Demanding Solutions From Others To Cure the World’s Ills Is Cowardice in the Presence of Tyranny

Gary D. Barnett |
“Most civilisation is based on cowardice. It’s so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.”
~ Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune
The seemingly easy path to dependency is thought to be a way to hide from reality, but in essence, it is the epitome of cowardice. This new world order being sought is based on dependency for a reason, because the more dependent is any society as a whole on others or the State apparatus, the easier the masses are to control. Dependence breeds laziness, irresponsibility, and indifference, and those pitiful traits are fatal to the idea of freedom. These attitudes are greatly enhanced when a victim mindset is present, as has happened with the collective horde that make up the bulk of this population, and most of the rest of the western world as well. What is missed by the vast crowd of plebeians, is that this gross dependency and cowardice has been purposely constructed by the ruling class through long-term brainwashing and indoctrination over decades. This plot has been successful in turning a more responsible, independent, vital, and courageous people, into groups of victims awaiting a savior who will never appear.
This is heavily manifested in the now ludicrous behavior norm of the herd demanding solutions from others for their self-created plight of voluntary enslavement. They have no courage or desire to help themselves, but expect those who fearlessly identify and expose the basis of the tyranny and totalitarian nature of the State they created and support, to fix everything for them, or give them the easy solution to their self-imposed problems. Any critical thought whatsoever would reveal the idiocy of such an impossible demand, but when so many expect to be taken care of instead of being responsible for their own lives, the only result is a pathetic and useless societal mob awaiting their next order to obey. They have not the guts or brains to figure out that in order to save themselves from the abuse they have voluntarily accepted, and restore the freedom they have abandoned, they have to help themselves instead of expecting others to do it for them.
Cowardice is common, but much misunderstood, and in many cases, false ‘courage’ and ‘bravery,’ while seen as heroic, are actually cowardice in disguise. We do live in an era of opposites, where most everything is reversed, where inversion of reality is the norm. What is at the root of these inversions, is mass confusion as to actual reality as opposed to perceived reality. It comes down to a moral question. For example, refusing to support nation-state aggression by not accepting orders to war against and kill innocents, is seen by many as cowardice, whereas military killing of innocents on orders, is seen as brave and heroic. This is evidenced by the military worship that grips this nationalistic, war-loving country. This is of course backward, for it takes much more courage to combat and fight against State evil, than to participate in it.
Those who remain silent in the face of the terror wielded by their claimed ‘country,’ (government) or want others to take the risk of speaking out and ‘curing’ the world’s ills for them, exacerbate greatly the massive problems of brutal rule. They tend to blame any attempting to expose the tyranny and totalitarian nature of our existence, because they want an easy, although impossible remedy that does not include them helping themselves. They want someone else to do the work necessary, and are not willing to take any risk that may put them in physical or psychological jeopardy in order to fix what they themselves created. They blame and criticize, instead of using the information given them to increase their knowledge of the horrors they hide from and ignore. In answer to these people, I have stated it this way:
“The ridiculous notion of stating that I do not give any solutions is an outright misstatement based on total ignorance of all that I have written, and of the crisis we face. First, no one can give others “the” ‘solution,’ because no cure-all solution exists. I, nor any other human, can simply say this is the solution, and expect others who do not have any desire whatsoever to help themselves, take any risk, or face any adversity head on, to act on some so-called ’solution’ coming from one man out of 8 billion. To believe such hogwash is madness. Each individual has to come to his own conclusions, decide what is right, and act on that regardless of consequences. If done en masse, as individuals of course, and not part of a collective herd, positive change would result.”
“In order to gain freedom, you have to want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to gain enough self-respect to understand the importance of your life. No one can ‘give’ you freedom, you have to demand it unconditionally. You have to rebel within yourself, and not rely on any other to give you something that they have no power to give. This is an individual struggle, based on the cooperation of many who desire the same thing. It is not and cannot be accomplished by hiding in the crowd, cowering in fear, expecting others to give you an impossible easy solution, and avoiding the pain of becoming free. You, each of you, has to decide for yourself.”
If you continue to do nothing to help yourselves, what will be your fate? If you continue to worship the State, and to participate in its worthless elections meant only to decide the choosing of your master, how many lords will rule over you? If you continue to support government’s terroristic policies here and around the world, where will the terror end? If you cower behind a curtain of ignorance, hoping for a magic answer, what will happen to the future of your children and grandchildren due to your cowardice? If you are not willing to do anything to take and secure your own freedom, why would you expect any other to do it for you?
The results of this immoral behavior, are misery and suffering. It is economic ruination, and the confiscation of all property. It is violence, torture, and maiming. It is democide and genocide, which are both being aggressively pursued here and around the world every single day. It is State-manufactured sickness, war, famine, and the herding of sheep together for slaughter to bring about mass depopulation. It is hideous human lockdowns, concentration camps, 15 minute cities, and transhuman technocratic control.
If you acknowledge the truth, you must act on it. If you hide from the truth, and take the easy path, you will suffer great consequences at every level of your being. There are a few thousand evil monsters who have designed this plan, and now rule over you. There are 335 million people here in the U.S., and 8 billion people on earth, who are all being controlled by these few thousand psychopaths. How can this be? How can so many be ruled by so few? If you answer this question honestly, be prepared to come out of hiding, take a stand, and act like a free man instead of a slave.
“But often life asks much of you, and you either honor life by answering with all your heart, or you cower your way into your grave.”
~ James Clemens, Hinterland
Image: Protestor In Toronto G20 2010 Standing His Ground | Source: Truth11 Films | Fuck Everything You Stand For | Toronto G20 |
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