Unguarded Open Gates At Eagle Pass .5 Miles From The Razor Wire Armed Guard Media Circus | The Texas-Fed Standoff Is Looking Like A PSY-OP

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
Its starting to smell a lot like another psy op. They want civl war as I have cautioned previously, they want to look good in the upcoming elections and want everyone at war with everyone else.
The Texas late in the game stance to stop the illegal invasion is looking more like a publicity stunt to gain votes or a PSY-Op to start a civil war, than a real stand off.
This video shows Eagle Pass 0.5 miles down the road from the cameras, razor wire, AR15s, armed guards and mainstream media circus, is an open gate, with a road into Mexico. No armed guards, no media, no razor wire; just an open gate for anyone to use without restriction.
The plot thickens.
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