Care Home and Hospital Patients Are Routinely drugged without their Knowledge

Dr Vernon Coleman - MB ChB DSc

It is now common practice in care homes, nursing homes and hospitals for staff to use nasty little tricks in order to persuade their patients to take tranquillisers and sedatives. This is, of course, not done for the sake of the patients but for the sake of the staff. Patients who lie in bed all day, doing nothing, saying nothing and asking for nothing are much easier to look after than patients who are alert and alive to the fact that they are treated by a bunch of psychopaths masquerading as nursing staff.

Medicines are routinely hidden in food or drink so that residents do not know that they are being drugged. And relatives will not be made privy to the secret. Covert medication is common and, surprisingly, it is entirely legal.

As a general rule, if you go into any sort of residential home or hospital and find the majority of the residents sitting in chairs or lying in bed, silent and unspeaking, then the chances are high that everyone has been covertly medicated so that the staff can spend their days playing cards, watching television, reading the newspaper, gossiping or, on fine days, sitting out in the garden catching a few rays.

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