Us All Is The War We Will Win

Tap News / danceaway
Alex Krainer
John F. Kennedy warned us about the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy…”
The war upon us all
Mayhem. We have train derailments, massive toxic fires (at least ten counted around the world in the last few days), destruction of food production facilities, hysteria about genders, domestic terrorists and balloons, the relentless war escalation and nonstop pandemic fearmongering… What otherwise would be regarded as random incidents now seems so frequent and pervasive, it’s hard not to be suspicious. Something’s up.
The monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
More than 60 years ago John F. Kennedy spoke about the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that was using “covert means for expanding its sphere of influence.” He also warned us of the “very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon” by the perpetrators of this conspiracy to advance their agenda.
In 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic offered the conspirators an ideal opportunity. The worldwide emergency enabled them to launch the decisive gambit, sidestep the legal strictures of democratic rule and attempt to create a global authoritarian police state. The experience was hugely distressing to the people in almost every nation, but it also revealed the nature, methods and the objectives of the conspiracy.
While the policy response to the pandemic was unscientific and contrary to the established public health norms, it was also nearly identical in most nations, suggesting that the incoherence was not an error, but a deliberate feature of the planned policy response. That policy, together with the media-driven narrative and the draconian censorship of all dissent was clearly coordinated at a global level.
It’s the bankers’ conspiracy
Achieving worldwide policy coordination could not have been achieved without powerful means of coercion. But what force could explain such uniform compliance with the same destructive policy mistakes by nations large and small, rich and poor, powerful and weak, all around the world? Who could force nations of the whole world to obey its dictate, and how?
We had the first glimpse of this force in action in June 2022 when Belarus’ president Aleksandr Lukashenko publicly snubbed a $940 million line of credit from the International Monetary Fund. He rejected it because the IMF conditioned the loan on Belarus imposing a strict Covid 19 lockdown policy and a curfew.
Lukashenko mentioned on several occasions that the IMF negotiators wanted Belarus to do “like in Italy.” It makes no economic sense to condition loans with terms that severely impair the borrower’s ability to repay, so the conditionality clearly had very different objectives. Deep in debt and with collapsed tax revenues, most governments around the world needed loans, making them prey to the dictates of money power.
By April 2020, 85 nations have formally requested financial assistance from the IMF. To secure the needed funds they presumably accepted the terms, agreeing to comply with the World Health Organization (WHO) dictates. As a result, they extended the lockdowns beyond all reason, destroying countless small and medium-sized businesses, shut down schools, created Stasi-like contact-tracing programs, conspired to obscure effective treatments and instituted heavy-handed censorship of public discourse.
They also agreed to promote vaccinations as the only way for us to return to normal life and cooperated on instituting Covid passes that would condition their own citizens’ freedom of movement with their compliance: first with the vaccine requirements, but ultimately with any demand that the global authorities might deem conducive to their agenda.
Accepting IMF terms was high treason
We only learned about IMF’s terms because the president of Belarus disclosed them publicly. Other governments quietly accepted the money and agreed to the terms. In complying with the WHO policy dictate, government officials effectively took orders from an external power to the detriment of their own nations, economies, and populations.
Claiming that we were in an unprecedented emergency is not acceptable as a defense. In all nations, taxpayers fund their governments, which keep many domain experts on their payrolls precisely in order to ensure that government policies are appropriate, constructive, and that they lead to improvements in the life of their societies. Instead, the policies they implemented at the behest of external powers from which they accepted funding were clearly and egregiously contrary to the best interests of their own populations.
All who were complicit must be held accountable
Given their positions of privilege as well as responsibility, they may not invoke ignorance or inexperience in their own defense. The very nature of their offices obliges them to source the best available expertise and apply discernment in serving their constituents. In abdicating on these obligations while complying with the dictates of an external power they have effectively committed high treason and must be held accountable accordingly.
Public officials could not have done as much damage without active and extensive complicity from the mass media and academic institutions. As we know, many of these organizations took funding from some of the same stakeholders who wield disproportionate influence at the World Health Organization, big pharma corporations and the global financial organizations.
Eyes on the ultimate culprits
What the world experienced over the last three years was the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated. They’re still on a rampage. But while many public officials, media moguls and corrupt doctors and academicians had complicity in this crime, the agenda was formulated and planned by those who had the means and the motive to set the wheels in motion.
This monolithic and ruthless conspiracy clearly originated from the international banking cartel together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs) and others who control the issue of money and credit with which they can bribe and co-opt almost any governing or regulatory structure in society.
A famous member of that cartel once boasted, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” At money power’s receiving end, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte understood that relationship all too well when he said:
“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation.”
The bankers have long coveted the control of the world, its resources, and its populations. As Carroll Quigley warned us:
“The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world. … The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and direct injury of all other economic groups.”
Quigley wrote those words in his 1965 book “Tragedy and Hope,” suggesting that this conspiracy was discernible many decades ago. Indeed, more than a century ago, Lord Acton prophesized that,
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
Unleashing a thousand battles
This fight is now upon us. The “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that JFK warned us about has unleashed an undeclared war on all humanity.

Further pandemics are in the works, wholesale destruction of the economy and food production, large-scale poisoning of the environment and the relentless escalation towards World War III. These events are not random but deliberate, which makes them predictable to an extent.
In an article I published in August 2020, I predicted that those who planned the pandemic, “have surely planned diversions to misdirect our grievances toward the visible enablers of their top-down authoritarian rule. One of the greatest means of diversion are wars. We must therefore guard against believing that our enemies are the Russians, the Chinese or whomever the logic of divide-and-rule would pit us against.”
Since some of the developments are predictable, we ought to pay attention and seek clarity in connecting the dots. Furthermore, the logic of divide-and-rule is not limited to foreign powers; it is also internal to many western societies. Indeed, the mayhem is being deliberately stoked on all fronts and we’re facing a thousand battles in this war. But if you can believe it, that’s a good thing.
Reclaiming our birthright
It will prove to be the ultimate struggle between our emancipation and our final enslavement. We do not have the choice to decline this struggle for in yielding, we would deprive our children and their children of liberty, condemning them to a lifetime of servitude. But it is not the time to despair: the conspirators are losing the grip and the mayhem we’re observing is borne of their desperation, not their strength. Like a wounded animal cornered in a cage, in their death throes they’re thrashing wildly and destroying everything within their reach. It is time to end them.
In destroying the conspiracy and bringing the conspirators and their servants to justice, we will free humanity from this servitude and reclaim the liberty and prosperity that is our birthright under God. And let us not be too impressed with the spectacles of chaos with which they’re trying to hypnotize us. Their system is breaking and the chaos marks its collapse. But we must not succumb to fear. As Confucius instructs us,
A seed grows with no sound
But a tree falls with huge noise
Destruction has noise, but
Creation is quiet
Creation is all around us; even as you read this, its seeds are sprouting with no sound but with a force that is a million-fold more powerful than the mesmerising scenes of destruction.
These seeds are us, and we are many counting in millions and hundreds of millions. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for and we will prevail!
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