US testing “Emergency Alert System” today | Turn off your phones

US testing “Emergency Alert System” today | Turn off your phones


Kit Knightly

The Federal government will be testing its nationwide “Emergency Alert System” (EAS) and “Wireless Emergency Alerts” (WEA) today – Wednesday October 4th – at 2.20pm Eastern time.

The WEA allows the Federal government to send a simultaneous message to every cellphone in the country, regardless of network, supposedly to notify people of emergencies. Unlike the British system, these alerts cannot be turned off.

The EAS affects any device that receives any kind of signal including radios, TVs and computers…

“Why are they doing this?” is a fair question.

According to a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) spokesman:

“The purpose of the Oct. 4 test is to ensure that the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level,”

…which is of course what they would say.

I suspect the real answer might be closer to “because we can, and we want everyone to know we can”.

With how little they are publicizing it you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s an experiment, that they’re hoping to start some kind of panic and see what happens.

Like they did in 2018 with the Hawaii fire, when a worker “pressed the wrong button” and “accidentally” caused a panic by “accidentally” sending out a warning of a completely non-existent ballistic missile attack.

Or maybe it’s about predictive programming, getting it ready to use for some future manufactured emergency. After all, think how easily you can fake a pandemic when you can hijack every cellphone and TV in the country and say “bro, there’s totally a pandemic, you’re not allowed outside to check”.

In that way it’s a perfect tool for the creation of psy-ops and false narratives, it even has a built-in “we didn’t do it!” clause, with FEMA officials warning that the software could be “hacked” by “hostile actors” to send fake messages:

Last year, a FEMA official told CNN that vulnerabilities in software that TV and radio networks around the country use to transmit emergency alerts could potentially allow a hacker to broadcast fake messages over the alert system.

Whatever the goal of the of drill it’s something to keep an eye on. It’s probably nothing, but anyone who has ever studied terrorist attacks or other psy-ops knows that government drills have a tendency to “go live”.

As a little free advice to our friends across the Atlantic: At 2pm today I would turn my phone off and leave it off for an hour or so. Who the hell knows what they’re up to.

[A massive spike in radiation across the country cannot be good for those who have been injected with graphene oxide]

Original Article:

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