Government Is The Antithesis of Liberty

There Is no Limit to State Power, and There Never Has Been!
Gary D. Barnett |
“Winston Smith: Does Big Brother exist?
O’Brien: Of course he exists.
Winston Smith: Does he exist like you or me?
O’Brien: You do not exist.” ~ George Orwell, 1984
From the time of birth, Americans have been inundated (indoctrinated — brainwashed) to believe that they live in a free country, and that the reason for this rests on the notion that the United States was ‘founded’ on the principle of a ‘limited government,’ where the State is greatly restricted in its power. Fiction at this level resides only in the most extreme fantasy, and can only be propagated successfully if the entire population is put into a type of mystical trance where critical thinking is completely absent. This did not occur recently, it has always been the case in every government on earth since the beginning of what is falsely referred to as ‘civilization.’
I should preface my remarks for those who still cling to the ridiculous idea that government can be benevolent, restricted, limited, and that any government document called a constitution, has anything whatsoever to do with rights or freedom. It absolutely does not. The State as a political structure is based on fear, force, terror, and power gain, and nothing else. The idea of freedom is based solely on the premise that no man has any right to rule over any other. All government is in direct contradiction of this premise, and therefore it is the antithesis of liberty, not its creator or protector. Every aspect of the falsely claimed ‘founding,’ was and is a lie in my estimation. This statement will anger most, and what that exposes, is that people’s desires (emotions) outweigh reason and logic, and cause total confusion concerning what are the actual rights of man.
The natural rights of man are inherent; they do not come from the sky or heavens, nor any government, as each and every one of us as an unique individual, is born with a right to live, a right to life. All other rights spring from this clear assumption, regardless of those who believe otherwise, or who claim that man has no rights at all. Because each individual has a right to his life, it stands to reason that he has every right to defend his life. In addition, he has every right to sustain his life, which indicates that he has a right to work, to prosper, to supply his every need, which leads to his right to property, and all the fruits of his labor. Every individual has a right to do whatever is necessary in order to sustain, protect, and continue his life, so long as he does not aggress or infringe on the same rights due all other individuals.
This demands the understanding that there is no such thing as a collective right, which is a government scam used to fool the herd in order to control what are falsely referred to as ‘societies.’ Since every man is an unique individual, there are only groups of individuals, not collective ‘societies.’ This leads to the reality that no one has any right to take the property of one to benefit another or any State. Therefore, there is no right to be fed, housed, or supported, no right to medical or health care, no right for State retirement, no right to basic income, no right to universal defense, no right to universal infrastructure, no right to any ‘welfare’ by the State, and on and on. There are no ‘social’ rights whatsoever, there are no paranormal rights; for if these unfounded mystical rights were to exist, the individual would cease to exist, and no right for any man could then exist. In fact, if any so-called ‘social’ rights exist, it would demand the slavery of all in order to sustain by force and violence the lives of those unwilling to be responsible for themselves. This would negate every right of every man.
This is why any constitution created and drafted by government is absolutely worthless if the actual rights of man are considered. In fact, the very idea of constitutions issued by the State is ludicrous, and based on deception. The single concept alone, that government (The State) can give, define, or protect rights, is asinine, for if the State could do so, it could just as easily take all rights away at its whim, which it has done, regardless of the most idiotic notion that government could ever define human rights in the first place. They are natural, and therefore cannot be questioned. This is little understood by this largely dumbed down and indoctrinated population.
The ruling class, and the State, and all governments, have but one agenda, and that is to rule. In order to rule, the State must seek total power, therefore it will never limit itself, or restrict its own ability to garner control over its ‘claimed’ territory, or that of other states and nations. Pieces of parchment cannot limit government, it can only enhance its ability to fool the people into believing a lie, and therefore letting down their guard in the face of extreme tyranny. The permanent goal of all States, is to gain more power, so eliminating all limits and restrictions on its powers is the ultimate goal. This has always been, and always will be, so if real freedom is sought for the individual, the State can never be allowed to have any power over any individual.
This is why all states in existence are structured as single entities, seen to be populated only by collective hordes, all overseen by a political monopoly. This allows for all to be considered as single units, instead of areas populated by individuals. This is only a recipe for mass control. Towns, cities, counties, states, and nations, are a plot to collectivize all individuals, so that the individual is made impotent, and destroyed in favor of the group. This is simply a control mechanism meant to avoid the power of the individual; this because to accept the individual, is to abandon all government.
This short essay is meant to clarify the basic tenets of real freedom of the individual, as opposed to the evil power of the State. It is based upon the ideas of common sense, logic, reason ethics, morality, and reality. The State has no limits, and could not survive if that were not the case. Since all government is based on force and compliance, it is impossible for the existence of any State to coexist with the individual, his natural rights, and freedom.
“A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.”
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
“Freedom (n.): To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”
Ayn Rand
Image: Pink Floyd The Wall
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