Epidemic of 15-19 Year Olds Dropping Dead in Schools and Dorms Across USA and Canada in April 2023 • Vaccine Genocide

Global Research.ca | Dr. William Makis
There truly seems to be an epidemic of sudden deaths in schools across USA and Canada recently. Here are the most recent tragic cases.
Jena, LA – 15 year old Jena High School student Kameron Shelton died in class at 11am on April 18, 2023 (click here)

Milwaukee, WI – 19 year old Marquette University Student Kamrin Ray was found dead in residence on April 17, 2023

A Marquette University student died at a residence hall Monday night. First responders found him unresponsive on the bed by his roommate and pronounced him deceased. (click here)
Charlotte, NC – 18 year old Myers Park High School Senior Barron Alexander Harris died early morning of April 16, 2023 (click here)

Barron Alexander Harris was known by friends for “his loyalty, engaging personality, and loving spirit.” It’s not known how Harris died.
Montague, PEI – 16 year old high school (Ecole Francois-Buote) student Samuel Russell Campbell, died suddenly in school on April 14, 2023. (click here)

The École François-Buote community continued to mourn Saturday after a student at the Charlottetown school suffered a “sudden and unexpected death” on Friday.
Tipp City, OH – 17 year old Tippecanoe High School student Carson Robbins died on April 14, 2023 after a “brief illness” (click here)

Ithaca, NY – 19 year old Cornell University Student Matthew Friedman was found unresponsive in residence and died on April 12, 2023 (click here)

Bethesda, MD – Unnamed student at Walter Johnson High School passed away “very suddenly and unexpectedly” on April 12, 2023 (click here)

Boise, ID – 17 year old Timberline High School tennis player Justin Smith collapsed unexpectedly during tennis practice on April 10, 2023 and died in ER at 6:20pm. (click here)

Dallas, TX – Episcopal School of Dallas Student died overnight on April 5, 2023 (click here)

Berkeley, CA – 16 year old Berkeley High School student Lillia Bartlow went home from school on March 24, 2023 after suffering a migraine and died unexpectedly at home

Mukilteo, WA – 18 year old high school student Chloe Nuttbrock died suddenly of aneurysm in early March 16, 2023 (click here)

Rice Lake, WI – 6 high school student deaths (posted on April 21, 2023)

My Take…
Found dead in dorm or residence. Cardiac arrest and died while at school.
Died after having migraine at school.
Died in early morning hours.
Died after “brief illness”.
Died during tennis practice at school.
None of this is normal. All these deaths must be investigated for the possibility of post COVID-19 mRNA vaccine sudden cardiac death or any role that the jabs may have played in these deaths.
Original Article: https://www.globalresearch.ca/epidemic-15-19-year-olds-dropping-dead-schools-dorms-across-usa-canada-april-2023/5816841
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