The Entire World Wants Justin Trudeau To Step Down • Paid Off Canadian Media Silent

The Entire World Wants Justin Trudeau To Step Down • Paid Off Canadian Media Silent

CAP  /  Brad

It’s a phenomenon unlike any in the history of our nation. PM Justin Trudeau’sperformance of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” in a hotel bar has brought out the ire of the press around the world.

British, American, and Western Europeanmedia hit the head on the nail when describing Mr. Trudeau as a “narcissistic dictator.”

“Commentators abroad slammed the incident as disrespectful and out of touch with the national grieving happening in the country. Meanwhile, in Canada the legacy media came to the prime minister’s defence.”

Exactly correct. No matter how inappropriate Justin Trudeau behaves, Canadian media are there to rationalize his antics. There’s good reason for it. Turns out Trudeau has bought off establishment media in Canada.

As such, CBC, CTV, Globe & Mail andToronto Star have transitioned from objective news reporting to protection agency for the PMO. Their defence of Mr. Trudeau’s actions in London this week being another tell-tale sign.

An article from alternative media outlet True North News encapsulates the situation:

#TrudeauMustGo goes MEGA VIRAL on Twitter, highlights the diversity of Canadians opposing Trudeau’s tyranny”

“The hashtag “TrudeauMustGo” has gone viral on Twitter as of Sunday with over 400,000+ tweets[now 500k] calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.”

Degree of exposure from the Canadian press? Not a word. Prompting CAP to draw an unprecedented conclusion:

It’s not only that millions of common-sense Canadians want Trudeau gone. Sick of race-card prostrations and transgender obsessions, people around the planet are calling for our PM’s removal from office.

Is the whole world sick of Justin Trudeau?

This appears to be the case. Yet, in office he remains. Wrapped in a cocoon of non-reality, it doth appear Trudeau remains oblivious to public perception in Canada, as well as among western democratic nations.

Sample, outraged female member of the British Press:

“I have to apologize. When he was first voted in I quite liked him. Since then I’ve realized he’s an arch fascist controlling narcissist.Canada is still living in this viral handmaid’s tale.” He’s tone-deaf to his nation.”

In direct contrast to Canadian media headlines:

“Outrage Over Justin Trudeau Singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Before The Queen’s Funeral Is Much Ado About Nothing”

Such is the professional drivel that emanates from journalists at the Toronto Star. One of Canada’s premier puppet media outlets, reports say that if you calculate government-funding on a weekly basis, TorStar receive approximately $115,000 per week in Trudeau government subsidies.

Canadian media facilitate what they are being paid to advance: the coming of a covert dictatorship in Canada in which the Liberal Party cannot lose a federal election.

Students of political science call it a “One-Party State.” Hidden from public purview is the fact that government and media have formed a communist-oriented partnership of societal seduction.

In truth, the entire world can see Justin Trudeau for what he is. Playing the clown comes naturally to this silver-spoon fed elitist. Whether in Blackface or prancing about in the latest Bollywood fashions, our prime minister always ends up back in liberal la-la-land.

Without legacy media to transition his idiocy to “sound political behaviour,” all Canadian would Justin Trudeau for who he truly is. For the moment, proper perception is limited to non-Canadians.

“I am a 39 year old mom, wife, and  small business owner. I am passionate about helping people from all walks of life improve their life through nutrition and exercise. Because I chose to do my own research, Trudeau called me a Misogynist, Rascist, & segregated me.#TrudeauMustGo”

“I’m a 45 year old Registered Nurse who’s been “taking up space” for 20 years in long term care. @JustinTrudeau has already dealt with me and facilitated my abrupt career change. According to #JustinTrudeauI have unacceptable views and must be dealt with.#TrudeauMustGo”

400,000 tweets and counting for Canada’s “well-loved” neo-communist dictator.

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