There Is a Man Running for President Whose Father and Uncle Were Murdered by the CIA
Dr. Joseph Sansone | Mind Matters and Everything Else
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign has sparked quite a bit of interest and excitement. Shockingly at first glance, RFK Jr. has openly stated that his uncle John F. Kennedy (former president) was assassinated by the CIA and has inferred CIA involvement in his father’s death. Robert F. Kennedy was the U.S. District attorney, then a U.S. Senator, and was assassinated the night he won the California Democratic primary for president in 1968. I say shockingly at first glance, because RFK Jr. may be openly saying this as a bit of an insurance policy. Even the mind numb might question the mathematical probability of another lone gunman or plane crash. (JFK Jr.)
There may be another reason why RFK Jr. is likely safe. The system is rigged. Over a period of 20 years starting with the JFK assassination and ending with the attempted assassination of president Reagan, there were quite a few political assassinations and attempted assassinations. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, were all assassinated. George Wallace and Ronald Reagan survived attempted assassinations. This is quite a few political assassinations and attempted assassinations over a 20 or so year period.
What changed?
It may be that a softer less volatile approach was used. Simply stated, the system became increasingly rigged and the need to take out political opposition or anybody that rocked the boat was no longer necessary. This happened in the 1990s for certain. There was never a need to assassinate Patrick J. Buchanan, because after an orchestrated mass media campaign to assassinate his character, he was censored and marginalized increasingly through the nineties until total cancellation in the 2000 campaign. You remember, that was when Bush and Gore did that dog and pony show with the butterfly ballots, which gave us slot machine, I mean, computerized voting.
In the 1996 campaign where Buchanan almost ran away with he GOP nomination, many activists at the time felt that cheating occurred in the Arizona primary, where Buchanan went from first place to third in a flash on election night. The Dole campaign thought they lost and actually asked Buchanan’s campaign if they would take over the lease of their jet.
Then, in the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns, Ron Paul was largely censored and marginalized. By this time they no longer hid it, and even had candidates sit at the far end of the stage during debates, and were denied equal speaking time. There was also the orchestrated mass media character assassination. You remember the ‘crazy uncle Ron’ comments.
Hmmm….I am thinking that as an OBGYN, doctor Paul would never of suggested his pregnant patients get the C19 bioweapon shots. Not so crazy…The CDC gave millions to OBGYN groups to push the shots on innocent pregnant women, knowing the Pfizer data revealed the shots were deadly for fetuses. I know off topic…
Somehow Trump broke the algorithm in the 2016 election, and the reaction to that was fake elections to a much higher degree than in the past. It wasn’t enough to control the system to ensure your preapproved candidate got elected. In 2020 it was a blatant steal where the votes stopped counting on election night in several states, and then they started counting the next day until they finally created enough votes.
True, there is a bit of speculation above regarding the 20 or so years of violent assassinations and why it seemed to have stopped. Still, it seems like the MK Ultra program was redirected toward school shootings and creating riots and such, instead of targeting high profile political figures that rock the boat with disaffected lone gunmen.
Essentially, the political divide that really mattered over the last 40 years has been the divide between globalism and patriotism. It is a basic divide between those that seek a global totalitarianism, a top down technocratic system, verses those that seek basic self government. The deep state has increasingly been controlling the system, this includes media, corporations, politicians, academia, money, and government. The deep state is a domestic and international operation.
Back to RFK Jr. The interesting thing about RFK Jr. is that he is calling out WHO, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, and so on, for attempting to create a totalitarian global system of government. He has even offered up free market capitalism as a way to deal with pollution and has positioned himself as a rational environmentalist by asserting that the globalists are using climate change to push totalitarianism. Polling around 20% in the Democratic primary, according to RFK Jr., his internal poll numbers are higher among independents, and he is doing well with Republicans. If accurate, this would mean he would be very strong against Trump if he won the Democratic nomination. Then again, we know the system is rigged, which means they will shut him out and cheat on the computerized voting. Trump will be shut out too, but it may be impossible to cheat him out of the GOP nomination.
Settle down, I am not on the RFK Jr. bandwagon. Too far to the left for me. Although in the interview linked in the paragraph above, Mike Adams, has a healthy view of supporting Trump for the GOP nomination, and RFK Jr. for the DNC nomination. Both candidates are running on anti globalism platforms.
Leaving the rigged system aside for a moment. RFK Jr.’s campaign is sure to wake up many Democrats that have had people they know and love die from the bioweapon shots. His campaign may break the spell for many that have been brainwashed to believe all the lies the government, media, and corporations have said. His campaign may actually cause many people to realize they have been doing the Goose Step for the past three plus years. RFK Jr., as far as I know, has not admitted the C19 shots are biological weapons. Still, he is the only candidate running for president, in either party, that says these shots are causing harm and should be off the market.
RFK Jr. even mentions the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and speaks against the totalitarian system being created right before our eyes. He defends the first amendment. Will he defend the second amendment? Others on the left have moved on this issue. Naomi Wolf comes to mind. RFK Jr. also has addressed election integrity and the need for paper ballots, at least as a back up, to verify election results. This is something DeSantis is against.
He may be too right wing for the Democratic party…. Or maybe he will wake up some within the Democratic party to realize just how fascist they have become.
One thing is for certain. There is a man running for president that has openly called out the CIA for murdering his uncle, and likely murdering his father. That alone is a victory of sorts.
Note: a reader rightly pointed out that I forgot to mention the Ford assassination attempt, which if carried to fruition would have made Rockefeller president.
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