Orwell’s World: YouTube Announces New Partnership with World Health Organisation (The Cult Announces New Partnership with the Cult)

Orwell’s World: YouTube Announces New Partnership with World Health Organisation (The Cult Announces New Partnership with the Cult)

David Icke  /  Gareth Icke - memes and headline comments by David Icke

The World Health Organization  (“WHO”) is now taking control of the content that is promoted on YouTube through a partnership with Google.  The aim of the partnership is to “address the spread of misinformation and disinformation.”

“WHO and partners recognise that misinformation online has the potential to travel further, faster and sometimes deeper than the truth – on some social media platforms, falsehoods are 70% more likely to get shared than accurate news. To counter this, WHO has taken a number of actions with tech companies to remain one step ahead,” WHO states on its website.

As has been proved throughout the Covid era, the propaganda machine of governments, public health bodies and international organisations such as WHO are inverting the truth.  It is they that are spreading misinformation and disinformation while at the same time censoring the truth.  Thus, it is not misinformation and falsehoods that WHO is attempting to counteract. Rather, WHO and its partners are attempting to suppress the truth while promoting a false narrative. A more truthful statement would read:

“WHO and partners recognise that facts and truthfulness online have the potential to travel further, faster and sometimes deeper than the official narrative – on some social media platforms, truth is 70% more likely to get shared than our narrative. To counter this, WHO has taken a number of actions with tech companies to remain one step ahead.”

Bear this inversion of the truth in mind when reading any of WHO or its partners’ documents or articles.

Source + Read more: Orwell’s World: YouTube Announces New Partnership with World Health Organisation (The Cult Announces New Partnership with the Cult)

Original Article: https://davidicke.com/2022/10/31/orwells-world-youtube-announces-new-partnership-with-world-health-organisation-the-cult-announces-new-partnership-with-the-cult/