Associated Press and U.S. Military Intelligence Join Forces To Try To Discredit Viral #DiedSuddenly Trend
Jamie White
Deep State elements of U.S. military intelligence and the Associated Press teamed up seeking to discredit the viral #DiedSuddenly trend highlighting the dramatic spike in all-cause mortality rates since the rollout of the COVID jabs.
The AP published an article last week titled, “‘Died suddenly’ posts twist tragedies to push vaccine lies“, highlighting several anecdotes of individuals who claimed online harassment due to COVID vaccine “misinformation” perpetuated by documentaries like “Died Suddenly“:
Results from 6-year-old Anastasia Weaver’s autopsy may take weeks. But online anti-vaccine activists needed only hours after her funeral this week to baselessly blame the COVID-19 vaccine.
A prolific Twitter account posted Anastasia’s name and smiling dance portrait in a tweet with a syringe emoji. A Facebook user messaged her mother, Jessica Day-Weaver, to call her a “murderer” for having her child vaccinated.
In reality, the Ohio kindergartner had experienced lifelong health problems since her premature birth, including epilepsy, asthma and frequent hospitalizations with respiratory viruses. “The doctors haven’t given us any information other than it was due to all of her chronic conditions. … There was never a thought that it could be from the vaccine,” Day-Weaver said of her daughter’s death.
But those facts didn’t matter online, where Anastasia was swiftly added to a growing list of hundreds of children, teens, athletes and celebrities whose unexpected deaths and injuries have been incorrectly blamed on COVID-19 shots. Using the hashtag #diedsuddenly, online conspiracy theorists have flooded social media with news reports, obituaries and GoFundMe pages in recent months, leaving grieving families to wrestle with the lies.
The article does nothing to address real world data presented by the likes of life insurance analyst Josh Stirling, who used CDC data to come to the conclusion that a “fully vaccinated” individual who took 5 doses of the COVID shot increased their mortality risk by 35%.
Top Insurance Analyst Finds a 7% Increase In Aggregate Mortality for Each C19 Dose Received
Josh Stirling: "The more doses … you have in a [US] region … the bigger increase in mortality …"
"If you're over the age of 50, and you took all 5 doses, that'd be a 35% increase." January 31, 2023
The article also did not address why spikes in all-cause mortality were happening across the world where the vaccine was pushed the most.
Instead, the AP article dismissed the uptick of all-cause mortality in the US as simply the result of COVID deaths and an increase in overdoses during lockdowns.
But the real revelation was revealed when the AP claimed that it found a 740% rise in tweets about vaccines that use the term “Died Suddenly.”
Dan Cohen of Uncaptured Media pointed out that the AP cited Zignal Labs in its hit piece against COVID vaccine skeptics, a self-described “media intelligence firm” run by the same Deep State propagandists behind the RussiaGate hoax and the Iraq War lies.
From Cohen’s SubStack:
While the AP authors present their article as a thorough debunking of “online conspiracy theorists,” they rely on a parade of neoconservative military intelligence figures, narrative managers, and discredited spooks – many of whom have been directly involved in the most brazen disinformation campaigns of the past decades, from the Iraq war to Russiagate.
The AP article then cites a “media intelligence firm” called Zignal Labs, whose only contribution is to claim there has been a 740% rise in tweets about vaccines that use the term “Died Suddenly.”
Zignal Labs is an private intelligence firm headquartered in San Francisco, CA that, according to its own website, was “originally conceived as a tool for political campaigns accustomed to the media ‘war room’”, and now “scans billions of data points every day, detecting both physical and narrative threats in real time.”
The firm sought a partnership with the Anomaly 6 firm which illegally spies on people around the globe and supplies its technology to the U.K. military for attacks on Russian forces in Ukraine.
The firm’s leadership is largely composed of Silicon Valley industry veterans, however, its chief revenue officer Alex Del Castillo is a former Booz Allen Hamilton consultant to U.S. Special Operations Forces.
In other words, in its quest to discredit COVID vaccine skeptics asking questions about the dramatic rise of sudden deaths over the last couple of years, the AP revealed its close working relationship with the same elements of the Deep Staters that perpetuated the RussiaGate psyop and lies that plunged America in a 20-year-long war in the Middle East.
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