Evidence Suggesting An Iatrogenic Death Spike In England In The Spring Of 2020 • Due To The Treatment Or Lack Thereof Given To The Patient

Evidence Suggesting An Iatrogenic Death Spike In England In The Spring Of 2020 • Due To The Treatment Or Lack Thereof Given To The Patient

The Liberty Beacon

Back in March 2020, when a lot of countries went into their first lockdown, there was a spike in deaths around that time (April). It was easy to attribute it to ‘Covid’, as every death became labelled a Covid death as a matter of policy. Deaths due to ‘Covid’ certainly fitted the fear narrative. But likely, it wasn’t Covid killing people largely speaking (if at all), so what were these deaths due to?

And what about other observable waves of death, such as early 2021?

Just to be very clear, an ‘iatrogenic death’ is one that is due to the TREATMENT (or lack thereof) given to the patient, either wilfully or through error or negligence. It’s not the original disease that caused the death, in other words. For example, the article below mentions that instead of giving antibiotics to patients for their respiratory infections, antivirals – prescribed as a matter of Covid policy – could account for deaths due to respiratory bacteria that would otherwise have caused no problem had the patient been given the correct treatment in the first place. Medical error, medical neglect and/or medical policy caused this.

Where does the over-prescription of Midazolam to the elderly fit into this picture, we wonder. Another policy prevalent at the time.

The following article deals exclusively with diagnoses of cancer, heart problems, respiratory problems and mental health disorders, and how many diagnoses of these conditions were made around the time of the spike in deaths in the spring of 2020.


The evidence is mounting up. ONS data shows that in England during the spring of 2020, there was a death spike. The causes of the deaths were recorded across several disease groups suggesting they are iatrogenic deaths – deaths induced by medical professionals or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures.

John Dee has been publishing a series of articles on causes of excess deaths using data Joel Smalley obtained from the Office of National Statistics (“ONS”) using the Freedom of Information Act. Data Smalley obtained details weekly deaths by date of death, age, sex and primary cause of death covering the period June 2014 to November 2022.

John Dee is a former head of clinical audit at a busy NHS teaching hospital specialising in clinical outcomes. Previously, Dee headed a statistical modelling section as a G7 government scientist, providing consultancy for both the public and private sectors.

Before beginning his current series, Dee had prepared the data by deriving mortality rates by cause. He has derived excess death in accordance with standard ONS procedures and grouped the cause of death according to the International Classification of Diseases, release 10 (“ICD-10”) codes.  “Each and every clinical diagnosis under the sun within ICD-10 (there were 95,352 last time I looked) is grouped into something called a ‘chapter’,”  he explained.

Trends In Causality for England, 2014/w23 – 2022/w46 (part 1), John Dee, 20 January 2023

The initial four-part series is titled ‘Trends in Causality for England, 2014/w23 – 2022/w46’.  You can read the articles HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

Trends In Causality for England, 2014/w23 – 2022/w46 (part 1), John Dee, 20 January 2023

In his latest series, ‘Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46’, Dee starts with the most common cause of death (see image above) and works his way through the list.  So far, he has managed to complete four parts.  You can read the articles in the series by following the links below:

  1. Part 1: Neoplasms  HERE
  2. Part 2: Diseases of the circulatory system HERE
  3. Part 3: Diseases of the respiratory system HERE
  4. Part 4: Mental and behavioural disorders HERE

For the sake of brevity, below we have merely extracted the final slide and Dee’s concluding remarks from each article.

Part 1

We start with the most common cause of death: neoplasms. A neoplasm is an abnormal growth of cells in the body. It can be a small, benign (non-cancerous) growth such as a mole. Or it can also be a malignant (cancerous) or precancerous tumour.

The summary slide clearly reveals the 2020/w15 death spike for synchronous neoplasms occurring in 50 – 59y, 60 – 69y, 70 -79y, 80 – 89y and +90y groups. Anybody thinking this can be passed off as a coincidence needs hitting over the head with a wet haddock. Either these are covid deaths (or some other transient pathogen) that were surreptitiously switched to neoplasms during automated cause processing at ONS’ end of things or we’re looking at iatrogenic death.

Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46 (part 1), John Dee, 30 January 2023

Part 2

We now come the second most frequent cause of death, this being diseases of the circulatory system. This ICD-10 chapter covers everything from I010 Acute rheumatic pericarditis to I99X Other and unspecified disorders of circulatory system. In plain English we’re talking heart attacks, heart failure, heart flutter and heart valve conditions as well as sudden cardiac death, aortic rupture and bacterial infection.

We’ve got some interesting spikes whose dates are worth checking against various happenings on the covid management front, we’ve got a triple-humper and we’ve got the tell-tale tail-off of delayed processing.

ER: This may be where dates of vaccine rollout / boosters, etc. become relevant …

Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46 (part 2), John Dee, 31 January 2023

Part 3

We now come the third most frequent cause of death, this being diseases of the respiratory system. This ICD-10 chapter covers everything from J00X Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] to J99.8 Respiratory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere. In plain English we’re talking asthma, COPD, emphysema, influenza, pneumonia, laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and, of course, my favourite coding: J67.2 Bird fancier’s lung. These respiratory deaths are strictly non-covid; covid-related deaths were counted under ICD-10 Chapter XXII: Codes for special purposes.

Below is the final catch-all slide, which will be dominated by the dynamics for the older age groups. The overall series grand mean is -276.7 deaths per week. That’s a lot of missing deaths that has been sustained for nigh on three years, so I am beginning to suspect the usual ONS coding fun and games, especially given the software was tweaked during January 2020 in time for the pandemic party.

Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46 (part 3), John Dee, 1 February 2023


OK then, so those two dirty great holes in excess death coinciding with the traditional seasonal peak for all things respiratory has generated a decent wedge of critical commentary, and rightly so. Sure, we can wave our hands and talk about viral dominance, but it isn’t influenza that does all the killing per se, it is pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia at that.

There’s also a rumour going round that UK medics stopped prescribing antibiotics for respiratory cases back in 2020 and the winter of 2020/21 because they switched to new-fangled antivirals as per guidance. I’m aware that some UK hospitals got involved in the RECOVERY and REMAP experimental drug trials, but it would be darn handy if some courageous bod could come forward to confirm or deny these rumours. If true, then we’re talking iatrogenic death.

All this prompted to cancel my appointment with the beautician and lump all chapter XXII (Codes for special purposes) deaths in with respiratory to see what that final slide for all ages looks like with a make-over. Have a look for yourself:

Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46 (part 3), John Dee, 1 February 2023

There’s our familiar 2020/w15 (w/e 10 April) multi-synchronous across the chapters and age groups mega death spike (that also happens to coincide with those two trials I mentioned), and there is the winter of antibiotic discontent spike. After that we have plain sailing and a picture that makes sense for the 2022/23 season.

It sure looks to me like a whole heap of genuine respiratory death has been re-branded as covid, and this is a situation where a certifying physician’s idea of causality would have been over-ridden by the MUSE software coding rules. I would suggest that a thorough audit of the paper trail is in order.

As for those twin peaks, we can no longer trust that these have arisen solely from covid alone given the mounting evidence of poor patient management. I would not be at all surprised if we were looking at an iatrogenic mountain of horrendous proportion, within which genuine covid death has been buried.

Part 4

We now come to the fourth most frequent cause of death, this being the chapter that covers mental and behavioural disorders. This ICD-10 chapter covers everything from F00.0 Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease with early onset to F99.X Mental disorder, not otherwise specified. In plain English we’re talking about conditions like delirium, dementia, drug addiction, alcoholism, solvent abuse, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, phobia, anorexia, autism and Asperger’s.

The enormous spike in the slide below is due to the spikes seen in 60+ year old age groups.  We’re once again looking at the iatrogenic death spike of 2020/w15 (w/e 10 April).  We’re not looking at any kind of accident. We’re not looking at error. We’re looking at inexplicable and sudden death of elderly folk with mental health issues during the spring of 2020, and this in conjunction with the inexplicable and sudden death of those with cancer, cardiac and respiratory conditions all in the same couple of weeks.

Excess Deaths by Cause, England 2020/w1 – 2022/w46 (part 4), John Dee, 2 February 2023

Featured image: The Number One Way People Die = Iatrogenic Death = Death By Doctor / Conventional Health Care (video), Iatrogenic Illness: Caused By Physician, Surgeon, Treatment or Diagnostic Procedure (original video)

Original Article:https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/evidence-suggesting-an-iatrogenic-death-spike-in-england-in-the-spring-of-2020-is-mounting-up/