75 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse

75 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse

Dr. Paul Alexander | Substack.com/@DrPaulAlexander

75 People to be questioned under oath as to their roles in COVID fraud pandemic as to harms, deaths & we need to understand exactly what they did, knew, as to mRNA technology vaccines, Gain-of Function research (GoF)? in what unfolded, who knew what on lockdowns, get them under oath & if courts, judges say they did well, we praise them, celebrate them, and if judges say they caused harms and deaths, we strip whomever of money, all their money, even my friends, take from their families too, all, and imprison them, and if juries and judges say the death penalty is in order, we impose it. Firing squad. Hanging. As per law.

All on this list should be questioned under oath to help us understand the fraud of COVID, lockdowns, & mRNA technology and vaccine insanity.

75+ Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse:

[We have added the first:] Donald Trump

Dr. Francis Collins (head of NIH)

Matt Hancock (Midazolam Matt)

Melinda Gates

Former VP Mike Pence

Barak Hussein Obama (Former POTUS, GoF)

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA technology inventor)

Dr. Rick Bright

Uğur Şahin (CEO BioNTech)

Dr. Peter Marks

Dr. Katalin Karikó

Rishi Sunak (Prime Minister UK)

Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister Canada)

Jeremy Farrar

Jared Kushner

D Hinshaw (Canada)

Dr. Peter Jüni

Dr. Peter Hotez

Matt Pottinger

Randi Weingarten

Dr. Leana Wen

Andy Slavitt

Sanjay Gupta (CNN)


Bill Gates

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta


Dr. Janet Woodcock

Albert Bourla (CEO Pfizer)

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)

Amanda Pritchard (NHS)


Bojo Johnson (Boris) Prime Minister

Stéphane Bancel (CEO Moderna)

David Fisman, Public Health Professor Ontario

Christine Grady (ethics NIH)

Dr. Mandy Cohen (CDC Director 2024)

Dr. Paul Offit

Andrea Horwath

Xavier Becerra (HHS’s new head)

Dr. Drew Weissman

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Howard Njoo

Dr. Scott Gottlieb

All hospital CEOs who approved COVID death protocol

Premier Doug Ford (Ontario)

Michael Osterholm

Dr. Deborah Birx

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

Dr. Bonnie Henry

Alex Azar (Secretary HHS)

Dr. Theresa Tam

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO)

Dr. Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director)

Ralph Baric

Dr. Stephen Hahn (FDA Commissioner)

Mark Zuckerburg

Jack Dorsey

Moncef Slaoui

Peter Daszak

Eric Topol

Gadde, Baker, Roth, Agrawal (TWITTER)

Supriya Sharma, Health Canada/PHAC

Isaac Bogoch, Infectious Disease Physician

Jacinda Ardern

Dr. Eric Fiegl-ding

Dr. Asish Jha

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove

Jason Kenney (Premier Alberta)

CNN e.g. Cuomo, Gupta etc.

FOX News e.g. Siegel

The New York Times Editorial Board

Andrew Cuomo (New York Governor)

Andrew Hill

Dr. Vivek Murthy

Tom Frieden

Source: https://substack.com/@drpaulalexander?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Original Article: Truth11.com Warrior Suggested