Florida Surgeon General Says COVID Vaccines are Poison That No One Should Take

"NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot...These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn't Be in Human Beings" ~ Joseph Ladapo, Florida Surgeon General
Lioness of Judah | Substack.com
Lapado advises against COVID shots for ALL age groups: "We don't recommend it for people under 65 but we don't encourage it for people over 65 either"
"It's not a product, based on its safety, that ANYONE should take"After 2 vaccines you start to produce the igG4 antibody which can disrupt your immune system
3 vaccines+ (booster) increase your igG4 levels 500 fold, igG4 increases from 0.04% to 20% of the antibodies you producing which shifts your immune system dramatically. You no longer produce igG1 and 3 anymore which handle cancer surveillance
Source: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/florida-surgeon-general-nobody-should
Original Article: https://henrymakow.com/2023/09/sept-24---florida-surgeon-gene.html
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