NHS: What is wrong and how to put it right in one hour

Dr Vernon Coleman - MB ChB DSc
The NHS is dead. A service which was once the envy of the world is now killing more people than it saves.
And there is one easily cured reason for this.
When I say it’s ‘easy’, I mean exactly that.
I could cure the NHS in an hour.
Politicians, commentators, journalists and members of the medical establishment all seem confused about the NHS’s problems.
Some claim they don’t understand what is wrong. The idiots blame two varieties of the flu for all the problems.
I think they’ve all either had their brains damaged by the covid jab. Or they’re not thinking straight.
The fact is that ALL the NHS’s current problems date back to the date when GPs were allowed to give up working nights and weekends.
The figures show there are plenty of doctors in Britain.
But the average GP now works a 26 hour a week! And doctors won’t work at weekends or at nights or on bank holidays.
The truth is that GPs today have never had it so easy. They can earn £150,000 a year (much of earned by practice nurses giving covid jabs and other vaccinations). And they work fewer hours than GPs have ever worked before.
If GPs worked a full week and shared night time and weekend duties with their colleagues, the ambulance service would be able to cope and hospital Accident and Emergency services would not be under pressure.
When I was a GP we provided a service to patients for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It worked well and was not onerous. My colleagues and I shared night time and weekend duties. There were five of us in the practice and so each of us was on call for one night a week and one weekend in five.
But after new employment laws from the European Union were brought in, it was decreed that GPs should not provide a 24 hour service for 365 days a year (even though very few GPs had complained about the system and, as far as I know, no patients had ever expressed dissatisfaction). Nameless bureaucrats claimed this would be too much work.
Idiots at the EU even decided that working hours included the hours a doctor (or anyone else) spent on call – even if they spent the time sleeping.
The result was that overnight GPs abandoned their traditional responsibilities and started working the same sort of hours as librarians and accountants and GPs abandoned their long-standing professional sense of responsibility.
All the serious problems confronting the NHS could be conquered in an hour by telling GPs that they had to go back to offering their patients a 24 hour a day service for 365 days a year.
Thanks to Brexit this would now be easy to arrange.
And GPs wouldn’t dare object.
Where else would they work? The NHS is a monopoly employer for GPs.
Doctors who won’t visit patients at home should be sacked. As should doctors who refuse face to face consultations.
If the Government cares about patients and wants to save the NHS it has to be tough with doctors and their trade union (the BMA).
Original Article: https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/nhs-what-wrong-and-how-put-it-right-one-hour
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