Stephen Lendman – A Tribute to the “Most Prolific Journalist in Independent Media” | Michael Welch
“I am greatly saddened to hear of Stephen’s passing, an extremely generous and courageous man. His valid criticisms of the vicious USA empire were unrelenting. He also took the time to ferociously defend others who came under attack, including me, in Ottawa, Canada. It was a pleasure to be interviewed on his radio show and to chat with him on occasion. I don’t believe he was afraid of anything. HE would call them what they are, in the clearest possible language, to their faces. He had a remarkable ability to distill truth down to essential elements.” – Denis Rancourt [1]
“The only way to change the system, which I think is vital if humanity is going to survive, is we need to get rid of this predatory capitalist system!” – Stephen Lendman [2]
After an incredible number of articles on national and world issues starting back in the summer of 2005, his output suddenly came to an abrupt halt on April 30, 2023.
A few days later, the figure behind the gigantic output came in touch with the one force that could actually shut him down. [3]
Stephen Lendman after enduring health illness for years finally passed away on the 9th of May, 2023. [4]
Stephen Lendman, the print and radio show host, informed the public of where he stood on all the key issues of our time and did so with a strong emotional bond to the people he was talking about, and the readers and listeners in his audience.
Stephen Lendman put out more articles on Global Research than practically anyone.
Stephen Lendman, as a voice for independent public radio stood out on the airwaves. Even at a time when the internet is exploding with multiple practitioners getting involved in podcasts and radio, there is simply no host as distinct in voice, tone, and a sincere commitment to the issues at hand as this elderly individual who was already in his 70s when he started!
Stephen Lendman won honours and awards for his work and secured regular spots on multiple media networks, that is, those which typically highlight the exception to the mainstream media rule.
Stephen Lendman’s work encompasses dissident thinking on a number of subjects from 9/11 as an “inside job” to opposition to every major military act prosecuted by the U.S. in the last few decades, to challenging both sides of the Two Party paradigm within his own country, to lamenting the banking system and its ravaging of the economic system of America and the world to pillaging the Zionist principles annihilating the Palestinian people to benefit Israel, to directing venom toward American forces who overthrew the government in Ukraine and shifted the blame to Russia, to even questioning the narratives supporting the lockdowns around the COVID-19 “pandemic.”
Stephen Lendman was a pillar of support for Global Research. And he was also incidentally a fine guest whenever he appeared on the Global Research News Hour. He was also a good friend of this writer!
Stephen Lendman lived in Chicago. He was a Harvard Graduate and received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Following a devoted career as a market research analyst for his family owned business, he started writing on major national and international issues in 2005 and soon started hosting the first incarnation of the Global Research News Hour in 2007.
He later hosted The Progressive Radio News Hour, which aired three times a week on the Progressive Radio Network. He was the author of the SteveLendmanBlog, and produced several books including a new compilation of articles dedicated to the Ukraine crisis which he edited.
Lendman was a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient.
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