Ruling Class Is Using AI To Censor Posts On Social Media That Buck The Official Narrative
Mac Slavo |
The ruling classes of the globe have been working hard at weaponizing artificial intelligence against the American public. It won’t be long before AI starts censoring posts, and the rulers will claim they had no part in it — it was all the AI.
Recently, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), by way of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), gave millions of dollars to an AI tech company in exchange for software that can detect sentiment and emotion in social media posts. The company, Fivecast, claims the software uses AI to determine “problematic posts” and automatically report them to law enforcement. Other aspects of Fivecast’s AI software include object recognition and multi-language risk term and phrase recognition, according to a report by Natural News.
Fivecast is an Australian company founded in 2017 whose technology, according to its mission statement, is “used and trusted by leading defense, national security, law enforcement, corporate security and financial intelligence organizations around the world.” Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are the five countries Fivecast works intimately with. So intimately that they have dubbed the group the “Five Eyes Alliance.” –Natural News
This means that the ruling class is blatantly disregarding the “rights” they wrote down on paper claiming they gave people.
Not only can your comments be wrongfully censored for questioning and challenging the agendas of hidden authoritarian powers, but the newly implemented AI technology will target you for simply expressing a negative emotion. Don’t use a frown emoji or your account could be banned!
We don’t have a First Amendment “right” because the government wrote it down centuries ago. We have the right to speak freely because we were born human beings. Your rights are not beholden to any ruling class. They are yours. We had better understand this sooner rather than later.
What we can be sure of is that AI is not going anywhere and the ruling classes are going to continue using it to enslave everyone. We are already seeing individuals have their comments censored purely based on AI deeming their tone “problematic.” We are definitely living in tyranny and if we think it can’t get worse, we are constantly proven wrong.
Source: SHTFplan
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