The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here

Gary D. Barnett |
“In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.”
~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr
Maybe I should get right to the point. If the CIA, the FBI, Mossad, or those referred to as the deep state; the actual ruling class who control all presidents and politicians, wanted Trump assassinated, he would be dead. That was never the intent of this so-called ‘lone gunman’ theory posited by the heinous mainstream media. The entirety of this planned operation is completely ludicrous, poorly executed, and full of holes, but worry not, as this idiotic population has been trained to accept anything they are told by their masters and those who spread the ruler’s propaganda.
What actually happened was that Trump was positioned purposely to take over this insane election, and chosen to do so by the powers who control the voting and ruling structure of this country. After what was reported as a ‘real’ assassination attempt, where all the security stood down for what seemed like an eternity, failed to stop the so-called assassin, who walked 150 yards through crowds while armed, climbed a previously set up ladder on the single most obvious building from which to shoot, all while carrying a rifle, made sure this was seen by not only a large number of spectators screaming at police and security for several minutes, and then the tightly wound Secret Service watched him through their scopes at point blank range, without so much as lifting a finger to stop anything. And most bought this idiocy hook, line, and sinker. Of course, the State cabal knew this going into this plotted fraud.
Immediately after the Secret Service, full of short, incompetent, crisis-acting females, who obviously had no idea whatsoever about security, and some cowardly-looking men in black suits, some crouching behind to protect themselves, posed with Trump while fully exposed to any threat, and allowed what I consider to be the staged fist pump with corroborating photo ops of course. After Trump ducked down, grabbing his ear, he raised his hand next to his white shirt, and not one drop of blood was yet to be seen. He was then covered, and arose with what looked like blood on his ear and cheek, (Not his shirt) while getting prepared for his defiant raising of his fist, screaming “fight, fight, fight.”
The crowd surrounding Trump, and their reaction to bullets supposedly flying everywhere in their direction, was bizarre to say the very least. Some seemed slightly panicked, but many had no expression or simply ignored the so-called flurry of bullets, and were busy on their phones. Some stood up and never moved, some were smiling; all awaiting to cheer their hero Trump as he was intentionally presented as a target had there been other active shooters.
Almost immediately after this show, Trump’s fundraising efforts were in full gear, huge sums of money flowing everywhere. His company, Trump Media and Technology Group, went up close to 50%, a gain of approximately $315 million for Trump. The media, including the leftist media, cancelled popular shows in order to give him 24 hour blanket coverage, causing him to soar in the polls; with claims that he was now unbeatable in the race for the fully controlled supreme leader position. Sympathy abounded, as he was given god-like status from every outlet. I would call this a very successful coup.
Had the controlling powers over this country and its complicit government wanted to kill Trump, it would have been a piece of cake from the beginning. Obviously, that was not the plan, so any who still have doubt, or who choose to refute the absolute obvious, try to recapture the tiny bit of common sense you may have once possessed.
Everyone will ‘analyze’ this fraud to exhaustion in order to keep the ignorant masses arguing among themselves, all in order to fool and confuse the crowd. Every unmistakable anomaly about this scam, and there are a multitude, will be excused in one way or another in order to keep all of you at each other’s throats. While this is happening, your masters are plotting the next stage of terror and tyranny to foist on the weak-minded proletariat over the next four years. Remember Trump’s national declaration of emergency, that which brought about the fake ‘covid’ scam, the poisonous bioweapon injections, trillions upon trillions in debt, the lock-downs, the masks, the business closings, the job loss, the surveillance of everyone, and the ban on most all normal behavior? That was no accident, and neither was this assassination movie setting event that has allowed for even leftist democrats to love the evil Trump.
I have never in my life seen a more ignorant, gullible, and slavery-accepting population as Americans. It is pathetic to say the least, but then I expect nothing more. So I should congratulate you for your cluelessness, as you will get exactly what you desire; a master class of rulers who will take care of you while you wallow in your own servitude to the State. Trump will not save you, quite the contrary, but then, no one else will save you as well. That is only up to each individual, and the individual in this country has all but disappeared.
This is nothing more than a circus, amidst a circus of errors and stupidity. I also do not believe that Trump was actually shot, for that risk would have been too dangerous to take. Obviously, I could be wrong about that, but I doubt it. If I am wrong, then this was still a setup by intelligence services, but the last thing evident in this fiasco was ‘intelligence. To buy into the State’s and its bullshit media’s lies and deception, is only the fodder of absolute fools.
“False Flag operations by governments are the easiest and quickest way to persuade the population to sacrifice their own in order to achieve goals of the elite.”
~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr
Reference link:
What NO ONE Else Is Saying About The Trump ‘Assassination’ Attempt
Original Article:
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