This is what the BBC edited out of the current version of this video. SURPRISE, the corona shot really does have HIV

Tap News  /  Weaver

Ministry of truth wants to prosecute people for saying there’s HIV in the shot. Yes, the “ministry of truth” still exists, it just went black op.

They can go after whoever they want, but what about the BBC? Here’s something the BBC edited out of the current version of the video this came from. SURPRISE, the corona shot really does have HIV.

The background the BBC did not include: The CEO of Pfizer said they only added the AIDS protein because without it the immune system destroyed the MRNA and prevented the shots from working. GOT THE CORONA VAX? Well, yes, there is HIV in you, no ifs or buts.


In the video the BBC now has posted, the HIV part has been removed and threats are now being made against alt media for saying it ever happened.

Don’t worry, it is only a “tiny fragment”. Subjectively. HMMM, you mean the “tiny fragment” that disables the immune system or what???

Original Article: