Labor Data Reveals Drop In Workplace Attendance Following Covid Vaccine Campaign
The “vaccine” that Americans were deceived into accepting has dramatically reduced the work force and work days lost to sickness.
Last we heard from former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd and his deep-dive partners at Phinance Technologies, the rate of Serious Adverse Events reported during Covid-19 vaccine trials closely tracked a spike in disabilities reported following the vaccine's official rollout.
In their latest analysis, Dowd and crew use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistcs (BLS) to reveal a shocking spike in both employee absence and lost worktime rates, which they believe is due to vaccines - either from primary vaccine injuries, or because of weakened immune systems due to the jab, and not long covid [flu] caused by the virus [flu] itself.
"It’s not a stretch to conclude from this data that the vaccines are causing death, disabilities & injuries due to a degradation of individuals' immune system," Dowd says. "The rate of change is not explained by the long Covid trope. Ask yourself where is funding for such studies?"
For those who want to dive right in to the analysis, follow the below links:
Part 1 - Overview of the Data
Part 2 - Analysis of Absence rates
Part 3 - Analysis of Lost Worktime rates
For the cliffs notes version, Dowd has dropped the following Twitter thread summarizing their analysis:
And for those who fell asleep in statistics class;
As one commenter notes, data from the UK reveals that firms are coming under increased pressure due to rising staff sickness, particularly among those over the age of 50.
More to come next week...
Dowd explained his views how he reacted to the pandemic to Tucker Carlson. Now he, and his partners, spend their time poring through data to shine a light on harsh realities.
Original Article:
Note: Comments placed in [ ] are added by editor. For example; [Flu]
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